Ah! I can't believe I forgot about this. Zaef still had grenades. Does it need to be one round or two rounds between the two sides to avoid collateral damage?
If you're one full round apart, a grenade won't hurt you guys. Remember, to deal vehicular damage to someone with a grenade (or spearbomb), you have to make a called shot. Basically cooking the grenade. Then people in the area take the normal damage too. Otherwise, everyone in the area just takes normal damage.
Any "effects" of the damage you read in the IC post are concessions I've made to keep you in the fight. Stuff like the knife-toting Khiraba being a paraplegic now, or Luis' arm. Normally I have a stable of less visually horrific effects, but they all start with "initiative penalty" or "drop weapon" and I'm not about to slap those on anyone right now. I figure you'd all rather lose an arm or your armor or your ability to run rather than act slower at this point.
Initiative for Round 2:
Nahan (Khiraba with the now-empty knockoff rifle)
Haris (Khiraba who shot Arketta)
Luis, Jaq (Khiraba who shot Luis and Angel)
Angel's at 2/6 Wounds, 3/14 Shock. It is a Christmas miracle to get damage that low from a beamer right when you needed the wimpiest shot possible.
Angel rolls way higher than everyone else
Hugh, Sauhan, and Luis all roll 2.
No, really. I can't write results like that. This is totally the "bad guy tries for one last bushwhacking" from any number of action movies, and Angel sees him first, but Angel's got an empty rifle, and thus can't use his specialization! It takes a full round to reload, but it's only an action to draw a new weapon (although that action does penalize further actions, just like multiple attacks would). ANY hit on Sauhan will take him out, he literally has 1 wound and 1 Shock left to his name.
Drawing me sidearm and taking a shot at the last surviving Imperial jerkface genocidal prick.
Erm - going to pitch for both the "Steady Shot" and the new d4 "The Darkness" aspect to count - Shootout at the O-K Hab-block was the kind of stuff it was meant to reference.
Also, Punky says there's the means to exchange more offensive bonuses now for a resultant hit to the defenses later? If so, trading in as much as I can.
Also, Punky says there's the means to exchange more offensive bonuses now for a resultant hit to the defenses later? If so, trading in as much as I can.
Go big or go home
Ah - The "full offense" or "full defense" options apply to melee only, but your Aspects are definitely in play.
Also, Punky says there's the means to exchange more offensive bonuses now for a resultant hit to the defenses later? If so, trading in as much as I can.
Go big or go home
Ah - The "full offense" or "full defense" options apply to melee only, but your Aspects are definitely in play.
Then we will have to rely on the tried-and-true "The dice gods favor the bold."
The rebels will be able to block the outsystem gate before too long, and it'll be a couple days of constant footgate traffic and setting up camp. What is the plan for you guys (after you've had your well-deserved beer, hookers, and blackjack)?
Are you moving the Imperials to Earth ASAP? Are you guys coming back right away to oversee stuff? Are only some of you coming back? Who among the Whiirr do you extend invitations to? We're totally in montage mode here, so unless you are absolutely going to die if something doesn't get played out post-by-post, I figure if there's no real conflict in it, you can post it yourself as a flavor scene or hash out any brief questions OOC before figuring out an outcome for IC.
The outstanding conflicts I see are:
1. What action, if any, will you take with the Sheen? This might need to be played out in its entirety or it could be montaged depending.
2. The rescue of some of the Imperials' families/stuff they want in exchange for staying on Earth will be a montagey kind of thing, esp. since the next adventure will be rescuing Arketta's parents. No need to rehash the same stuff in detail.
3. Davis is going to try to jockey for some kind of more-lenient position with regards to mission types. That'll probably be a fight. Luis getting attached to GRHDI directly may be an outcome here as well.
Stuff like "flying around in a Black Hawk to various wherren tribes, spreading the good news like Sam Worthington in Avatar" is not a conflict, but I'll mention it.
If anyone has a montagey "I'm back home and doing X" moment they would like to do, post away, now's the time for it. It can happen at any point along that montage I posted already - like Luis' could be from when he's still Army and just arriving back, or during his CIA week, or as part of Task Force 815.
I will post XP rewards and reminders of how to spend them in a new OOC thread.
Going to get Reagan (Community Lotion) in here sooner rather than later. Robin Barksdale's wiki entry is here:
Since Semo won't be coming back, she's your tank. One third Semo's size, but all the toughness.
We'll use Google Wave more often than not for dialogue scenes when both players are online and have the time. Gtalk will work too, or you can hash it out post-by-post as normal or if time doesn't allow.
Dave also wants to switch from Cowboy back to Max Kilgore. He'll have spent some time on a backwater colony with Imperials, and it'll mellow him out some and integrated him a little more with the natives. Then he eventually connects back with the rebels for some reason or another that I'm still working on, and he'll probably join enroute to the next mission.
Ah, Ivan has a point. How about like Luis' little CIA two-step, Davis and Hugh finagle a promotion to some sort of sergeant (no time for research atm, just about out the door to work)? It can be after your "volunteering" for the Sheen training, and your misgivings in your post can be just as valid, but on paper the rank'll lend your position some weight.
Angel's got more than enough time in grade to qualify for a promotion to Sergeant. Anything higher than that, he'll need to see the Warrior Leader Course to be eligible, though I suspect Angel can sleepwalk through most of it.
But, you know, generally speaking? I don't think it's about promotion. Angel's already got all the cred he could possibly use, and doing the little rank song & dance won't change that. It's not like it really matters inside the team, either.