Jade Imperium - NQOOC (Not Quite OOC)
Punkey wrote:Now that the cat is out of the bag, was there a reason why you wanted to keep it a secret from the rest of us? It doesn't help building any faith between you, Max, and the Deltas.Umm, as per my PM, that Faraday cage was supposed to be secret.
CPT Hugh Verrill
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP (derived from the Turai sword material)
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ (30 rounds per mag)
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags (10 rounds per mag)
3 frag grenades
SSG Semo Putupu
XM-25 25mm cannon
11 mags 25mm: (5 rounds per mag)
3 flechette
1 thermobaric
7 HE-AB (high explosive airburst)
PB69 9mm handgun + 2 mags
Turai sword
SPC Angel Riviera
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
3 frag grenades
2 Claymore mines
SGT Luis Stanhill
UMP-45 .45 submachine gun
8 mags .45 caliber (25 rounds per mag)
Beam Rifle, IFF-inactive
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
3 frag grenades
Medical kit
Demolitions kit
2 Claymore mines
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
*The entire Earth only has TWO frisbees. They can't let you take one through, but they are definitely interested in having you bring some back. Also, Luis seems like the type who might actually prefer a beam rifle, or taking a stinger as a sidearm. Swapping a .45 for a stinger doesn't really save you weight or anything, but swapping your UMP-45 for a beam rifle would let you carry 6 more grenades, double the demolitions equipment, or 3 more Claymores. You could also carry a beam rifle INSTEAD of 6 of your UMP-45 magazines.
SFC Charles Taylor
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ
Turai stinger
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
Turai sword
SPC Irving Mellish
Mk. 48 light machine gun
600 rounds 7.62mm (100 rounds per belt)
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
3 frag grenades
Turai stinger
Dr. Maxwell Kilgore
Beam Rifle + 2 spare barrels, IFF-inactive
Colt M1911 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags (7 rounds per mag)
3 frag grenades
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
Agent Garrett Davis
SCAR-H loaded with prototype 7.62mm AP
6 mags 7.62mm FMJ
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
Belt knife
Garrote in watch
PM if you want super-secret spy stuff
PVT Arketta Quis
Beam Rifle + 2 spare barrels, IFF-inactive
SCAR-H + 2 mags 7.62mm
3 frag grenades
Turai stinger
Turai sword
This stuff is more or less "standard". The prototype AP rounds I mention are based on the metallurgy of the Turai swords and how they can penetrate the armor much more easily than they should be able to. They don't have much to squander, so you get at most 1 mag, and the machine gunners get none.

You'll notice I assigned AT-4 launchers to everyone who's not already at their weight limit (Luis) or a foreign operative of dubious trustworthiness. Or Angel, because I figured he'd want more Claymores. You can swap if you liike, Ivan.
Some options for gadgetry:
1. They can remove a beam rifle's stock and handgrip and fit it for an under-barrel mount on a SCAR-H. It's not terribly accurate like this (range categories are increased by one die step), but it's lightweight compared to an actual grenade launcher. If you want this, lose 2 mags for your primary weapon or 2 grenades or 1 Claymore or your EXTRA pistol ammo.
2. They can do the reverse, and fit an underbarrel grenade launcher to a beam rifle. Give up your AT-4 if you've got one, or the equivalent, and take 15 grenades instead. Same deal if you want a grenade launcher on your SCAR, or give up 2 mags for every 5 grenades added.
3. Screw Gatac's relatively conservative-but-tested recommendations and go for something exotic. An M29 OICW (25mm cannon with underbarrel assault rifle - 15 lbs), Barrett M-109 25mm sniper rifle (33 lbs), Barrett M-107 .50 sniper rifle (10 shots, 28 lbs), AA-12 automatic shotgun (or other shotgun) loaded with FRAG-12 high-explosive armor-piercing shells, or anything else you can think of.
Everyone also has:
Two 64 oz. canteens and one 100 oz. Camelbak. A second 100 oz. bladder for the Camelbak is carried in the pack.
2 MRE meals, notebooks and waterproof markers for mapmaking, IV bags with starters, bandages, night vision, flashlights, chem lights, compass, rope/rappelling gear, zip cuffs, blah blah blah.
Body Armor:
R&D has put together vests that CAN provide some scant protection against Turai weaponry. They use an extremely tough alloy strike plate, basically using the equivalent of an Old West boiler-plate to stop a six-shooter. I am assuming people are taking these - if you do not care to, you can carry more stuff if you like. You can also instead choose to wear one of the Turai undersuits. Basically a wetsuit that provides some armor vs. particle beams, blades, bullets, etc. As mentioned before, Max has a suit of Turai armor that fits him, and Arketta has a suit she could wear if you felt so inclined. With the various pieces from the invasion scattered about, you could put together a working suit for ONE other person.
Basically, I'm looking for maximum Turai-armor penetration/stopping power. Not being an armory wizard, I'm looking for advice here.
Also, I had posted that Semo was swapping out his HK45 for the silenced Russian pistol. Is this a bad idea? Would it be better to just get a silencer for the HK (if one is available)?
fanchergw wrote:Metagaming aside, it's probably more advisable for more people to pack the OICW than everyone toting one-shot AT-4 rocket launchers. We've got a limited amount of ammo and (at least in this case) quantity over quality should be considered.Would it make sense for Semo to swap out the Mk 48 and/or AT-4 and/or frags for the M29 OICW 25mm cannon with underbarrel assault rifle or AA-12 automatic shotgun with FRAG-12 high-explosive armor-piercing shells?
Basically, I'm looking for maximum Turai-armor penetration/stopping power. Not being an armory wizard, I'm looking for advice here.
Also, I had posted that Semo was swapping out his HK45 for the silenced Russian pistol. Is this a bad idea? Would it be better to just get a silencer for the HK (if one is available)?
admiralducksauce wrote:SGT Luis Stanhill
UMP-45 .45 submachine gun
8 mags .45 caliber (25 rounds per mag)
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags
3 frag grenades
Medical kit
Comm equipment
Demolitions kit
2 Claymore mines
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
*The entire Earth only has TWO frisbees. They can't let you take one through, but they are definitely interested in having you bring some back. Also, Luis seems like the type who might actually prefer a beam rifle, or taking a stinger as a sidearm. Swapping a .45 for a stinger doesn't really save you weight or anything, but swapping your UMP-45 for a beam rifle would let you carry 6 more grenades, double the demolitions equipment, or 3 more Claymores. You could also carry a beam rifle INSTEAD of 6 of your UMP-45 magazines.
I'm fine on most of that, but I have a few issues I'd like to raise specifically:
1. The comm gear. Most of our communication would be intrasquad, team-member-to-team-member, right? That doesn't require too much gear, IIRC, and signaling through a Gate takes about the same. What is this specifically? Any chance of dropping it, and if I trade it out, what abilities would I loose?
2. In regards to the Turai weapons you sugest: I think we're fairly agreed that we face the possiility of loosing the Turai weapons. If I can't use the SMG specialization with them, and we might not have them when we need them, should I really bother carrying one?
3. Frisbee allocation: makes sense. I'd already basically added the need to obtain some more kegs (preferably of the keg-making type) as an unofficial priority, so the be-on-the-lookout fits right in.
The drawbacks of the OICW is that it's heavy, and you only get 5 cannon rounds per magazine (and I can't see people toting more than, say, six magazines for it). Your Mk.48 is also heavy, so that's not that big a deal there, but you're going to lose the ability to suppress people and spray multiple targets. You'll be trading it for an almost-guaranteed one-hit kill, though. The OICW also has a 5.56mm assault rifle (think M16) underneath it, but that round has less stopping power than your SCARs.
Skill-at-arms factors in here as well. Angel's got a SCAR and 210 rounds for it. He's good enough that he can called shot and bypass the heavier armor plating. With an OICW, Angel's got... let's say 35 cannon shells - a fraction of the damage he could inflict with well-placed rifle rounds.
You're right about the silenced Russian pistol. I'll edit.
For Semo, I wouldn't recommend the autoshotgun. Firstly, you'd lose your specialization with it. Secondly, it's too middle of the road - either blow the shit out of people or hose them with lead. The FRAG-12 shotgun shells, however, are a fine idea for anyone who's considering taking a shotgun of any sort. Keep in mind they have shotguns that can be slung underneath an assault rifle.
e of pi wrote:I'm fine on most of that, but I have a few issues I'd like to raise specifically:
1. The comm gear. Most of our communication would be intrasquad, team-member-to-team-member, right? That doesn't require too much gear, IIRC, and signaling through a Gate takes about the same. What is this specifically? Any chance of dropping it, and if I trade it out, what abilities would I loose?
2. In regards to the Turai weapons you sugest: I think we're fairly agreed that we face the possiility of loosing the Turai weapons. If I can't use the SMG specialization with them, and we might not have them when we need them, should I really bother carrying one?
3. Frisbee allocation: makes sense. I'd already basically added the need to obtain some more kegs (preferably of the keg-making type) as an unofficial priority, so the be-on-the-lookout fits right in.
1. You've got a point. By dropping the comm gear, you could easily free up space to acquire alien gadgetry. You probably don't lose much by dropping it.
2. Point taken. Luis just seemed more like an alien-tech-ophile, so I thought I'd mention it. No, you wouldn't get SMG specialization with a beam rifle or a stinger.
admiralducksauce wrote:Given the latter of that argument, I'd be inclined not to recommend the OICW. I was thinking it would also be an auxiliary weapon.Devil's advocate: You also know one AT-4 can take out a manta ship. 25mm shells aren't anything to laugh at but they're not exactly anti-tank weapons. Also, the AT-4 is an auxiliary weapon - it's not replacing your main rifle. The OICW would have to replace your rifle simply because of weight, load, etc.
"admiralducksauce wrote:1. You've got a point. By dropping the comm gear, you could easily free up space to acquire alien gadgetry. You probably don't lose much by dropping it.
2. Point taken. Luis just seemed more like an alien-tech-ophile, so I thought I'd mention it. No, you wouldn't get SMG specialization with a beam rifle or a stinger.
In that case, I'll pick up a beam rifle. You're right about Luis being a bit of a techno-phile, so he wouldn't be able to resist playing with a phaser.

1. Stay with loadout as is.
2. Swap Mk 48 (and maybe frags) for OICW, retaining the AT-4. He should be able to suppress with the 5.56, except against those in Turai armor. For those, he'll have to go one-at-a-time with the cannon shells.
Speaking of #2, ADS, if he drops his Mk 48, all of it's ammo and the frags, how much OICW ammo could he pack?

Ironically, all these H&K projects have been cancelled in real life.
If Semo takes the OICW, I'd recommend only 2 5.56mm mags. Semo being Semo, I could see him toting a whopping 8 magazines of the 25mm. That's 40 rounds + 5 in the weapon.
Just taking the cannon portion, the XM-25, would save enough weight to up that to 11 magazines; 55 rounds + 5 in the weapon.
Arketta tells you that Imperial scanners should only pick up powered Turai weapons. Breaking them down in a such a way to depower them takes a few rounds (or vice versa)
