OOC: XVIII - The lapdance is so much better when the strippe
Are we all meeting at the gun cache?
Van weapon list:
2 - MP5 (10 clips)
1 - Steyr-Aug (5 clips)
5 - USP (10 clips)
1 - Benelli M1 Shotgun (50 shells)
3 - Frag Grenades
2 - Smoke
2 - MP5 (10 clips)
1 - Steyr-Aug (5 clips)
5 - USP (10 clips)
1 - Benelli M1 Shotgun (50 shells)
3 - Frag Grenades
2 - Smoke
Everyone grabs an USP, MP5 for Carla and Elena, AUG for Brian, Jess grabs the M1. Grenades split between Carla and Brian.
Everyone grabs an USP, MP5 for Carla and Elena, AUG for Brian, Jess grabs the M1. Grenades split between Carla and Brian.
Is Artis going to bushwhack the guy or try and be civil about the impending GTA.
This is a carjacking, don't make it a murder!
This is a carjacking, don't make it a murder!
If we don't tie the guy up and take him with us, about how long might it take for him to get to a phone on foot?
Oh hey. Let's just buy the car from him using field expenses. $800 bucks for your car and we'll check him for a cellphone or anything like that.
Oh hey. Let's just buy the car from him using field expenses. $800 bucks for your car and we'll check him for a cellphone or anything like that.
Quote:You've still got your tazer.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 3:40 pm on June 15, 2005
If we don't tie the guy up and take him with us, about how long might it take for him to get to a phone on foot?
Oh hey. Let's just buy the car from him using field expenses. $800 bucks for your car and we'll check him for a cellphone or anything like that.

It would take him a few hours to reach the nearest town, that is, if he was walking. Hitching a ride could get him into town quicker.
You make a good point. We'll keep the money for someone we can't sneak up on. sneaky sneaky -> ZAP! -> put in trunk -> drive off -> get KO'd guy out of trunk somewhere else so he'll be disoriented all to hell -> continue on.
I'm still recovering from being sick all weekend, so I'm hesitant to update while doped up on meds. Next storyline post probably won't happen till Wednesday.
Get well soon.
I have a question about the current equipment, by way of Infested: Can we assume that we ditched everything before raiding the grab bag / weapon dropbox, or did we retain anything?
I have a question about the current equipment, by way of Infested: Can we assume that we ditched everything before raiding the grab bag / weapon dropbox, or did we retain anything?
Quote:Thanks. I'm on the upswing right now, I just don't have much clarity in thought. Did that make sense? See, you really don't want me posting right now. :cool:Quote: from Gatac on 2:00 pm on June 20, 2005
Get well soon.
I have a question about the current equipment, by way of Infested: Can we assume that we ditched everything before raiding the grab bag / weapon dropbox, or did we retain anything?
Er...assume you ditched anything of value/tactical worth. It's safe to assume any sort of bugging was done on your equipment. In fact, add a bug-finder to that list of stuff found in the dropbox. Everything you now have is clean.
I have a few nasty ideas, but I'm keeping them to myself for now until I can see where we're heading with this.
How close are we to the runway?
Quote:Err...you're ON the runway.Quote: from Gatac on 12:21 pm on June 22, 2005
How close are we to the runway?

Assume the next storyline post will be the reunion of the two Teams. This chapter should be it and I have the feeling it's going to be not unlike a Greek Tragedy.
Thank the maker. I'm so tired....so very tired.
Thank the maker. I'm so tired....so very tired.
I need everyone to check in. It's been far too quiet this week and I'm not about to start the ultimate finale without full attendance.
I'll be here until sat or sunday, but then I'll be on the road a bit. Not sure when I can get internet access.
I'd like to have full boat before departing for war, so we might have to put the finale on hold until all hands are present and accounted for. Everyone is entitled to be part of the endgame. This may be for the best as I'm sure the planning of the last operation will take some time.
Did I scare everyone off?