I think I started off keeping pretty consistent with referring to non-humans as "its" and "theys" but Swims is male.
I also thought a bit about the Boranai assault making news - the solution is simply to blow the Spire gate AFTER they've called in the situation.
Needleship guys, I realized I never really went over the details of your gear. It's kind of intentional; partly to keep things moving, partly not to get locked into something you might think better of later. The one thing you all DO have are silenced SCAR-Hs loaded with the prototype armor-piercing ammo. These rifles are encased in a quick-release fake shroud to make them look like beam rifles under light scrutiny. Semo's cannon cannot pass as any Imperial weapon, and although you're free to bring it inside some sort of standard Imperial gear bag, keep in mind that last I checked the best course of action appeared to be:
1. Get to bridge and engineering.
2. Kill everyone there as quickly and quietly as possible. This means no Imperial energy weapons and no loud gunshots. Silenced Earth weapons or melee is the way to go.
3. If the situation still allows, sound an abandon ship order while venting key areas of the ship. This forces the crew to take the lifepods without considering their other options too carefully.
You also have a complement of explosives; whether to breach doors or Claymore mines or C4 it doesn't matter quite yet. You don't have AT-4s; those are a tad too bulky. What you do have are two Imperial spear-bombs each, telescoped down.
EDIT: And I don't mean to poo-poo Semo's cannon. If something goes wrong and you need to go loud, you will definitely want that.
Sorry for being dim about the weapons. As team commander, I'll leave it to Hugh / Gatac to decide whether Semo brought the heavy ordinance or not. Semo should be reasonably deadly with the SCAR-H and even his sidearm.
BTW, would Semo have brought his beloved Turai sword? If he did, between that, the SCAR-H, his sidearm, the pair of Turai spear-bombs and a pocket full of frag grenades, he probably doesn't need the cannon.
Once we figure out the answers here, I'll go back and edit my post.
The other manta's got Onas and Sturgis and their guys in it. Onas would probably rely on his ex-Imperial officer training and shout down anyone in his way until they got close enough to just start killing people.
The other manta's got Onas and Sturgis and their guys in it. Onas would probably rely on his ex-Imperial officer training and shout down anyone in his way until they got close enough to just start killing people.
From the Eternal Gardens, it's through one more security checkpoint (where Luis' computers specialization will come into play again, and probably will need some persuasion and/or shooting), and then it's into the ROBS.
1. Are the Caretakers blocking access, or just watching?
2. Can we hack the scanner and drones without the Caretakers noticing?
3. Can Whirr figure out if someone's only somewhat faking, out-and-out faking, or do they just pick up on apparent body language? We've mostly seen the last one be true, from back in the ship.
4. Who's got the high rank here in our little group?
Basically, my current plan is to do a little speciesist/scaredy-cat play for the Jade Caretakers' sake, something about whoever's playing along being too afraid of the Caretakers "base tendencies"/being too thick to understand that they've been sent there. I want to make enough noise that they're looking at Davis and whoever else takes part in this (probably either Arketta or Ngawai, but whoever's best) and don't look too closely at everyone else, but nothing over the top, just enough to distract them long enough to get plugged into the panel and replace it if we have to.
Also, would it be possible to just cause the door to malfunction along with taking out the drones and scanners? It'd give us a reason to be there, we'd have an in through the access door, we'd bypass authorization and secure our backsides for when things get hairy. I can't imagine breaking something is as difficult as hacking it. If we can just hack the door and get in that way without having to con the Caretakers, that would be ideal.
1. The Caretakers are guarding the ROBS entrance. It is yet unknown whether they would allow -anyone- in at this time.
2. You can try to hack the drones; it's a roll vs. the Caretakers' awareness rolls for them to key in that something's up as well as vs. the drones' normal countermeasures (which haven't been so hot lately). The scanner that checks who you are at the door needs a physical connection to bypass, though. That kind of security is hardwired, and that kind of hack attempt is fairly obvious to onlookers.
As for just breaking the damn thing, sure! You can roll to flat-out jam the drones, and you can bust the door panel under the guise of fixing it.
3. There's a range. Certainly a well-trained Whiirr could tell just how false you're acting, but it comes down to their skill vs. your skill. Or more specifically, the best in the group rolls for the group until the guards have something to be suspicious about, then the WORST in the group rolls for the group.
4. Davis is the high rank (a Samal in this case) since it'd be assumed he'd be doing most of any talking.
One note about burning the drones: that kind of brute force is obvious to internal security, but it probably won't matter as the "shoot everyone" phase of the operation is probably about to get underway.
To Gatac: when you say "blow the gate", is that just idle talk or is that your choice to breaching charge the bridge entrance/stun the occupants rather than hack the hatch?