Birds of Prey
From outside the hotel, Jessica Spiner watches the suite floor and the helicopters circling around it.
That's where Gavin must've smashed through the window...
Somehow, she gets the feeling that she should be up there negotiating with the police. The professional part of her tells her that she got off as well as could be expected, that the fight would've been blown even if she had succeeded, that now is the time to retreat and come up with a new strategy. It also tells her that her comrades will probably surrender to the police. They're smart like that, she tells herself.
And once they're arrested, they're safe for the time, and you and Harry can bail them out later. Requisition explosives, do a jailbreak, let Artis say his stupid "Half Speed" line. Business as usual, and what's that subtlety thing anyway ? Overrated as hell.
But somewhere else, in that ill-defined pent-up ball of real personality underneath all the lies, she fears.
That's where Gavin must've smashed through the window...
Somehow, she gets the feeling that she should be up there negotiating with the police. The professional part of her tells her that she got off as well as could be expected, that the fight would've been blown even if she had succeeded, that now is the time to retreat and come up with a new strategy. It also tells her that her comrades will probably surrender to the police. They're smart like that, she tells herself.
And once they're arrested, they're safe for the time, and you and Harry can bail them out later. Requisition explosives, do a jailbreak, let Artis say his stupid "Half Speed" line. Business as usual, and what's that subtlety thing anyway ? Overrated as hell.
But somewhere else, in that ill-defined pent-up ball of real personality underneath all the lies, she fears.
Previously on Birds of a Prey
Gavin reluctantly nods, but pays close attention to their actions and thinks to himself.
He wasn't about to get killed or shoot any cops, for while he'd be loved in prison, he probably wouldn't survive till his trial date. Americans in uniform have a way of sticking together. He remembered an article he read in the Dublin Post about how one time a cop killer in Philadelphia was severely wounded in a shootout with the police. The guy made it to the hospital alright, but not before the paramedics stopped at a fast food drive-through. Upon pulling in to the hospital, he was pronounced DOA. Go figure.
...that's not going to be me.
Mike nods back.
"Ok. You play by our rules and we'll make it out of here in one piece." (Looks over to Hannah) Dear, remember Shanghai...about two years ago?"
Hannah leans on her shotgun brace and thinks for a quick second.
"Yeah?...What were you?...Oh, you're not talking about the Pearl Tower thing...are you?!"
Mike looks a bit perturbed.
" worked then!"
A full-blown lovers spat begins to unravel as the SWAT team finishes arresting Artis and Brian and moves into the suite. Hannah spots them and fires a suppressive burst from her pistol at the doorway.
"Darling, I was also not *Bdam* *Bdam* *Bdam* on the verge of *Bdam* *Bdam* *Bdam* collapsing under my own weight!"
Mike shakes his head and fires subsequent bursts at the door.
"Oh...Ms. GSW-To-the-Legs! *Blam* *Blam* *Blam* It's not as if this is the *Blam* *Blam* *Blam* first time you've been wounded!"
Hannah truly looks pissed off.
"Ok...fine..fine. Have it your always."
She drops the shotgun, reloads her pistol, and proceeds to run and grab Gavin's dropline. As she jumps out, she yells at Gavin.
"Some cover fire would be appreciated!"
From Jess' vantage point below, she sees what could only be described as the single dumbest thing she's seen in her brief tenure in the Agency. Moments later, Harry joins her outside donning a new t-shirt to keep up the subterfuge.
"Hey, what's going on now?"
Jess, while relieved that Harry also made it out is now doubly disturbed by his new fashions. Harry looks up then back at Jess.
"Is that?? Oh dear. What?! (referring to Jess' puzzled look at his choice of disguises) It was on sale and can't go wrong with THE KING!"
About 1000ft up
Things are decidedly less than humorous. Hannah swings out towards the police helicopter as Gavin covers her.
The stupid bitch is going to get us all killed!
Quote:The cops rush in on Artis and Brian, slamming them up against a wall and begin the arrest procedure.
The Deckers emerge from the hallway with a very shaken female in tow. Hannah looking worse for wear, using Mike's shotgun as a makeshift crutch with a pistol in her other hand. Mike has a pistol drawn but not pointed directly at Gavin. He stares at him with an approachable gaze.
"Ok. You want to get out of here? Follow along with us. We don't want to go jail anymore than you do and we're willing to cut a deal to do so. Are you with us?"
Gavin reluctantly nods, but pays close attention to their actions and thinks to himself.
He wasn't about to get killed or shoot any cops, for while he'd be loved in prison, he probably wouldn't survive till his trial date. Americans in uniform have a way of sticking together. He remembered an article he read in the Dublin Post about how one time a cop killer in Philadelphia was severely wounded in a shootout with the police. The guy made it to the hospital alright, but not before the paramedics stopped at a fast food drive-through. Upon pulling in to the hospital, he was pronounced DOA. Go figure.
...that's not going to be me.
Mike nods back.
"Ok. You play by our rules and we'll make it out of here in one piece." (Looks over to Hannah) Dear, remember Shanghai...about two years ago?"
Hannah leans on her shotgun brace and thinks for a quick second.
"Yeah?...What were you?...Oh, you're not talking about the Pearl Tower thing...are you?!"
Mike looks a bit perturbed.
" worked then!"
A full-blown lovers spat begins to unravel as the SWAT team finishes arresting Artis and Brian and moves into the suite. Hannah spots them and fires a suppressive burst from her pistol at the doorway.
"Darling, I was also not *Bdam* *Bdam* *Bdam* on the verge of *Bdam* *Bdam* *Bdam* collapsing under my own weight!"
Mike shakes his head and fires subsequent bursts at the door.
"Oh...Ms. GSW-To-the-Legs! *Blam* *Blam* *Blam* It's not as if this is the *Blam* *Blam* *Blam* first time you've been wounded!"
Hannah truly looks pissed off.
"Ok...fine..fine. Have it your always."
She drops the shotgun, reloads her pistol, and proceeds to run and grab Gavin's dropline. As she jumps out, she yells at Gavin.
"Some cover fire would be appreciated!"
From Jess' vantage point below, she sees what could only be described as the single dumbest thing she's seen in her brief tenure in the Agency. Moments later, Harry joins her outside donning a new t-shirt to keep up the subterfuge.
"Hey, what's going on now?"
Jess, while relieved that Harry also made it out is now doubly disturbed by his new fashions. Harry looks up then back at Jess.
"Is that?? Oh dear. What?! (referring to Jess' puzzled look at his choice of disguises) It was on sale and can't go wrong with THE KING!"
About 1000ft up
Things are decidedly less than humorous. Hannah swings out towards the police helicopter as Gavin covers her.
The stupid bitch is going to get us all killed!
The helicopter lists wildly as the sudden addition of weight throws off the pilot's hover. The sniper on the port side slides off the skid he was standing on and now dangles precariously from his safety rig.
As the pilot struggles to maintain stability, Hannah pulls out a knife and cuts the sniper's safety line. He begins plummeting to the ground as the helicopter once again lurches to the other side.
Inside the hotel suite, the fight is turning into a stalemate. Any attempt at storming in on Gavin and Mike is met with staunch opposition. That's the trouble with fighting one of the world's most-wanted fugitives...they're used to the home intrusions.
The police helicopter goes into a steep and seemingly uncontrollable dive. It descends about 300ft. before it levels off again. The first sniper slams into to the asphalt parking lot at terminal velocity as police spotlights from the ground illuminate the chopper, revealing that the another frequent flyer heading down.
Gavin keeps an eye on the chopper as it ascends back up to its original position whilst Mike keeps the SWAT team inside occupied.
Readying for a shot, he notices that Hannah has apparently taken over the helicopter, currently keeping the pilot at gunpoint. With her one free hand, she appears to be lashing a new drop rope to the helicopter.
Interspersed with Mike's gunfire, Hannah's voice can be vaguely heard in his earpierce. you were right, for once. Let's go, my leg is really starting to hurt. If he wants, ask our new best friend to join us.
Mike withdrawals from his fortified position to the open window, taking a few 9mm rounds in the process. He shouts over to Gavin as he empties his USAS into a SWAT officer.
"If you're going with us. This is it."
Hannah applies her .45 firmly to the base of the pilot's head, gesturing with her free hand to move up and over towards the open window.
Meanwhile, heading down the auxillary elevator.
Artis and Brian are accompanied by two SWAT officers, along with the Raven's limp body laying on a stretcher. Artis looks over at Raven,
What a waste. He was a good man.
Just then, Raven's eyes open slightly and look about the elevator. Artis sees one of his hands move under the sheet. As one of the SWAT guys notices this too, he is repeatedly shot in lower extremeties. The cop drops like a bad habit.
(And you thought I'd let you guys rot in jail...
(Edited by Dieter at 2:57 pm on Feb. 27, 2003)
The helicopter lists wildly as the sudden addition of weight throws off the pilot's hover. The sniper on the port side slides off the skid he was standing on and now dangles precariously from his safety rig.
As the pilot struggles to maintain stability, Hannah pulls out a knife and cuts the sniper's safety line. He begins plummeting to the ground as the helicopter once again lurches to the other side.
Inside the hotel suite, the fight is turning into a stalemate. Any attempt at storming in on Gavin and Mike is met with staunch opposition. That's the trouble with fighting one of the world's most-wanted fugitives...they're used to the home intrusions.
The police helicopter goes into a steep and seemingly uncontrollable dive. It descends about 300ft. before it levels off again. The first sniper slams into to the asphalt parking lot at terminal velocity as police spotlights from the ground illuminate the chopper, revealing that the another frequent flyer heading down.
Gavin keeps an eye on the chopper as it ascends back up to its original position whilst Mike keeps the SWAT team inside occupied.
Readying for a shot, he notices that Hannah has apparently taken over the helicopter, currently keeping the pilot at gunpoint. With her one free hand, she appears to be lashing a new drop rope to the helicopter.
Interspersed with Mike's gunfire, Hannah's voice can be vaguely heard in his earpierce. you were right, for once. Let's go, my leg is really starting to hurt. If he wants, ask our new best friend to join us.
Mike withdrawals from his fortified position to the open window, taking a few 9mm rounds in the process. He shouts over to Gavin as he empties his USAS into a SWAT officer.
"If you're going with us. This is it."
Hannah applies her .45 firmly to the base of the pilot's head, gesturing with her free hand to move up and over towards the open window.
Meanwhile, heading down the auxillary elevator.
Artis and Brian are accompanied by two SWAT officers, along with the Raven's limp body laying on a stretcher. Artis looks over at Raven,
What a waste. He was a good man.
Just then, Raven's eyes open slightly and look about the elevator. Artis sees one of his hands move under the sheet. As one of the SWAT guys notices this too, he is repeatedly shot in lower extremeties. The cop drops like a bad habit.
(And you thought I'd let you guys rot in jail...

(Edited by Dieter at 2:57 pm on Feb. 27, 2003)
Jess watches the proceedings of the aerial combat from the ground, then picks up her phone and dials for the Agency.
"Hello, operator ? Agent Hummingbird here. Could you find out the phone number of a General Alexander Koskov for me?"
*Let's see if HE knows something about that Oleshko Tehansky and what he's up to - could prove useful, seeing that with our luck, he's likely still on the loose.*
"Hello, operator ? Agent Hummingbird here. Could you find out the phone number of a General Alexander Koskov for me?"
*Let's see if HE knows something about that Oleshko Tehansky and what he's up to - could prove useful, seeing that with our luck, he's likely still on the loose.*
The Agency operator relays your call to the appropriate agent on duty.
"You want to know the number for who? General Koskov isn't exactly the type of person who gives his number out. I'll check a few places and call you back. And what's with all sirens and gunfire in background..oh, nevermind."
Moments go by and Jess' phone rings just as the second SWAT sniper hits the pavement with a blood-curdling crash.
"Um...err...Agent Hummingbird. What was that in the background...nevermind. I have General Koskov on the other line. I should warn you, he was not exactly pleased to here that you guys were calling. Patching you through now."
The call goes to static for a moment then goes to what sounds like a Russian man with a terrible hangover.
Hello? Who is this? This had better be important. (bullet richochet sounds in the background) Dmitri! You fool! You shouldn't be using that thing in your condition!
(Edited by Dieter at 4:53 pm on Feb. 27, 2003)
"You want to know the number for who? General Koskov isn't exactly the type of person who gives his number out. I'll check a few places and call you back. And what's with all sirens and gunfire in background..oh, nevermind."
Moments go by and Jess' phone rings just as the second SWAT sniper hits the pavement with a blood-curdling crash.
"Um...err...Agent Hummingbird. What was that in the background...nevermind. I have General Koskov on the other line. I should warn you, he was not exactly pleased to here that you guys were calling. Patching you through now."
The call goes to static for a moment then goes to what sounds like a Russian man with a terrible hangover.
Hello? Who is this? This had better be important. (bullet richochet sounds in the background) Dmitri! You fool! You shouldn't be using that thing in your condition!
(Edited by Dieter at 4:53 pm on Feb. 27, 2003)
Brian and Artis commence with the beat-down of the SWAT officer. Brian goes for the oldie (but goodie) kick to the groin/mid-section combo as Artis boots him in the knee.
The officer goes down (but not out) as Artis goes to work on his handcuffs.
I knew I got this damn watch for a reason.
The watch laser makes short work of the cuffs, freeing Artis in the process.
Raven cracks a slight smile as his eyelids close and his pistol drops to the elevator floor.
Speaking of which, the elevator will be approaching the lobby level in a matter of seconds.
The officer goes down (but not out) as Artis goes to work on his handcuffs.
I knew I got this damn watch for a reason.
The watch laser makes short work of the cuffs, freeing Artis in the process.
Raven cracks a slight smile as his eyelids close and his pistol drops to the elevator floor.
Speaking of which, the elevator will be approaching the lobby level in a matter of seconds.
"Oh, hello, Gaspadin General. Did I call at a bad time ? We were in the same firefight back in Uzbekistan some time ago. You might recall a colleague of mine who had an argument with you in front of the train - if it amuses you, he's getting arrested right about now. Anyway, enough about the old times. Have you ever heard of someone named Oleshko Tehansky ?"
The General seems flattered by the phone call.
"Ah must have been the svetskaya dama! If my alcohol-impaired memory serves me correctly, the last time I heard that man's name, Oleshko Tehansky was playing hand maiden to a former Politburo's daughter. (laughs hysterically) Please tell me that slaboumnyj is dead."
Back in the elevator
Artis hits the emergency stop button and the car screeches to a halt one floor shy of the lobby. The SWAT officer appears to be still putting up a fight, so the two continue with the boots to the head. Three heels and one steel-toe later, the cop is finally knocked unconscious.
"Ah must have been the svetskaya dama! If my alcohol-impaired memory serves me correctly, the last time I heard that man's name, Oleshko Tehansky was playing hand maiden to a former Politburo's daughter. (laughs hysterically) Please tell me that slaboumnyj is dead."
Back in the elevator
Artis hits the emergency stop button and the car screeches to a halt one floor shy of the lobby. The SWAT officer appears to be still putting up a fight, so the two continue with the boots to the head. Three heels and one steel-toe later, the cop is finally knocked unconscious.
-A GM Sidebar-
For the climactic conclusion of this mission. Infested Paladin PM'ed me earlier this evening. His idea for ending the mission both impressed and shocked me. However, IP gets major points for originality and creativity. We agreed to roll dice and see where the body parts would lay...this is what happened.
As Gavin climbed aboard the highjacked police helicopter, being helped on by his nemesis (no less), he couldn't help but think of the horrible irony of it all. He looked at Hannah with her smug look and apparent disregard for all life outside of her own and her betrothed. How the hell could he be siding with these people at the expense of everything he had achieved?!
Gavin remembers his Burke from primary school.
"The only thing for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"This has got to end.", he thought.
Gavin looked at the sequestered pilot and the controls in front of him. He knew what he had to do.
Ach...fook it!
He pulls back the slide on his MP5 and empties the clip into the helicopter's control panel. Sparks fly everywhere as all the avionics shut down. The chopper goes into a flat spin, plummeting towards the pavement below like a three-thousand-pound penny sailing down the side of a building.
Mike and Hannah shout at Gavin in unison.
They empty their weapons into Gavin. As he sees the end coming, he fades into a trance.
He says a Catholic last rites prayer and has thoughts of his poor, ailing mother in Ireland, who's been recieving most of his Agency salary and will be getting all of his termination pension.
While all this is happening in the back, the pilot tries to save his own bacon and attempts an auto-rotated landing, but the controls are (literally) shot.
At this point, with the ground closing in, everyone tries to bail out at the last second. The pilot's door apparently got jammed during Gavin's full-auto spray. He's a goner.
Hannah looks at Mike.
"Well... you old jarhead. I'll be seeing you in hell."
"Not if I see you first!"
The jaded lovers kiss one last time as they jump out of the helicopter.
Mike jumps free and miraculously lands (albeit very, very hard) into the hotel's pool. Hannah was not as lucky.
She dives out of the falling chopper, executing a perfect landing on the roof of a parked car. The only problem comes in the form of the helicopter itself. As it crashes violently into the parking lot below, the in explosive conflagration of jet fuel and acrid black smoke sends the back propellor blades right into the she-bitch assassin.
*Insert appropriate rejoicing*
For the climactic conclusion of this mission. Infested Paladin PM'ed me earlier this evening. His idea for ending the mission both impressed and shocked me. However, IP gets major points for originality and creativity. We agreed to roll dice and see where the body parts would lay...this is what happened.
As Gavin climbed aboard the highjacked police helicopter, being helped on by his nemesis (no less), he couldn't help but think of the horrible irony of it all. He looked at Hannah with her smug look and apparent disregard for all life outside of her own and her betrothed. How the hell could he be siding with these people at the expense of everything he had achieved?!
Gavin remembers his Burke from primary school.
"The only thing for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"This has got to end.", he thought.
Gavin looked at the sequestered pilot and the controls in front of him. He knew what he had to do.
Ach...fook it!
He pulls back the slide on his MP5 and empties the clip into the helicopter's control panel. Sparks fly everywhere as all the avionics shut down. The chopper goes into a flat spin, plummeting towards the pavement below like a three-thousand-pound penny sailing down the side of a building.
Mike and Hannah shout at Gavin in unison.
They empty their weapons into Gavin. As he sees the end coming, he fades into a trance.
He says a Catholic last rites prayer and has thoughts of his poor, ailing mother in Ireland, who's been recieving most of his Agency salary and will be getting all of his termination pension.
While all this is happening in the back, the pilot tries to save his own bacon and attempts an auto-rotated landing, but the controls are (literally) shot.
At this point, with the ground closing in, everyone tries to bail out at the last second. The pilot's door apparently got jammed during Gavin's full-auto spray. He's a goner.
Hannah looks at Mike.
"Well... you old jarhead. I'll be seeing you in hell."
"Not if I see you first!"
The jaded lovers kiss one last time as they jump out of the helicopter.
Mike jumps free and miraculously lands (albeit very, very hard) into the hotel's pool. Hannah was not as lucky.
She dives out of the falling chopper, executing a perfect landing on the roof of a parked car. The only problem comes in the form of the helicopter itself. As it crashes violently into the parking lot below, the in explosive conflagration of jet fuel and acrid black smoke sends the back propellor blades right into the she-bitch assassin.
*Insert appropriate rejoicing*
Harry moves, jaw firmly in 'dropped' position, towards the crash area to see who's alive and who's not. As he gets closer, he sees Gavin, and the words of his Irish Catholic upbringing seem most appropriate:
"E Nomini Patri, E fili, E Spiritu Sancti, rest in peace, comrade."
He bows his head, and then heads over towards the pool to see if Mike is alive or not.
"E Nomini Patri, E fili, E Spiritu Sancti, rest in peace, comrade."
He bows his head, and then heads over towards the pool to see if Mike is alive or not.
Jess fights down the instinct to follow Harry, instead continuing with the phonecall.
"I don't know yet. Judging by how much lead my comrades pumped into his suite, he could very well be among the casualties. But if he's still at large, we'll need everything we can find out about him to help us track him down. You said he worked for the daughter of a former politburo member. Do you know her name ?"
"I don't know yet. Judging by how much lead my comrades pumped into his suite, he could very well be among the casualties. But if he's still at large, we'll need everything we can find out about him to help us track him down. You said he worked for the daughter of a former politburo member. Do you know her name ?"
Koskov sounds like he's picking his brain.
"Eh...the Politburo member? yes, I believe his name was Yuri Illiavic. A good man from the Ukraine...Kiev I believe. His daughter Samantha is now a rising member of the new Russian aristocracy, that is, when she's not out modeling earning a small fortune doing modeling for that western bourgeois company of hers. Her father would be rolling over in his grave if he knew his only daughter was going by the rediculous last name of Illingworth. What kind of name is that anyway? It's that capitalist influence on her, I tell you. You see what has happened to Mother Russia because of it. If I may ask, what do you want with her? She is no doubt a menace to Russian society, but I hope she is not in some sort of trouble?"
"Eh...the Politburo member? yes, I believe his name was Yuri Illiavic. A good man from the Ukraine...Kiev I believe. His daughter Samantha is now a rising member of the new Russian aristocracy, that is, when she's not out modeling earning a small fortune doing modeling for that western bourgeois company of hers. Her father would be rolling over in his grave if he knew his only daughter was going by the rediculous last name of Illingworth. What kind of name is that anyway? It's that capitalist influence on her, I tell you. You see what has happened to Mother Russia because of it. If I may ask, what do you want with her? She is no doubt a menace to Russian society, but I hope she is not in some sort of trouble?"
Jess's jaw drops down a mile or so when she hears the magical word "Samantha". If Koskov has keen ears, he might make out a faint "That bitch !" Finally, Jess picks up the phone again.
"That's very interesting. In fact, this explains a few things. If she..."
Another pause.
"My god. General, that woman may be involved in the whole mess we got into in Uzbekistan. Bad news, she's probably guilty of a lot more than simple decadence. Good news, we're already past the introductionary phase."
"That's very interesting. In fact, this explains a few things. If she..."
Another pause.
"My god. General, that woman may be involved in the whole mess we got into in Uzbekistan. Bad news, she's probably guilty of a lot more than simple decadence. Good news, we're already past the introductionary phase."
"Kak bolit golova!", Koskov exclaims as he apparently beats something repeatedly against something else.
"This is, how you Americans say...not good. Allow me to make a few calls and I will phone you back."
The receiver on Koskov's end slams down, but not before Jess hears some mumbled yelling in the background.
I knew it!...I fucking knew it! That bitch was going to screw the lot of us at the expense of her own greed....
"This is, how you Americans say...not good. Allow me to make a few calls and I will phone you back."
The receiver on Koskov's end slams down, but not before Jess hears some mumbled yelling in the background.
I knew it!...I fucking knew it! That bitch was going to screw the lot of us at the expense of her own greed....
Artis and Brian quickly don the SWAT armor and gear, each assuming the role of a cop as the elevator doors open on the lobby.
Waiting for the duo are loads of SWAT officers shining red dots on them in double-tap fashion. They immediately hear over their helmet earpieces,
Stand down! Stand down! Are you guys ok?
Brian and Artis feign the look of injury and fatigue, the goggles and gas mask providing the necessary subterfuge. They are helped outside by a few officers and are taken to the mobile triage area established in the tower parking lot.
As they walk towards the ambulances, they can see what's left of the police helicopter as its flames are extinguished by the local fire department.
Stratosphere Hotel, Poolside
Harry cautiously makes his way towards the pool. He's unsure if Mike died on impact and doesn't want to become the second team casualty in as many minutes. Harry closes in on the pool and sees a crowd of people standing around a rather battered man getting out of the deep end.
Mike spots Harry moving towards him and immediately kicks into survival mode, taking the first person (a 30-something man) within reach as a hostage with his back-up pistol. He swings around putting the hostage between him and Harry.
"Don't even think about it Agent Nighthawk! I'll cut me a path of dead tourists before you take me in! "
Waiting for the duo are loads of SWAT officers shining red dots on them in double-tap fashion. They immediately hear over their helmet earpieces,
Stand down! Stand down! Are you guys ok?
Brian and Artis feign the look of injury and fatigue, the goggles and gas mask providing the necessary subterfuge. They are helped outside by a few officers and are taken to the mobile triage area established in the tower parking lot.
As they walk towards the ambulances, they can see what's left of the police helicopter as its flames are extinguished by the local fire department.
Stratosphere Hotel, Poolside
Harry cautiously makes his way towards the pool. He's unsure if Mike died on impact and doesn't want to become the second team casualty in as many minutes. Harry closes in on the pool and sees a crowd of people standing around a rather battered man getting out of the deep end.
Mike spots Harry moving towards him and immediately kicks into survival mode, taking the first person (a 30-something man) within reach as a hostage with his back-up pistol. He swings around putting the hostage between him and Harry.
"Don't even think about it Agent Nighthawk! I'll cut me a path of dead tourists before you take me in! "
"No, that's not how it's gonna work. You kill a tourist, I'm just going to kill you. It's that simple. And I'm not going to care about collateral damage. To reiterate, you use that pistol, and you're not leaving this parking lot alive. Now, if you'd be cool, like Elvis, i]point to shirt[/i we can settle this like professionals. You don't want to die, Mister Glaubner here doesn't want to die. So stop pointing the gun at the poor sonofabitch, and maybe we can talk."
"Go ahead and shoot, you think I care about this guy?! He's just another hash mark on my tally however, have a moral obligation to protect and go ahead and pull the trigger. We're leaving now."
The crowd that once surrounded him fans out in terror after Mike's remarks...especially the one about I'll cut me a path of dead tourists before you take me in!.
It's going to be difficult to get any kind of shot on Mike, let alone get an accurate one.
(Edited by Dieter at 10:56 pm on Feb. 28, 2003)
The crowd that once surrounded him fans out in terror after Mike's remarks...especially the one about I'll cut me a path of dead tourists before you take me in!.
It's going to be difficult to get any kind of shot on Mike, let alone get an accurate one.
(Edited by Dieter at 10:56 pm on Feb. 28, 2003)
"I'm saying: You kill him, you die next. And judging by the numerous cuts, burns, and the amount of internal bleeding you have after an impact like that, and I think you're going to bleed to death before you can get anywhere near help."
Mike looks at Harry with utter contempt,
"Too late."
Joe Tourist gets a bullet to the noggin as Mike fades into riot of people.
"Too late."
Joe Tourist gets a bullet to the noggin as Mike fades into riot of people.