OOC: XI - New and improved OOC action. Well...not really.

Dieter 2003-10-03 17:50:57
M'kay. That covers Ayumi and Carla. What are Jess and Brian doing?
Gatac 2003-10-03 17:52:59
Lean against the next wall outside and wait for visitors.

Dieter 2003-10-06 00:03:39
Sorry for lack of updates. The weather around here has been very wonky as of late as has been wrecking havoc on my allergies.

Perhaps an update tonight, tomorrow at the latest.
Dieter 2003-10-06 16:46:24
Still alive, feeling a bit better.

Gatty, what's your posting schedule like this week?
Gatac 2003-10-06 16:57:43
I'll be here all week for a change. (Yay for time off !)

Dieter 2003-10-06 17:42:14
Ok, the people in the boat appear to be there for the rendevous. What is Jess doing?
Gatac 2003-10-06 18:18:49
It's probably not too smart to insult your host, but then, being overly polite would be suspicious.

Dieter 2003-10-06 21:36:05
What did Jess take with her besides the knife? Please list anything of note.
Gatac 2003-10-06 21:45:38
Not terribly much of note. If it's not too much of a hassle, I'd like the computer case with me, but if that's a problem, a photo will do. Other than that, the bugs, hidden in the knife sheath.

Dieter 2003-10-06 21:55:56
Voluntarily handing the video-bug off to the enemy...that's crafty.

P.S. I'll assume you left the computer case with Brian so he can track you down at a later date...or at least he'll know where to find your body. ;)

(Edited by Dieter at 2:57 pm on Oct. 6, 2003)
Gatac 2003-10-06 21:57:27
"If you'd done this a year ago, I would've thought you were trying to be a hero."
"And now ?"
"Now I realize that it was just a really stupid thing to do."

Dieter 2003-10-06 21:59:38

Quote: from Gatac on 2:57 pm on Oct. 6, 2003
"If you'd done this a year ago, I would've thought you were trying to be a hero."
"And now ?"
"Now I realize that it was just a really stupid thing to do."


The quote sounds familiar, which movie is that from?
CrazyIvan 2003-10-06 22:15:49
*needs to drop more ranks into hide*

Not entirely sure what to do here...I suppose just wait at the pickup point for now, until an opportunity presents itself.
Gatac 2003-10-06 22:20:03
Er, it's from some DS9 episode I think. If you're interested, I can research which.

Gatac 2003-10-06 22:24:19
Found it. Fourth Season, Starship Down, and the quote's actually:

Dax : "It's funny, a year ago if you'd done something like this, I would have thought you were just trying to be a hero."
Bashir : "And now?"
Dax : "Now that I know you better, I realise it was just a really stupid thing to do."

Well, I was close enough to carry the joke.

Dieter 2003-10-06 22:26:39

Quote: from CrazyIvan on 3:15 pm on Oct. 6, 2003
*needs to drop more ranks into hide*

Not entirely sure what to do here...I suppose just wait at the pickup point for now, until an opportunity presents itself.

Actually, that was Catesby using "Bluff". Catesby was playing a hunch and Jess fell for it. ;)

As for Brian, he can monitor the video bug via the Jess' computer.

Gatty, that quote did sound very DS9-ish. I'm guessing it's a conversation between Cisco and Garek (the Cardassian spy-turned-tailor).
Dieter 2003-10-06 22:39:59

Quote: from Gatac on 3:24 pm on Oct. 6, 2003
Found it. Fourth Season, Starship Down, and the quote's actually:

Dax : "It's funny, a year ago if you'd done something like this, I would have thought you were just trying to be a hero."
Bashir : "And now?"
Dax : "Now that I know you better, I realise it was just a really stupid thing to do."

Well, I was close enough to carry the joke.


Ah, the good ole' days when DS9 was getting real good.

...oh and that's the big 3000th post for me! :cheesy: