You get a piece of flint, a bag of rice, and a machete. For the entire team.

Seriously, though, sure Gatac. You're the team leader, so you get to outfit the Delta NPCs. Feel free to suggest weapons for Sumo and Stanhill as well. We're looking at a squad makeup like so:
Squad Leader: CPT Verrill
Grenadier: SPC NPC
Automatic Rifleman: SSGT Putupu
Rifleman: SGT Stanhill
Fireteam 2 Leader: SFC NPC
Grenadier: SGT NPC
Automatic Rifleman: SPC NPC
Rifleman: SPC NPC
SPC = Specialist, SGT = Sergeant, SSGT = Staff Sergeant, SFC = Sergeant First Class, CPT = Captain, and the chain of command goes in the order just listed. I bumped Sumo up to SSGT because, hell, he's got that By the Book Aspect. Figure it might as well pay off right away.
Anyhoo, we're here for the toys.

My suggested rifles would be either the H&K 416 or a SCAR variant (your choice). Heavier calibers equal less ammo for the same weight. Being that in movies, Delta Force are portrayed as a bunch of cowboys, and this is an action movie game, knock yourself out. This is what I'd recommend after reading too much about "Standard Combat Loads" and "A+B+C for March Loads" and stuff:
1. Rifle w/ 1 magazine
1a. Automatic Riflemen carry their support weapon with one belt/box
2. Handgun with 2 magazines in drop holster (.45s are historically preferred by Delta)
3. 6 magazines if primary weapon is 7.62mm, 8 mags if 5.56mm, 8 if .45 caliber or 5.7mm (if Stanhill wants a UMP45 or P90 forex), or 10 if 9mm or 4.7mm (MP5, MP7). I'm completely bullshitting these loads, balancing only in-game mechanical effectiveness vs. weapon capacity.
3a. Automatic Riflemen carry 700 rounds for their primary if 5.56mm, or 500 rounds if 7.62mm. They also carry a spare barrel on their person and a second spare in their pack.
3b. Grenadiers carry 25 40mm grenades for their launcher of varying types.
4. 2 Frags, 1 smoke grenade.
5. Two 64 oz. canteens and one 100 oz. Camelbak. A second 100 oz. bladder for the Camelbak is carried in the pack.
6. 2 MRE meals, notebooks and waterproof markers for mapmaking, body armor, IV bags with starters, bandages, night vision, flashlights, chem lights, compass, rope/rappelling gear, zip cuffs, blah blah blah are carried by everyone.
7. Extra stuff: Stanhill's got communication equipment, 2 claymores, a C-4 demolitions kit, and extra medical supplies. His kit is packed. The grenadiers' 40mm grenades count as their extra load. Everyone else may choose ONE item from the list:
a. 6 grenades of whatever kind you like (smoke, flashbang, frag, white phosphorus)
b. 1 AT-4 anti-tank rocket
c. 2 Claymore mines
d. 200 belted 5.56mm rounds for the support weapons
e. 100 belted 7.62mm rounds for the support weapons
f. 4 more magazines for your own primary weapon AND 2 more magazines for your sidearm