well, I have the snubnose magnum stashed in my hat or my jacket, in case (when?) things get ugly.
Anyway, what is our final mission objective? capture gonzalez by following Stewart? capture stewart and send him to interrogation? track stewart and see where he goes?
Ultimately, you goal is to bring Gonzalez to justice. Now whether that's going to mean capture and presentation before a military tribunal or just busting a cap in him is up to you.
Gonzalez: Wanted Dead or Alive.
Perhaps you might want to call HQ for some guidance and an intel report???
I guess I'll have to trust my spider sense then for determining when to make my exit from the stage.
This is going to be delicate. I guess all I can do is not arrouse further suspicion, since I don't think I can actually manage to convince anyone I'm not an agent. That would take a lot of work if it was to be attempted...
The PBA works just like a homing beacon. Any Agency phone within a 20km radius of the beacon can track it. It can also triangulate the signal to within 10 meters.
This means that everyone who noticed the signal can get to Gavin fairly quickly. In terms of gameplay and the fact that you're in a Vegas casino, that means under 15 minutes.
Ever get lost in a Vegas casino? If you said no, you're a damn liar.
If you're worried that they might try something after the show, maybe I could take you offstage and away after our duet. Anyway, what do you guys think we should do, anyway? Do we want to bust Stewart and interrogate him, or do we think we can move up the ladder and get James? Is he even involved in the illegal activities? The mind boggles.
Well, I'm glad I dropped almost a third of my mission budget on that handy lil' interceptor.
Let's try another round of this. Double attack on Tracy, nice raw punches to the face. (I finally saw Snatch, and decided that Gavin fistfights a lot like Mickey, though probably not that well... Yet.) As for Annie's switchblade, don't forget that Gavin gets automatic Strength checks to break it (Blocking Basics feat, p. 78).
Urban assualt...and things might have just gone very, very haywire...how public is where we are?
I don't think Stewart is expecting an SAS man and a very, if I may say so, assualt heavy team...if it comes down to it, I think we can take him. I'd like to give him some time off though, trail him but much less actively than we were before, enough to bail out Jess if she gets in trouble...because if we actually need to bring him in, I'd prefer Brian have a nice kevlar vest and an MP5
The hotel is about as public (and as busy) as shopping mall on the weekend. The main promenades usually clear out somewhat between midnight and 8am, but it's fairly populated even during those hours.
Remember, Stewart was in the SAS and knows their tactics just as well (if not better) that Andrew or Brian.
The routes you can possibly go right now:
1) Have Jess pump James for information about his past (i.e. his friendship with Andrew, his career in the SAS, etc.)
2) Bushwack Andrew and use him as bait, interrogate him for new info, etc.
3) Wait till everyone is together at the concert and go for one big frontal assault
But first, ya might want to see if ole' Gavin's still alive.
Of course...the issue was whether I was going to find Gavin with a pistol held at ready.
What I'm saying is, Stewart does know the SAS's tactics, better certainly than Brian. But knowledge and application are two different things. His goons said themselves Brian isn't much of a threat, and the only way he escaped was the mob...that doesn't lead one to expect your door kicked in in the middle of the night and a few heavily armed ambassidors of fun charging in. Regardless of whether you've done it before or not.
Btw, did Buzzard get the red fliters for the MP5 and flashlight? Because if we are crashing in the middle of the night, I want to keep my nightvision...but maybe keep the gun light unfiltered to dazzle Stewart. Just checking.