Didn't need much of an initiative up till now, but that drone is going to close quickly.
Ngawai & Angel
Luis & drone
Dunamis gets the portal open
Everyone else goes
Swims finishes glassing One-Ton's DNA leavings
Jade Imperium - OOC 9
*heroic voice* "NPCs, come to me!"

Going to try and add Imperial patrol boats to my standing accumulation of downed helicopters.
It's not a patrol boat, just one of the little drones.
It's been a long time since any advancement's been given out. Let me tally some stuff and I'll post your goodies.
I sugest everyone but Ngawai, Angel, and me move out through the Gate. Swims follows when he's finished, then Luis, Angel, and Nagwai go through and we close the portal.
Davis isn't leaving until we're clean and ready to go, but aside from that, whatever.
Just doing some character development, and I stumbled across a way one our party could make a connection and wind up with some inkling about what Max is facing. It's a longshot, and of course (for Luis) not a real for-sure thing, but I think the rationale is sound.
I think it's reaching, personally. As far as we know, Max is dead. Hell, he's most probably dead, or missing his arms and legs with a jellyfish attached to his head. We don't need to worry about that right now, but whatever floats your boat.
Not necesarily that Max has met Greene and is an Imperial prisoner, but that Greene is even alive for such a meeting to occur, and in Imperial hands.
It'd be reaching to think Greene would be anything other than dead or a high-security prisoner, but the fact that they know the names of the original team but not the new guys was a big clue. And it goes all the way back to Hugh's Robocop nightmare in the first post of the new campaign.
admiralducksauce wrote:It'd be reaching to think Greene would be anything other than dead or a high-security prisoner, but the fact that they know the names of the original team but not the new guys was a big clue. And it goes all the way back to Hugh's Robocop nightmare in the first post of the new campaign.
I don't plan on taking this leap to anything other than a "You know, Greene might not be as dead as we thought. Might want to think about what that could imply." This does not constitute anything on the level of deducing what's been going on with Kilgore and Greene, just allows us an IC justification to make solid IC changes to adapt to possible required changes (like knocking it off with Morse).
Secondly, where do we go from here? I ask simply because I don't really remember if we'd firmly agreed on doing either an Earth visit before the RoBS raid, and us alone with a personal Gate, overseen by nothing but automatic systems (which we know have the resources to do something about hacking) on an unmanned Gateship seems an ideal position to make a quick hop back to Earth.
Do you trust every one of the dozen-plus NPCs you're with when you punch in that gate code?
Do they all have to be in the room when we do it?

that's true. Put the ones you don't trust in the other room. Better piss in their canteens too, just to get the point across. 
But yes, you do have a Gateway which means you have access to the Diego Garcia gate.

But yes, you do have a Gateway which means you have access to the Diego Garcia gate.
Quote:that's true. Put the ones you don't trust in the other room. Better piss in their canteens too, just to get the point across.
On the contrary, I think any member of a secret rebel group has some concept of "compartmentalized security". Simply put them all out of the room, and inform the relevant big wigs that they will be provided with Gate codes for Earth once the negotiations confirming the nature of the partnership are completed. Also, remember that the ID code is just as important as the Gatecode in gaining access to Diego Garcia--more so, really, what with our Iris-wannabe. And that can be kept quiet much more easily.
Getting back to Earth was the whole reason why I wanted to get here in the first place. There's a few reasons, resupply and all that, but also because Max's capture/death means that we need to have a change of plans. I'm gonna roll it out more IC, but basically, I want to split up into two groups, and hit two targets simultaneously. One much larger (much larger) and more assault-focused team invading Boronai and going after the Spire, the second target that Varos listed, and the other, more espionage and theft oriented team going after the ROBS on Napai. This gets us around a few problems, like having to worry about Imperial forces only having to focus on Napai, it also means that we have two different chances to get the information we want. And when I'm talking about invading Boronai, I'm talking about a full-bore invasion force, trained, backed and equipped by our military, one group being more like Call of Duty and the other more like Ocean's 11. I want to go over it with our friends, but I think it might work.
Also, as far as security goes, they're going to see the gate code anyway, unless we make them walk backwards when they go through the gate as it's lit up on the sides of the damn thing. I think we just blindfold Dunamis and let our faux-iris work as security.
Also, as far as security goes, they're going to see the gate code anyway, unless we make them walk backwards when they go through the gate as it's lit up on the sides of the damn thing. I think we just blindfold Dunamis and let our faux-iris work as security.
May I recommend that we do further strategizing on Earth? Like e said, people we don't trust don't have to be there to see us dial the code, and once we're all through we can detain people who try to mess with us. I'd just like to get back on friendly ground and have some manpower behind me before we take this further. Besides, a show of our resources may convince the rebels that some "impossible" things are slightly less so. We've talked a good game, but it's time to show them that we roll deep.
Roger that, Gatac. Get untrustworthy people out as we dial the Gate and send the confirmation code, then go home. (Of course, wipe the Gateship's logs to show us never being there--or at leas as well as we/the Rebels can)
If no one else has anything, Davis is going to finally getting some shuteye.