I was about to say, damn!
OOC: X - X-Rated, for her pleasure.
Brian'll tell ya that helicopters are inherantly flying deathtraps, especially ones not equipped for taking bullet holes. Any sort of damage to major components is a major problem...particularly steering.
*cheers* I'm gonna paint me a helocopter on my helmet.
But they really are. Crammed full of important bits, a slug that gets through the skin almost HAS to hit something important.
But they really are. Crammed full of important bits, a slug that gets through the skin almost HAS to hit something important.
As an afterthought, I should have made the chopper hover at a higher altitude...oh well, more destruction and Broken Arrow-style action.

I don't know, fifty meters is pretty damned high off the ground.
Well, as long as it's a sitting duck, we might as well continue filling it with holes.
Well, as long as it's a sitting duck, we might as well continue filling it with holes.
Actually, I'm going to turn our attention back to our possible friends in the bushes. They might do something to help the chopper, or at least try.
Which are closer, the bushmen or the chopper?
Quote:Same range. The chopper is landing in the field next to the bushman. They may be ditching the helicopter, but they're gonna have some support when it lands.Quote: from Infested Paladin on 2:35 am on Aug. 22, 2003
Which are closer, the bushmen or the chopper?
Artis is going into "stealth mode" and going to try to swipe a cop car.
Quote:The Agency calls that "The Gastovski Manuever".Quote: from admiralducksauce on 10:00 am on Aug. 22, 2003
Artis is going into "stealth mode" and going to try to swipe a cop car.

Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 8:27 am on Aug. 22, 2003
Quote:Same range. The chopper is landing in the field next to the bushman. They may be ditching the helicopter, but they're gonna have some support when it lands.Quote: from Infested Paladin on 2:35 am on Aug. 22, 2003
Which are closer, the bushmen or the chopper?
Than its time to make it ugly for anyone who thinks it would be cute to jump out.
ummm, kyun is a "he."
It's okay, the earrings nearly threw me, too.
Quote:Err...right. No updates for now, maybe one this evening.Quote: from Threadbare on 10:56 pm on Aug. 22, 2003
ummm, kyun is a "he."
Here's a picture of the policecar.
Time for some Bumper Justice(tm)?
Or, maybe we should improvise some cavalry by having Artis picking up the shooters and doing a driveby on our friendly neighborhood terrorists.
Or, maybe we should improvise some cavalry by having Artis picking up the shooters and doing a driveby on our friendly neighborhood terrorists.
Yeah, I'll around in front of the team for cover, let the shooters pile in and take off on some strafing runs, drawing their fire away from Jess and Kyun and whoever else stays back. I need not specify that Artis is scooching the heck down in the seat, yes?
Quote:Quote: from Infested Paladin on 8:54 pm on Aug. 25, 2003
Time for some Bumper Justice(tm)?
whoo, I coined a phrase! whoo!
Yep. It's even worked its way into my common usage. Now "justice" has a way of finding itself on the ends of other words, too.
yes, but bumper justice shares the term with Ninja Justice, which popped up from ADS somewhere. So I can't take total credit. It's like Newton and Leibniz simultaneously inventing calculus.