OOC: XII - More sequels than a slasher movie.
Post-mission wrap up coming soon.
Post-mission wrap up coming soon.
Hey, timeline wise, we're in late November, yes?
Actually, it's more like the beginning of December.
Pretty close to each other.
Ah. Black Ops. I know I picked the right department. Did you?
The Royal Line of Succession
Ah. Black Ops. I know I picked the right department. Did you?
The Royal Line of Succession
The Duke of Gloucester is the Queen's cousin, making his son her second cousin and a possible (albeit improbable) bloodline to the Crown.
M'kay, each person has two days to do any preliminary recon (contacts, info gathering, etc.) before reporting to London.
You can also use that time to travel elsewhere, keeping in mind you still need to be in London in two days.
I'll have BP/GP stuff up on the Q-Branch thread probably tonight.
You can also use that time to travel elsewhere, keeping in mind you still need to be in London in two days.
I'll have BP/GP stuff up on the Q-Branch thread probably tonight.
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 4:54 pm on Jan. 13, 2004
The Duke of Gloucester is the Queen's cousin, making his son her second cousin and a possible (albeit improbable) bloodline to the Crown.
Hey, Richard III pulled it off (for a little while, anyway.)
Carla's going to call up some old teammates (her old flame, particularly, whom I envision as a pointman a level or two ahead of her) in the Agency to see if he has anything interesting on the whole UK situation. Beyond that, she's going to enjoy her leave. Research and recon is for people like Jess.
Brian is going to call old mates in the SAS...he's still not entirely thrilled with Agency intel.
If any of the fishermen make lewd comments (It pays to be a face[wo]man and actually understand what they're saying), I shall slap them silly.
PS: But only because pulling out your MP7 in front of cvilians is considered bad style...
PS: But only because pulling out your MP7 in front of cvilians is considered bad style...
Carla grew up around sea folk. She knows that booze and women generally make for good attractors. After a bit, they can ditch them and head back to the villa (or possibly somewhere else) to consider the situation.
Just out of curiosity - did I miss the mission budget, or is it yet to come?
Erm...nope, I forgot. Thanks for the reminder. Mission budget TBA...probably tonight.
Just asking because I have a few wicked ideas...
Mission budgets have been posted.
Now, what about the knock on the front door?
Now, what about the knock on the front door?
Very tempted to put a warning shot about gut-height through the door, then answer it, but will settle for covering Carla with silenced pistol.
Well, there's the "Let's pretend we're not at home" strategy, but that's probably blown. I'm the best at soaking damage, so maybe I should answer the door packin' heat.
I'm right up there with you on damage soaking potential, plus I've got a sword. I'll get it.
There is a peephole, right?
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 5:19 am on Jan. 20, 2004)
There is a peephole, right?
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 5:19 am on Jan. 20, 2004)
I should also mention that the peephole provides a good view of the entire front porch area. If a person were trying to be sneaky, there's not much cover to so.
Everyone took a small amount of VP damage, except for Artis who escaped unscathed...damn evasion.
This reflects two things Jess has learned...
A) When you have no chance of tracing, it's useless to keep them on the line.
NEVER accomodate their superiority complex. Unless you want to confuse them.
A) When you have no chance of tracing, it's useless to keep them on the line.
