Hmm...where to start.
Artis' manuever proved to be good, but ultimately bad for the team.
Hanna rolled a critical (tires) on the Volga, while doing a 15-round burst. The sum total of the damage was 72WP that went straight through the tires and most of the Volga. It now stands at:
-11 Handling (-7 for damage, -4 for two blown tires)
The car's handling problems then caused the crash in which Artis failing horribly (getting a 15 total, but needing a 22). That led to a total of 13 damage (everyone made their REF checks, 'cept Jess) to all occupants. Ironically, Artis made his evasion check, so he's fine.
Everyone's VP stand this way:
Harry: 8WP
Jess: 3VP, full WP
Artis: 25VP, full WP
Gavin: 0VP, full WP
The Volga is drivable, but pretty much no longer useful. You're probably better off taking the bus back into town.
However, that's a new round. It will take a full turn to get up and back to the Volga.