And guns! All I have is an MP5...I'm waisted on you people
Anyway, we do now indeed have two cars...adding all kinds of fun tactical issues. Heaven knows the PT Cruiser will probably draw Stewie and Friends like no other...just in time for us to arrive in the other car.
Sounds good to me. By the way, I'm putting my bloody armor on. Since it appears somewhat likely that I will be providing the fire support for my car, all three weapons (remington, MP5 and pistol) will be placed where I can get at them.
OK, see, now the PT Cruiser is free to maneuver. I'm blocking Tracy's car from following you guys. But someone with a Charisma bonus should probably talk to her.
Like my IC post said, call the lady, and if she's not friendly enough, add another name to the list of tragic highway accidents that kill thousands of Americans every year.