Jade Imperium - OOC 8
I think one thing we need to get from the rebels, if we can, is a sense of their goals. What do they want? To tear down the Imperium or just that part that obstructs them? Or is it more for retribution for their world and their dead? Maybe swap their story for some Revolutionary war stories? Let 'em seea copies of, say, the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights? To convince them we can help, we need to understand their cause and them convince them that we are for it, and this is an oppertunity to do so.
As to the IC actions, Luis'll be aiding in the camo stuff and the skimmer stripping first if not needed elsewhere. Once he's free, he'll be either doing what I sugested above or wehatever else is needed.
As to the IC actions, Luis'll be aiding in the camo stuff and the skimmer stripping first if not needed elsewhere. Once he's free, he'll be either doing what I sugested above or wehatever else is needed.
I think we should do that after we get out of the "they're trying to find and kill us" stage, because we're going to Earth after this, and they can see all this stuff first-hand. If you want to get this done now, it's on Davis' To-Do list, and I can knock that out soonish, as Gatty was making noises that he'd prefer Davis hang back for this one.
Edit: Screw it, I'll just get the ball rolling on this one.
Edit: Screw it, I'll just get the ball rolling on this one.
Cyberpunk for the win, motherfuckers! Whoo! Get it! :twisted:
Also, did anyone pick up on how the Imperium is really a true Communist dictatorship?
Also, did anyone pick up on how the Imperium is really a true Communist dictatorship?
Castro eat your heart out.

Punkey, you are genius. A crazy, occasionally suicidal one, but a genius none the less. They can't stop the signal.
I've always been partial to Sneakers, myself.
Cosmo: "There's a war out there, old friend. A world war. And it's not about who's got the most bullets. It's about who controls the information. What we see and hear, how we work, what we think... it's all about the information!"
Cosmo: "There's a war out there, old friend. A world war. And it's not about who's got the most bullets. It's about who controls the information. What we see and hear, how we work, what we think... it's all about the information!"
I think Angel should sneak up and gut the scout like a fish.
You figure they probably don't know where you actually are, they're just following the trail as it were. If they had seen you, they'd probably call it in.
Assuming that, gutting the guy like a fish works great as long as 1) he's alone and 2) he's not wearing armor with those built-in biomonitors (or he's a Whiirr, which is kind of its own problem) and 3) Angel is not spotted AT ALL while he does the deed.
A more hopeful scenario might be that you've eluded the drones for so long that this hunter has gone completely comms-dark to avoid a scenario where Max is hacked into the drones' network and using that to avoid capture. Sure, you're not doing that, but you might have tried, and at this point they might be getting creative with trying to catch you.
Assuming that, gutting the guy like a fish works great as long as 1) he's alone and 2) he's not wearing armor with those built-in biomonitors (or he's a Whiirr, which is kind of its own problem) and 3) Angel is not spotted AT ALL while he does the deed.
A more hopeful scenario might be that you've eluded the drones for so long that this hunter has gone completely comms-dark to avoid a scenario where Max is hacked into the drones' network and using that to avoid capture. Sure, you're not doing that, but you might have tried, and at this point they might be getting creative with trying to catch you.
I'd hate to try and capture the scout alive as that would only be more trouble than we already have. Angel is our Ace in the Hole with his stealthy Delta stuff really shining here. I'd also be interested in what kind of equipment the scout's carrying, although my paranoia of tracking devices and locator beacons makes me think we should just kill the scout outright and through the body in a ditch.
Ultimately, this is Ivan's call as it's his character's neck on the line.
On a side note, could we possibly get Arketta's CharSheet statted out on the Wiki?
Ultimately, this is Ivan's call as it's his character's neck on the line.
On a side note, could we possibly get Arketta's CharSheet statted out on the Wiki?
OK, people at the ship:
Your car's done. It uses Drive->Driving to manage it. Semo has the Driving specialization, but only a d6 Drive. He'd be rolling 2d6 take highest, which obviously is more reliable but incapable of higher numbers like Luis' 1d8 Drive would be. The good news is, if you happen to be in a chase you can use the sled's Speed trait of d10 to roll WITH your drive, at the cost of raising the damage if you hit an obstacle.
You've got... 4 Delta, Davis, Ngawai, Swims, One-Ton, the shipboy (I forgot he was there), 4 rebel fighters, Aq the other driver (d6 Drive, no specialization), and Bello. You can fit three people up front (and it'll be tight), then 16 people in the back. Probably 6 more if they crouch down in the aisle.
You're picking up at least 3, then possibly an unknown number of Bello's people. Who's riding in the gravsled, and is Semo or Luis driving?
Your car's done. It uses Drive->Driving to manage it. Semo has the Driving specialization, but only a d6 Drive. He'd be rolling 2d6 take highest, which obviously is more reliable but incapable of higher numbers like Luis' 1d8 Drive would be. The good news is, if you happen to be in a chase you can use the sled's Speed trait of d10 to roll WITH your drive, at the cost of raising the damage if you hit an obstacle.
You've got... 4 Delta, Davis, Ngawai, Swims, One-Ton, the shipboy (I forgot he was there), 4 rebel fighters, Aq the other driver (d6 Drive, no specialization), and Bello. You can fit three people up front (and it'll be tight), then 16 people in the back. Probably 6 more if they crouch down in the aisle.
You're picking up at least 3, then possibly an unknown number of Bello's people. Who's riding in the gravsled, and is Semo or Luis driving?
Semo's game to drive, but won't object if the captain chooses Luis.
BTW, perhaps a headshot on the stalker is the way to deal with it. Of course, for that, you'd want a silenced weapon, since loud noises would likely give your position away.
BTW, perhaps a headshot on the stalker is the way to deal with it. Of course, for that, you'd want a silenced weapon, since loud noises would likely give your position away.
To join in on this guessing game, if they have enough space, I recommend dropping down the slope opposite their tail, heading backwards for a few minutes, then circling back around to the other side of the ridge. Tie a knot in your trail, and then keep moving.
Arketta and Ngawai are on the wiki. Amusingly, Arketta's stats are also your average Turai's. Ngawai is just a smidge below PC level.
Re: silenced headshots. Angel and Max indeed have two silenced 9mms. A called shot from unawares could definitely do the job; the closer you could get the better off you'd be. IF it is a Whiirr or unarmored human. If it's a Turai, it'll be a lucky shot that gets through the helmet.
Re: silenced headshots. Angel and Max indeed have two silenced 9mms. A called shot from unawares could definitely do the job; the closer you could get the better off you'd be. IF it is a Whiirr or unarmored human. If it's a Turai, it'll be a lucky shot that gets through the helmet.
My instinct was to go with 'gut like a fish'.
Please god don't be a Whirr.
Please god don't be a Whirr.
Well, if you really want to kill the guy, you can decide on the "shoot or stab" question once they get closer. You're going to need to wait for that anyway.
Bad news for Angel:
1. There's three of them.
2. Angel's down to 1 Wild Die.
Good news:
1. It took three WD before they open-ended, but you are now invisible to them until you do something not stealthy.
2. They're not Whiirr.
3. They're using animal calls. If they were running their full comms, they could just whisper to each other over their voxes. It doesn't mean they can't turn their shit back on and call for help, but it'd give you some wiggle room in case you didn't absolutely one-shot kill your target(s).
1. There's three of them.
2. Angel's down to 1 Wild Die.
Good news:
1. It took three WD before they open-ended, but you are now invisible to them until you do something not stealthy.
2. They're not Whiirr.

3. They're using animal calls. If they were running their full comms, they could just whisper to each other over their voxes. It doesn't mean they can't turn their shit back on and call for help, but it'd give you some wiggle room in case you didn't absolutely one-shot kill your target(s).
admiralducksauce wrote:If it bleeds, we can kill it!Bad news for Angel:
1. There's three of them.
2. Angel's down to 1 Wild Die.
Good news:
1. It took three WD before they open-ended, but you are now invisible to them until you do something not stealthy.
2. They're not Whiirr.
3. They're using animal calls. If they were running their full comms, they could just whisper to each other over their voxes. It doesn't mean they can't turn their shit back on and call for help, but it'd give you some wiggle room in case you didn't absolutely one-shot kill your target(s).

Giving opportunity to spend Wild Die like they're going out of style.
I'm pretty sure three of them, pretty close to our position, are going to happen upon us sooner rather than later, especially since when they move on, our trail stops existing.
Going to try and go for the solo with a quiet kill, then either carry on with the other two or blitz them, depending on how that goes.
I'm pretty sure three of them, pretty close to our position, are going to happen upon us sooner rather than later, especially since when they move on, our trail stops existing.
Going to try and go for the solo with a quiet kill, then either carry on with the other two or blitz them, depending on how that goes.
Speaking of WD, how many did I spend on that manuever against the interceptors?