OOC: XIII - Thirteen...thirteen...thirteen steps.
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 7:47 am on July 7, 2004
Ok, so the plan for "Operation: Early Retirement" is to procure a van/truck, aim it for the villa's gate then everyone starts shooting?
That's my proposal.
Quote:Quote: from Gatac on 8:48 am on July 7, 2004
Ivan: SFA hate? How come?
SFA is one of a long line of AEG's setting ADD. With both Spycraft and 7th Sea, they take a great setting, then encumber it with genre fringe elements. For example, sidhe tech in 7th Sea was massively powerful...and totally out of character for a swashbuckling game. Same with SFA. I'd be totally cool with a "Spycraft: Psy Ops" book...hell, I'd probably buy it. But to make the official, supported setting, which lots of gamers will use because they like pre-prepared material, something that dwells at the fringe of the espionage-action genre, rather than a more quintessential setting, disappointed me.
Basically, from AEG I have always wanted, and gotten, outstanding genre-emulation games. Whenever they try to get creative, I get disappointed.
That said, yes, I would have preferred a "normal" main campaign setting, too. But you can't have a campaign that has spy and psion, then spy and mythics, spy and gadgets....that would have been a nightmare to support. So instead they made a big campaign and threw everything at it, and you pick and choose what you want. Atleast, that's how I see it.
Don't like those wacky psionics? Well, that's why you run African Alliance.

I only have the SEH, MAG, and the Soldier/Wheelman Guide. I'd probably have the other books if I was actually a player, but you really don't need them if you're running your basic espionage game. Hell, most of the time I just wing it.

Really, I'm a Spycraft junkie. Gracing my bookshelf is
All three class guides (Soldier/Wheelman, Fixer/Pointman, Snoop/Faceman)
Agency (twice, in fact, due to a little order mixup - I'm planning to give one away, any candidates?)
The SFA Worldbook
Pan Asian Collective
The Shop
And I intend to go much further down the SFA line while there's still stock of it. On the other hand, the purchase of Mastermind, US Militaries and World Militaries are planned, I'm hunting for the 60s Decade book, and I guess I could get Most Wanted and Gentleman's Agreement if I really, really need the fix.
I also have a printout of the errata. Does come in handy every once in a while.
Quote:...and that officially makes this a John Woo movie. :cheesy:Quote: from Gatac on 3:03 pm on July 8, 2004
Jess disables the radio in annoyance, then spies the chopper hovering over the frozen wasteland. At once, she reaches for the stashed Beretta, but neglects to put away the Makarov beforehand; as a result, she finds the Russian gun in herleft hand struggling to somehow make it's way into a pocket while her right hand already steadies on the 92F. Perplexed at her lack of proper coordination, she holds up both guns, her eyes darting from one hand to another while a smile slowly spreads over her face.
Oh, come on. It can't be THAT hard, right?
Still hefting both pistols, she begins to make her way back to Elena.
One action point to Jess.
Quote:Quote: from Infested Paladin on 6:31 am on July 8, 2004
That's how they intended it, too. I got to meet and greet for a few hours with Patric Kapera, whose name you might recognize from the front of your Spycraft Espionage Handbook. SFA is designed to incorporate just about every sort of modern espionage or military genre, as well as psi and magic. Faction books are there for a reason. If you want to run a techno-thriller campaign, you run an Archer Foundation/The Shop campaign. If you want a ninjas and kung fu campaign, you run one based in the Pan-Asian Collective. Bond-style? The African Alliance. And, in the man's own words, The Corporation is there for playing GI Joe.
Don't like those wacky psionics? Well, that's why you run African Alliance.
Here's my theory: AEG shouldn't make campaign settings. For 7th Sea and Spycraft, I want a toolkit. Not NPCS and the like...I want to watch say, Spygame or Boondock Saints, and say "That's what I want to run...". WW did it with Vampire, managing a diverse line, and I understand the reasoning behind AEG's decisions with its "canon" campaigns.
I'd just prefer they leave the cumbersome junk at home, and not make me wade through it. I want techno stuff, I'll buy the book. I want psy, I'll buy the book.
On the other hand, I ran into SFA for Spycraft, and the Sidhe stuff for 7th Sea...and never bought another book.
Ah well, SFA is dead anyway. Perhaps you'll like Dark Inheritance better - it may not be the "official" campaign setting any more, but it sets out to do pretty much what SFA did (all the fringe stuff).
Where is everyone when the truck explodes?
My pistol if need be.

Maybe Jess can fire one-handed until one's dry, then pull a border shift? That is, juggle the guns. It's a Western gunslinger's trick.
Quote:Sure, that's only a 10, but she also has 4 ranks in Sleight of Hand.Quote: from Gatac on 10:36 am on July 10, 2004
Have you taken a look at Jessica's Dexterity lately?