The glyphs on the Black Gate don't happen to be the same as those on the Whirr/Mesa Negras gates, are they? I recall those are a different network and use different dialing glyphs.
Jade Imperium - OOC 9
You are right, but the Black Gate is a third set of glyphs! Extra-fancy!
How far down is it from the balcony to the sublevel? Or, more specifically, is it rail-vault-and-jump-down-able?
We're to the point where literally almost anywhere would be better than here. First time the gate lights up, Davis is motioning for the team to haul ass through the gate and will be right behind them.
The balcony to sublevel isn't low enough to jump down in one go (else the techs would have heard the shots probably), but it's cluttered enough that you can vault down from railing to console to the floor.
...And they were never heard from again. 
Just kidding, I need to set up the Black Gate thread, coming soon.

Just kidding, I need to set up the Black Gate thread, coming soon.
Gonna vault, then. I need someone who knows stuff and these guys fit the bill.
Not that I as a player think you'd drop us in a vacumn with no power, ADS, but Luis has no way of knowing that. He's playing Worst Case Scenerio, and "suffocation with no air" is at the top of the list, followed rapidly by "team scattered to four winds".
D'aw, spies in love.

Punkey wrote:Yeah, you enjoy your romantic flashback while we have to lug your body through a Call of Cthulu set piece.D'aw, spies in love.

....And into the fire go I. Is Luis back "in the scene" like Punkey is or just experiencing flashbacks to when he's failed people? I can play this either way, but would appreciate and indication of which is more in line with what you're thinking.
He's in the scene, and he would likely be able to tell it's not quite the same - Davis and Taylor weren't there, for example.
Semo's at 9/10 wounds, 3/18 Shock. You'd be feeling dizzy, in pain, blood loss, all sorts of things at this point, but you are tough enough that's all but flavor text. I can't believe you got that lucky with a rock - I had to cheat the description to invent a way for the guy to die.

That is pretty amazing! Of course, with Semo drawing closer and closer to unconsciousness, even that kind of luck may not save him.
BTW, does he have anything in his pouches (stim pack, pain relievers, candy bar, etc.) that might help restore his Shock a little? I figure he's got a free hand; might as well use it for something other than self-gratification... :shock:
BTW, does he have anything in his pouches (stim pack, pain relievers, candy bar, etc.) that might help restore his Shock a little? I figure he's got a free hand; might as well use it for something other than self-gratification... :shock:
admiralducksauce wrote:I can't believe you got that lucky with a rock - I had to cheat the description to invent a way for the guy to die.
Oh, please, ADS. Anything's possible with the Power of Rock.
Also, Luis says thanks for the hints, but he'll be completely ignoring them in a desperate attempt to do his job. Oops. His bad. Of all the times to not overthink....

Semo's got some first aid supplies, but it's an out-of-combat kind of thing. If you survive these two Imperials, you can get out of the danger zone (Kenny Loggins notwithstanding).
Explains why he jumped straight to "Screw you, we're going back or I blow us all up" with Bello back on Aikoro, hm? Now, the question is, did I plan it that way from the beginning, or is this just a happy coincidence of backstory? :wink:
I'd bet on the second one, myself.
I'd bet on the second one, myself.
Swims is at 2/10 Wounds, 6/20 Shock. He's lost his right arm and his right leg is useless.
Swims (of all people)
the thing
Swims (of all people)
the thing
No big red "Off" button for the grunt to punch?

Never did raise that d4 Tech, did you? 
The techs are basically getting gang-up bonuses vs. your Persuasion, which is why you've only slightly chipped away at one of them.

The techs are basically getting gang-up bonuses vs. your Persuasion, which is why you've only slightly chipped away at one of them.