Hugh is not a tech guy. That will never change.
Jade Imperium - OOC 9
In case you cared, Punkey's not overstepping his bounds, we hashed it out over Gtalk.
Luis Stanhill wrote:How do ruminations on my life always end up with me having a headache?
Sorry, that's what personal growth feels like. :twisted:
And don't worry, it happens to everybody.

Davis + Kao = BFF 
Well, maybe not. But at least they won't be trying to kill each other!

Well, maybe not. But at least they won't be trying to kill each other!
Ouch. Hugh's at 4/6 Wounds, but only has 1/14 Shock.
I think I'm done fighting for today.

How many bladed weapons do we have between us? Service knives, that kind of thing? If we were wearing standard Turai armor as a disguise, did we get the little sword? Did we keep them with us?
Either way, it really comes down to whether we need to gaurd Swims/Davis and if so, do we split the party to do that and go after the creature? I'm concerned at the thought of leaving them unguarded (the best place to do that being the Gateroom) but a sweep team is also pretty necesary--as ADS points out, we're going to get sleepy and low on supplies quick.
Either way, it really comes down to whether we need to gaurd Swims/Davis and if so, do we split the party to do that and go after the creature? I'm concerned at the thought of leaving them unguarded (the best place to do that being the Gateroom) but a sweep team is also pretty necesary--as ADS points out, we're going to get sleepy and low on supplies quick.
Well, just as a point of fact, Davis isn't going to be sitting on his ass for this. He's gonna try to kill this thing from his side, so it's going to have to try to take him out or get killed from within its own mind. So, if this goes well, Davis will drive this thing right to you guys. With four assault rifles against this thing, if you light the area up properly with chem lights, you'll probably tear it to shreds if all four of you just empty your clips into it.
You're all still wearing Turai armor for the most part. Everyone's got a turai sword, and if you wanted an Earth knife that's fine as well. Swims has a few extra blades of varying lengths, so let's say if everyone brought a knife and a sword (and why wouldn't you), that'd be 6 swords, 6 knives, plus let's say four more for Swims.
You each have nutrient paste reservoirs and water reserves in your suits for 2 days - 3 if you stretch it out.
You each have nutrient paste reservoirs and water reserves in your suits for 2 days - 3 if you stretch it out.
You know, were I running a different kind of character than Semo, the response to the captain's query might have been more along the lines of: "But captain, I am fucking your sister."
[Quick shots of Earth, major landmarks. The discovery of the gateway in Antarctica. The gateway at Mesas Negras, ready to be powered up for the first time.]
[Some of the future Deltas patrolling in Iraq.]
We Deltas are descended from Hercules himself.
[Various combat scenes.]
Taught never to retreat, never to surrender…
[The ambush in Basra, from inside the Humvee. The vehicle slowly flips from the explosion and throws Hugh clear.]
Taught that death on the battlefield is the greatest glory a man can achieve in his life.
[Riefenstahl hero shot of Luis Stanhill, looming over the ambush scene like a titan.]
Deltas…the finest soldiers the world has ever known.
[The Deltas sweep Mesas Negras after the turai invasion. Intercut with shots of the sealed gateway flickering ominously.]
It’s quiet now…
[Flashes of the turai passing through Mesas Negras, slaughtering everyone.]
They came through the blackness…
[Shots of Imperial worlds, with needleships hanging in the skies above them.]
Be afraid!
[Shots of Bashakra being glassed from orbit, in grainy black and white. It’s clear that it isn’t Earth, but the screaming and dying people don’t help.]
Narsai will burn to the ground.
[The previous shot of the Imperial needleships zooms through an orbital gateway, past a large Imperial fleet…and keeps going, along different worlds, all heavily fortified.]
The thousand worlds of the Jade Imperium descend upon you!
[Pre-mission talks with Arketta. Hugh looks to Davis and her, and he no longer seems satisfied to have won one Imperial to his side…the enormity of their task seems to crush him.]
What must a Captain do to save his world?
Instead ask yourself…what should a soldier do?
[The negotiations for Greene’s return. Hugh’s standing before the active gateway, rifle raised, as the Avatar on the other side taunts him.]
You threaten my people with slavery and death!
[Hugh flips the safety off. The Avatar’s eyes go wide as he realizes what Hugh’s going to do.]
This is madness!
[He flips the selector one further to full-auto. Pan from a wicked grin on Hugh’s mouth down to the muzzle.]
[The rifle starts spitting lead with a furious muzzleflash that almost blinds us.]
[Various scenes of the Deltas prepping for war, loading rifles and gearing up. Just as they are about to embark on their daring plan to broadcast their message all over the Imperium, Hugh addresses the troops.]
We will stand, and fight!
[Scenes of Delta operating their way through Imperial planets and spacestations.]
A new age has begun…
[They meet and shake hands with the rebels.]
An age of freedom!
[Davis’s strike team almost nailed down before the Black Gate.]
And all will know that 300 rebels…
[The fighting around the Spire. As Rangers are caught in the relentless fighting and Apaches rain down fire, the Manta with Hugh, Semo and Mellish in it shoots down from the stars.]
Gave their last breath…to defend it!
[Quick shots of all the Deltas and rebels we’ve lost so far.]
[Slow-motion shots of Semo taking on four turai with just a sword…and winning.]
[Shot of Davis reloading with what is clearly his last magazine. Outside, several quads of turai are ready to curbstomp them.]
Tonight…we dine…IN HELL!
[Intense fighting. Doctor Kilgore holds his own against a multitude of bounty hunters in the streets. The Deltas dodge explosions. Swims and One-Ton fight alongside. Arketta. Ngawai.]
Give them nothing…
[Turai continue to fall before the raw awesome of the Deltas.]
But take from them…everything!
[More fighting, everywhere across the universe. Needleships, hastily repainted in Earth colors, facing off against whole fleets. More missiles and particle beams than can be counted fill the screen. The entire universe is a freaking lightshow.]
[The gateway on Mesas Negras flickers on. The team stands before it, looking determined and fully geared up.]
We’re in for one wild ride…
[They lock and load their guns, then step through. The camera follows them, then into the gateway, riding through the universe with stars shooting past until they reach a planet that looks like it’s been gold-plated, surrounded by rings and rings of Needleships…as a point defense for even larger ships and orbital stations. Clearly, this is the bastion of the Imperium. We zoom past it, through another gateway, until we come back to Earth, a lonely planet against the whole universe.]
[TITLE: Jade Imperium.]
With apologies to the no-longer memetic trailer of 300. Inspired by this.
[Some of the future Deltas patrolling in Iraq.]
We Deltas are descended from Hercules himself.
[Various combat scenes.]
Taught never to retreat, never to surrender…
[The ambush in Basra, from inside the Humvee. The vehicle slowly flips from the explosion and throws Hugh clear.]
Taught that death on the battlefield is the greatest glory a man can achieve in his life.
[Riefenstahl hero shot of Luis Stanhill, looming over the ambush scene like a titan.]
Deltas…the finest soldiers the world has ever known.
[The Deltas sweep Mesas Negras after the turai invasion. Intercut with shots of the sealed gateway flickering ominously.]
It’s quiet now…
[Flashes of the turai passing through Mesas Negras, slaughtering everyone.]
They came through the blackness…
[Shots of Imperial worlds, with needleships hanging in the skies above them.]
Be afraid!
[Shots of Bashakra being glassed from orbit, in grainy black and white. It’s clear that it isn’t Earth, but the screaming and dying people don’t help.]
Narsai will burn to the ground.
[The previous shot of the Imperial needleships zooms through an orbital gateway, past a large Imperial fleet…and keeps going, along different worlds, all heavily fortified.]
The thousand worlds of the Jade Imperium descend upon you!
[Pre-mission talks with Arketta. Hugh looks to Davis and her, and he no longer seems satisfied to have won one Imperial to his side…the enormity of their task seems to crush him.]
What must a Captain do to save his world?
Instead ask yourself…what should a soldier do?
[The negotiations for Greene’s return. Hugh’s standing before the active gateway, rifle raised, as the Avatar on the other side taunts him.]
You threaten my people with slavery and death!
[Hugh flips the safety off. The Avatar’s eyes go wide as he realizes what Hugh’s going to do.]
This is madness!
[He flips the selector one further to full-auto. Pan from a wicked grin on Hugh’s mouth down to the muzzle.]
[The rifle starts spitting lead with a furious muzzleflash that almost blinds us.]
[Various scenes of the Deltas prepping for war, loading rifles and gearing up. Just as they are about to embark on their daring plan to broadcast their message all over the Imperium, Hugh addresses the troops.]
We will stand, and fight!
[Scenes of Delta operating their way through Imperial planets and spacestations.]
A new age has begun…
[They meet and shake hands with the rebels.]
An age of freedom!
[Davis’s strike team almost nailed down before the Black Gate.]
And all will know that 300 rebels…
[The fighting around the Spire. As Rangers are caught in the relentless fighting and Apaches rain down fire, the Manta with Hugh, Semo and Mellish in it shoots down from the stars.]
Gave their last breath…to defend it!
[Quick shots of all the Deltas and rebels we’ve lost so far.]
[Slow-motion shots of Semo taking on four turai with just a sword…and winning.]
[Shot of Davis reloading with what is clearly his last magazine. Outside, several quads of turai are ready to curbstomp them.]
Tonight…we dine…IN HELL!
[Intense fighting. Doctor Kilgore holds his own against a multitude of bounty hunters in the streets. The Deltas dodge explosions. Swims and One-Ton fight alongside. Arketta. Ngawai.]
Give them nothing…
[Turai continue to fall before the raw awesome of the Deltas.]
But take from them…everything!
[More fighting, everywhere across the universe. Needleships, hastily repainted in Earth colors, facing off against whole fleets. More missiles and particle beams than can be counted fill the screen. The entire universe is a freaking lightshow.]
[The gateway on Mesas Negras flickers on. The team stands before it, looking determined and fully geared up.]
We’re in for one wild ride…
[They lock and load their guns, then step through. The camera follows them, then into the gateway, riding through the universe with stars shooting past until they reach a planet that looks like it’s been gold-plated, surrounded by rings and rings of Needleships…as a point defense for even larger ships and orbital stations. Clearly, this is the bastion of the Imperium. We zoom past it, through another gateway, until we come back to Earth, a lonely planet against the whole universe.]
[TITLE: Jade Imperium.]
With apologies to the no-longer memetic trailer of 300. Inspired by this.
You demand things to be awesome, and it shows.

Hugh and Semo, you've got people there to get you healed up and rearmed. You have your choice of Imperial and/or Earth equipment, and yes, Semo, your XM25 is among the choices.

Alright, let's get healed up. I want a fresh SCAR and something that goes BOOM, preferably an underslung launcher and a belt of 40mm grenades, plus a couple of flashbangs. Oh, and fresh armor.
Yeah, it's a big load, but at this stage we need all the firepower we can carry.
Yeah, it's a big load, but at this stage we need all the firepower we can carry.
This is meant to be the "James Bond leads friendly mooks against evil lair" sequence, so take that as you will.
In that case, we're gonna need more mooks. And fisticuffs. And explosions.
Fresh armor, XM25, sidearm and sword. What else could Semo want? (Of course, if a healing frisbee is available, he'll make sure his group takes one along.

D'aw, how cute. 
I just want to say for the record I got ADS to write Ngawai's line in that post. Also, they'll just be Hell on wheels together when they go back to being completely amoral bastards, won't they? To quote Scrubs, they're two peas in a horrible, horrible pod.

I just want to say for the record I got ADS to write Ngawai's line in that post. Also, they'll just be Hell on wheels together when they go back to being completely amoral bastards, won't they? To quote Scrubs, they're two peas in a horrible, horrible pod.