If you really wanted to be witty, you could have labelled it Primal Scream.
(lost in vague reference by Gatty)
Care to elaborate?
Care to elaborate?
*sigh* Because the 6th episode of the WB series Birds of Prey is named Primal Scream. That would in fact have been a fairly cheap reference, but then, also a welcome change from the Star Trek references. (Not that I mind a good ST reference, but really, what the frell ?)
ugh...vague reference noted...back with the game.
Just how cooperative is Jess going to be with the police. I'll give you a scale (1-10) to base you answer upon.
1-I just met Andrew. I really know nothing more than his name.
5-You know Andrew fairly well. You'd explain that you'd met him on a flight from Japan. Basically giving your whole assumed identity's backstory.
10-You're a secret agent trailing Stewart and Sedgewick in an attempt to track down a criminal mastermind by the name of Gonzalez.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:44 pm on Dec. 13, 2002)
Just how cooperative is Jess going to be with the police. I'll give you a scale (1-10) to base you answer upon.
1-I just met Andrew. I really know nothing more than his name.
5-You know Andrew fairly well. You'd explain that you'd met him on a flight from Japan. Basically giving your whole assumed identity's backstory.
10-You're a secret agent trailing Stewart and Sedgewick in an attempt to track down a criminal mastermind by the name of Gonzalez.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:44 pm on Dec. 13, 2002)
4, 5 when pressured. Definately not more.
After a weekend hiatus, the plot's back in gear.
To those who are in the casino, I'll assume that you also picked up any additional gear when you checked the hotel room for Buzzard.
What's everyone doing?
To those who are in the casino, I'll assume that you also picked up any additional gear when you checked the hotel room for Buzzard.
What's everyone doing?
Pulling out the ol' cell phone and reporting in.
Pretty much acting jumpy. Things are going bad and well...I don't like it when things go bad.
MP5 and the cloaked breifcase are with me.
MP5 and the cloaked breifcase are with me.
I'm going to try calling Artis again.
Well, I'd argue that I wouldn't leave my car or even go through the drivethrough while I've got someone in the trunk. Artis -does- have a positive Intelligence modifier. 
(I'll take Annie to the safehouse when Harry calls me).

(I'll take Annie to the safehouse when Harry calls me).
I have no ideas about Buzzard. If nobody else does, either, than I vote that Harry uses his Intuition class ability to buy us a clue.
HERE you go. 
Harry's intuition tells him that you should probably check out the antique shop, since that's where Buzzard spent the majority of his time.

Harry's intuition tells him that you should probably check out the antique shop, since that's where Buzzard spent the majority of his time.
Well, the gate is down, does anyone besides artis have a key?
Key....I say a again KEY???
You don't need no stinking key! You're superspies...act like it!
You don't need no stinking key! You're superspies...act like it!

I was just wondering if we did, since it might be a little conspicuous to be breaking into a store as potential shoppers walk by...
Have we already tried calling Buzzard and calling the antique store?
I swear, cell phones are the soldier's new best friend.
I swear, cell phones are the soldier's new best friend.
Quote:Quote: from Infested Paladin on 9:10 pm on Dec. 19, 2002
Have we already tried calling Buzzard and calling the antique store?
I swear, cell phones are the soldier's new best friend.
You haven't done either.
It is convenient that Artis is away from the team at precisely the same time ADS won't be around to play.
So, everyone feel free to post away since I will be checking my e-mail at least a few times a day during the next week.
So, everyone feel free to post away since I will be checking my e-mail at least a few times a day during the next week.
Open Lock: 1, 4
Open Lock: 1, 4