I'll have my PC tonight.
OOC: Shaken, not stirred.
So, for the one "start" feat, can I choose freely from all categories as long as I fit the requirements ? (I already figued out the bonus feat thingie with the help of the PDF.)
Is Strenght for both unarmed and melee ?
Is Strenght for both unarmed and melee ?
Barring the above question about unarmed bonus, here's her char sheet:
Name: Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman
Level 1
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 6 (8-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 9
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)
Unarmed: -2
Melee: -2
Ranged: 0
Name: Colt .45
Damage: 1d10+2
Error: 1
Threat: 19+20
Range Increment: 15 feet
Ammo Count: 10
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
20 gun
30 armor
11 professional camera with IR lense
2 laser sight
+2 budget points for mission budget
2 X-Ray Lenses
1 Fingerprint Camera
-Linguist (+2 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: 6300 $
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: +1 to all checks
Languages: 5 (3+2), threat range 19-20
Read Lips: 4
(All skills with no value noted have no points invested.)
(Edited by Dieter at 10:18 am on April 16, 2002)
Name: Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman
Level 1
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 6 (8-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 9
Wounds: 7
Defense: 11 (10+armor)
Initiative: 1
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 7 (7-1+1)
Reflex: 10
Will: (11+1)
Unarmed: -2
Melee: -2
Ranged: 0
Name: Colt .45
Damage: 1d10+2
Error: 1
Threat: 19+20
Range Increment: 15 feet
Ammo Count: 10
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
20 gun
30 armor
11 professional camera with IR lense
2 laser sight
+2 budget points for mission budget
2 X-Ray Lenses
1 Fingerprint Camera
-Linguist (+2 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: 6300 $
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 7 (4+3)
First Aid: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Innuendo: 2
Intimidate: +1 to all checks
Languages: 5 (3+2), threat range 19-20
Read Lips: 4
(All skills with no value noted have no points invested.)
(Edited by Dieter at 10:18 am on April 16, 2002)
Sorry, I had to rearrange my room and clean the bathroom last night. I'll get one done tonight, I swear! (my shirt just fell off after that kick, I swear!)

Just to let the studio audience know, I won't be around Sunday through Tuesday. I should be back online Wednesday.
And if you know where I live, the rottweilers will not be fed and will probably be itching to chew on a leg or two.
And if you know where I live, the rottweilers will not be fed and will probably be itching to chew on a leg or two.

Humph. You and I both know that's just a rabid ostrich.
Dave, are there possibilities for ability scores to increase with experience like in D&D?
My guess would be yes, since all of the other d20 systems have it. It's probably every 3rd level, (4, 7, 10, etc.) like in D&D and Star Wars.
Fourth level. Feats are every third.
Ok, so far Gatty is the only who's got their character posted.
I can start as soon as I get everyone else's.
I can start as soon as I get everyone else's.
For starting feat, do we get one for being first level, AND the "bonus" feat for our class? Or is the class bonus feat assumed to be the one feat we get for first level?
You get one extra feat in addition to the starting feats. This may change when I actually get the rulebook, but for now take the one extra feat.
(Edited by Dieter at 1:27 pm on Mar. 22, 2002)
(Edited by Dieter at 1:27 pm on Mar. 22, 2002)
Dave, are we going to be doing a majority of sneaky or subtle? I'm trying to decide between Combat Instincts or Speed Trigger for my one feat. I already took Instant Hotwire as my class feat (yes, I checked the prerequisites).
Dave, are we going to be doing a majority of sneaky or subtle? I'm trying to decide between Combat Instincts or Speed Trigger for my one feat. I already took Instant Hotwire as my class feat (yes, I checked the prerequisites).

You'll be doing "search and recovery" and "seek and destroy" missions. Think adventures on the lines of Ronin and ooooh Navy SEALS.
I'd recommend Speed Trigger since it looks like you're going to be the Wheel Man and it's always cool to be able to rapid-fire out of car windows.
(Edited by Dieter at 2:09 pm on Mar. 22, 2002)
I'd recommend Speed Trigger since it looks like you're going to be the Wheel Man and it's always cool to be able to rapid-fire out of car windows.

(Edited by Dieter at 2:09 pm on Mar. 22, 2002)
Right. John McLane it is.

Artis "Goose" Gossard
(name subject to change)
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 9 -1
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer
Vitality: 9
Wound Points: 12
Skill Points: 36
Level: 1
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2
Melee Attack Bonus: +3
Fort Save: +2
Ref Save: +5
Will Save: +0
Def Bonus: +1
Init Bonus: +0
Bon: 1
GP: 1
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Instant Hotwire
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4
Jump - Str 2
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 2
Listen - Wis 3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2
Driver - Dex 3
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1
Search - Int 2
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4
Hide - Dex 4
Tumble - Dex 2
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1
First Aid - Int 1
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Personal Budget: 36
Gadget Points: +1
Belt, lockpick set (1 GP): +2 Open Locks
.45 H&K USP (22 BP): 1d10+2, R 15', fail 1, threat 19-20
Liquid skin patch (6 BP): heals 1d6 wounds
Stim shot (3 BP): stabilizes dying agent
Handcuffs (1 BP@)
Silencer (2 BP)
Laser sight (2 BP): +2 to hit within 2 range increments
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services. With a little more training, Goose could turn out to be a competent agent.
(Edited by Dieter at 10:25 am on May 9, 2002)
(name subject to change)
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 10 +0
CHR 9 -1
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer
Vitality: 9
Wound Points: 12
Skill Points: 36
Level: 1
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2
Melee Attack Bonus: +3
Fort Save: +2
Ref Save: +5
Will Save: +0
Def Bonus: +1
Init Bonus: +0
Bon: 1
GP: 1
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Instant Hotwire
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 4
Jump - Str 2
Boating - Dex
Knowledge - Int 1 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 2
Listen - Wis 3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 4
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 2
Driver - Dex 3
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1
Search - Int 2
Escape Artist - Dex
Sleight of Hand - Dex
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4
Hide - Dex 4
Tumble - Dex 2
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1
First Aid - Int 1
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 2
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Personal Budget: 36
Gadget Points: +1
Belt, lockpick set (1 GP): +2 Open Locks
.45 H&K USP (22 BP): 1d10+2, R 15', fail 1, threat 19-20
Liquid skin patch (6 BP): heals 1d6 wounds
Stim shot (3 BP): stabilizes dying agent
Handcuffs (1 BP@)
Silencer (2 BP)
Laser sight (2 BP): +2 to hit within 2 range increments
Artis Gossard comes across as a fairly friendly large man, you know the type. The shaven-head, goatee-sporting huge guy in armor at a Ren Faire holding the hand of his 5-year-old son. The Hells Angel who turns out to be a Good Samaritan.
The truth is, in casual settings, "Goose" has an immediately intimidating appearance (6'1", well-muscled but not hulking, with short-cropped curly hair and light tan/brown skin - his immediate lineage includes Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic) matched with a lack of assertion. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, he's not one for idle chat. He doesn't go out of his way to brighten other peoples' days. You see, he doesn't want them to remember him, and spending the least amount of time possible in conversation helps with that. One of the few topics Goose will speak at length about is art - paintings, sculpture, Mesopotamian reliefs, etc.
It all comes from being a thief, I suppose.
Unlike some agents, who come in through the CIA, Mossad, or similar public organizations, Artis got into the Agency completely by accident. He had stolen a valuable necklace from a certain lady's hotel room and made his escape. However, the necklace he stole wasn't the real deal - it was a dummy with a homing device. The victim was under surveillance by the Agency, and Goose blew their plan all to hell. To top it off, the tracker led authorities to Goose's fence, who blamed Goose for selling him out. They apprehended Artis at the same time, but offered him protection in return for his services. With a little more training, Goose could turn out to be a competent agent.
(Edited by Dieter at 10:25 am on May 9, 2002)
Ok, that's two characters ready to go. If I don't hear from anyone else by tomorrow morning, we'll just run a game with ADS and Gatty being the two main characters.
Expect the start of the game sometime tomorrow.
Expect the start of the game sometime tomorrow.
I could have a Soldier up by tomorrow night. Might balance things out.
Sounds good to me. We probably won't get much done today anyway....damn you Oscar! I stayed up till 12:45am only to see A Beautiful Mind get both Best Director and Picture.

Since spy games weigh heavily on apperances and mannerisms, I'd like to ask all those playing to include that info in their dossiers.
It also makes first meetings more interesting.
It also makes first meetings more interesting.