It's Not My Fault
Jileeza rejoins the group soon after they get the van loaded and parts arrayed for repairs. Wayde paces anxiously when he's not helping Aurelia weld hull plate and reconnect actuators. Whether it's the expectation of armed men bursting into the landing bay, or perhaps the guilt over getting away basically scot free, Wayde isn't the most easygoing crew member for the next few hours.
Mak shows up eventually too, with a tale about a would-be mugger or assassin or something Mak scarcely eluded.
By morning Aurelia has the Second Chance back up and running; she barely makes it to her bunk whereupon she falls asleep almost instantly.
After a quick breakfast and catnaps all around, the Chance heads for Shipping and More. The rooftop landing pad is as Silverberg said - the Gungan is visible on the roof, accompanied by two labor droids and 5 crates about half the size of the hovervan currently residing in the Chance's cargo bay.
Mak shows up eventually too, with a tale about a would-be mugger or assassin or something Mak scarcely eluded.
By morning Aurelia has the Second Chance back up and running; she barely makes it to her bunk whereupon she falls asleep almost instantly.
After a quick breakfast and catnaps all around, the Chance heads for Shipping and More. The rooftop landing pad is as Silverberg said - the Gungan is visible on the roof, accompanied by two labor droids and 5 crates about half the size of the hovervan currently residing in the Chance's cargo bay.
Having kept his curiosity in check all morning, Erit finally raises his voice as the landing pad grows nearer.
"What exactly is the nature of the transaction we are about to attempt?"
"What exactly is the nature of the transaction we are about to attempt?"
"Sounds like a simple delivery run. 'Za, have any opinions on Silverberg we should be aware of?"
Jileeza leaves a frequency with Silverberg to contact her when everything is ready. Upon returning to the ship she appears quite at ease.
Erit's question draws her attention as she settles into a chair on the bridge. "It's very simple; we transport some cargo for her. We've done it before, and no doubt we'll do it again. That's what small freighters like this one are for." It actually amazes her that she has to explain this to one of the crew.
'Za pauses for a moment before responding to Arnae's query. "We've known each other for quite a few years now. I've done a few favors for her, and she's done a few for me. She doesn't fuck with me because she knows I have no qualms about killing her. I don't fuck with her because it's useful to me to have a (semi-)legit contact here. Trust? Eh. Not so much, but it's been a mutually-beneficial arrangement.
"Now, if we can manage to not screw this one up, she may have more jobs available from which we can similarly profit.
"And we could use the money," she finishes, with a dismissive glance about the ship.
The next day, 'Za is first off to greet Silverberg at the rooftop rendevous. She introduces Arnae as captain to Silverberg, standing aside so they can conlude any last-minute details and the cargo can get loaded.
(Edited by fanchergw at 7:34 am on Sep. 15, 2004)
Erit's question draws her attention as she settles into a chair on the bridge. "It's very simple; we transport some cargo for her. We've done it before, and no doubt we'll do it again. That's what small freighters like this one are for." It actually amazes her that she has to explain this to one of the crew.
'Za pauses for a moment before responding to Arnae's query. "We've known each other for quite a few years now. I've done a few favors for her, and she's done a few for me. She doesn't fuck with me because she knows I have no qualms about killing her. I don't fuck with her because it's useful to me to have a (semi-)legit contact here. Trust? Eh. Not so much, but it's been a mutually-beneficial arrangement.
"Now, if we can manage to not screw this one up, she may have more jobs available from which we can similarly profit.
"And we could use the money," she finishes, with a dismissive glance about the ship.
The next day, 'Za is first off to greet Silverberg at the rooftop rendevous. She introduces Arnae as captain to Silverberg, standing aside so they can conlude any last-minute details and the cargo can get loaded.
(Edited by fanchergw at 7:34 am on Sep. 15, 2004)
Erit looks az Jileeza, shooting her a rather unidentifiable look.
"Let me rephrase my question. Are you aware of the nature of the cargo we are transporting? That could, conceivably, be of some importance."
"Let me rephrase my question. Are you aware of the nature of the cargo we are transporting? That could, conceivably, be of some importance."
Silverberg greets everyone in turn in a friendly but curt manner, handing a satchel of credits over to Arnae and keying the lifting droids to load the cargo.
"Whenever you're ready, Captain," she says. "Just tell them where to put the crates. And... don't open them. Their owner specified he wanted them ALL in pristine condition."
"Whenever you're ready, Captain," she says. "Just tell them where to put the crates. And... don't open them. Their owner specified he wanted them ALL in pristine condition."
"Excuse me." Wayde says, as he steps up to Arnae and directs his attention towards Silverberg.
(using Presence)
"Just who exactly are we delivering this to and what needs to remain in prestine conditon? Forgive me, but I'm stickler for detail and for once I'd like to keep our ship and my dumb ass in one piece."
(Edited by Dieter at 3:51 pm on Sep. 15, 2004)
(using Presence)
"Just who exactly are we delivering this to and what needs to remain in prestine conditon? Forgive me, but I'm stickler for detail and for once I'd like to keep our ship and my dumb ass in one piece."
(Edited by Dieter at 3:51 pm on Sep. 15, 2004)
"Oh, of course," the Gungan replies. "The crates contain rare Dagoban mynocks. They're slated to be delivered to the estate of Greebu... hrm, no last name, but that's typical with Rodians," she says, with a sly grin at Jileeza. "He's a fat oaf who enjoys collecting exotic animals." She hands a datapad with navigation coordinates to Wayde, adding "And that's why it is ill-advised to open the crates."
Wayde takes the datapad with a noticable degree of disgust. Walking over to one of the crates, he kicks it, expecting a shrill mynock response.
"Mynocks? This Greebu must be a nutcase. I hope he has his power cables buried, otherwise we'll be delivering him a new grid on our next charter."
"Mynocks? This Greebu must be a nutcase. I hope he has his power cables buried, otherwise we'll be delivering him a new grid on our next charter."
As the crate fails to elicit a response, Silverberg says, "Oh no, they're quite tranquilized. The damn things deserved it, too."
Erit looks at the crates.
"Even with such vile creatures, it feels wrong to sell them into slavery. But as I know you people, questions of morality do not enter into consideration as long as credits can be made."
While he's pontificating, Erit reaches out mentally, trying to feel the force within the creatures.
"Even with such vile creatures, it feels wrong to sell them into slavery. But as I know you people, questions of morality do not enter into consideration as long as credits can be made."
While he's pontificating, Erit reaches out mentally, trying to feel the force within the creatures.
So THAT's what a mynock "feels" like...
Erit, despite never personally encountering a mynock, knows that whatever is in those crates isn't sentient, at least not to the level of Ithorians, humans, Rodians, Ewoks, etc...
Erit, despite never personally encountering a mynock, knows that whatever is in those crates isn't sentient, at least not to the level of Ithorians, humans, Rodians, Ewoks, etc...
Wayde catches Silverberg's attention, thumbing backward and pointing at the loaded crates.
"Hey, how long are these things going to be out? Are we going to have to stun them again mid-trip? If so, there's going to be an extra handling fee for doing it."
"Hey, how long are these things going to be out? Are we going to have to stun them again mid-trip? If so, there's going to be an extra handling fee for doing it."
"Jileeza said your ship could handle the trip to Gamdoaan in three days. They should be out for slightly under four. Now, do we have a deal?"
"Works for me. Let's get going. The longer we wait, the less of a window we have before those things go apeshit in the cargo hold."
The lifter droids load the crates 2 by 2 into the Chance's cargo bay while Wayde and Arnae go over some details about the directions with Silverberg (which keeps her from seeing the stolen speedervan, coincidentally).
Before too long, the Second Chance is bidding farewell to the only system they haven't been chased out of or run from in a loooong time.
Before too long, the Second Chance is bidding farewell to the only system they haven't been chased out of or run from in a loooong time.
"Goodness, what a feeling."
Aurelia wakes up from her desperately needed nap, woken up by a gentle, but unusual vibration in the hull. She dresses in her usual set of coveralls, and wanders out into the ship, just in time to catch the word "Mynock".
Unless they have their ears plugged, they can hear a rather distressed Aurelia in the hold.
"What!? You brought Mynocks onto my ship? This...this is your cargo? Insane, the whole group. Tragic officer, really...the entire crew claimed by space dimentia. Brought Mynocks onto the ship."
She is complemented by a painfully fake official sounding accent.
"Nothing you could do citizen, they had it coming. Mynocks you say? Tsk"
The split-personality rant dies down into something about not being paid enough, and "I swear, if even one of those things gets out..."
(Edited by CrazyIvan at 11:56 pm on Sep. 19, 2004)
Unless they have their ears plugged, they can hear a rather distressed Aurelia in the hold.
"What!? You brought Mynocks onto my ship? This...this is your cargo? Insane, the whole group. Tragic officer, really...the entire crew claimed by space dimentia. Brought Mynocks onto the ship."
She is complemented by a painfully fake official sounding accent.
"Nothing you could do citizen, they had it coming. Mynocks you say? Tsk"
The split-personality rant dies down into something about not being paid enough, and "I swear, if even one of those things gets out..."
(Edited by CrazyIvan at 11:56 pm on Sep. 19, 2004)
"If one gets out, we stun it, Aurelia. No big deal. And to make you happy, I'll repair any chewed power cables myself.
To everyone: "I'll be in my quarters, commlink off. Knock if you need me."
Arnae retreats to his private sanctum to indulge his twin lonely vices of booze and writing.
To everyone: "I'll be in my quarters, commlink off. Knock if you need me."
Arnae retreats to his private sanctum to indulge his twin lonely vices of booze and writing.
"They're locked in crates and stored in a jettisonable cargo bay. If those things so much as short out one panel, we'll space 'em. We'll be out some money, but at least we won't be drifting."
Wayde starts walking out of the lounge, turning his head just before exiting the room.
"Short of an Imperial Interdictor knocking us out of lightspeed or being swallowed by a giant space slug, I'll be otherwise asleep for the next eight hours."
Wayde starts walking out of the lounge, turning his head just before exiting the room.
"Short of an Imperial Interdictor knocking us out of lightspeed or being swallowed by a giant space slug, I'll be otherwise asleep for the next eight hours."