cheat sheet for ADS
Vandal Squadron PCs
Mandall Daygon
Human (or Corellian, whatever )
Physical d6
Combat d10 (Level Up)
Knowledge d6
Wits d12 (Specialisation: Pilot)
Spirit d6
Lightning Reflexes, Genetically Engineered
Mandall is, without doubt, one of the most frustratingly effective reconnaissance pilots for the Rebel Alliance.
To be frank, he's a bit of a jerk with a taste for partying. This wouldn't be half as bad if he didn't also have a famous tendency to complain about the aftereffects of those parties. Couple all of that with a sort of arrogant dismissal of "unimportant" missions bordering on insubordination, and it's clear that he won't win any popularity contest.
The problem with all that? Even people who hate him have to admit that he's really freaking good at what he does.
Mandall's reflexes have been augmented to impressive levels, as has the general speed at which he can perceive the world around him. That coupled with a latent force affinity make Mandall a feared pilot of small, nimble craft, able to fly circles around his opponents or dodge enemy fire even if it looks like they've got him dead to rights. Everything he does, he does quickly. Even if dropped into a completely alien situation, he can instantly determine a cause of action, and chances are, he'll be right. The bastard.
He's a generally twitchy guy, always with one eye on his surroundings. It's not paranoia - he's simply used to being aware of everything around him. Out there, it helps him survive. Off duty - well, it's not exactly the most alluring trait when it seems like he's not even listening to you while his eyes dart around.
However, somewhere under the mass of hypercharged synapses lies a guy who'd like nothing more than be a stunt pilot for a travelling show. He doesn't actively resent being a soldier, but he's prone to thoughts of just running away from the war and be one with his true and only passion: speed.
Name:Jorm Taban
Weight:175 lbs
Specialization: Ships Systems
Specialization: Repair (Level Up)
You are an expert in coordination and logistics. Whether you are fine tuning systems mid-flight or trying to make sure that the supplies arrive on time you just have a knack for making sure the right thing is at the right place in the right time. Many's the time you've saved a pilot's ass by redirecting enough power to keep the shields up through one more volley or just making sure that the right parts are installed.
Dutch Tragen
Height: 1.9m
Weight: 88kg
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Blue
Spirit:D8 (Specialization: Command)
Born Leader: D8
Dutch despises the notion of leadership not taking an active role in fleet engagements. He makes it a point to be the first out of the hangar and the last ship to dock. The meer notion that "Ole Dutch" is nearby has turned the tide in many battles.
Nerves of Steel: D8
Having made a career of being shot at, Dutch doesn't run in the face of danger. "Above and beyond the call of duty" is his motto.
Dutch was "damn near retirement" when events leading after the Battle of Endor caused his CO to ask him to come back.
One of the founding stickjockeys of Vandal Squadron, Dutch served with distinction and served out the remaining years of his career as its Wing Commander. He's not the best pilot out there, that's for sure, but his cool head and expertise is valued by all who fly with him.
Eritram van Istom
Age: 17
Height: 1,7m
Weight: kg
Hair: (Pitch)Black
Eyes: Brown
Specialization: Heavy Weapons: Torpedoes/Rockets
Specialization: Blaster Rifle
*please note I mean this as 1 specialization
Cautious (hanging back and pickin' off the bad guys)
Deadly Aim
Born on a backwater planet in the center of nowhere Eritram lived the boring live of a noble. The Istom-Monarchy was well established, chances for an uprising were less than zero, and Eritram was the only heir to the throne. Nothing of interest happened on this lonely planet - until the Empire arrived.
Claiming the planet as their own, the empire established a brutal reign of their own, altough rebel forces arrived only months later. The small imperial garrison was defeated swiftly but the royal familiy was under the few casualties.
With his whole life shattered Eritram joined the rebel forces, but his noble heritage was...problematic. Having never really worked to achieve anything Eritram is physical weak, tough the regular hunting trips have given him almost unnatural precision.
His arrogant, aristocratic manners have not made him many friends either.
Eritram values his live and is far from heroic, thus he utilizes his great aiming skills to keep out of the battle and still score enough hits to support his wingmates.
(The woman in the middle)
Age: 27
Height: 1.5 m
Weight: 45 kg
Hair: Silvery-grey
Fur: Golden tan
Eyes: Green
Physical: D6
Combat: D10 (Specialization: Tactics)
Knowledge: D6
Wits: D10 (Pilot) (Level Up)
Spirit: D6
Dogfighting Ace (d8)
Hates the Empire (d6)
Excellent Night Vision (d6)
Calsera and her family spent most of her cub years on the run. When the Imperials neared the planet she was born on, her father got them passage off-planet. However, they never seemed to run far enough or fast enough. Sooner or later, the Empire would target the system they were in and they would be off running again. On the third such move, her father was killed fighting to give her and her mother time to get away.
As she reached the age of majority, Calsera decided she was tired of running. Over her mother's objections, she joined the rebellion. Due to her quick natural reflexes and excellent vision, she was given a chance to become an X-wing pilot. It was quickly apparent that she had found her calling.
Calsera spent the last couple of years of the war battling the Empire wherever her superiors in the Rebellion sent her. Now that the war is over, she has discovered that she doesn't really know how to do anything else. As a result, she volunteered for Dutch Tragen's squad, both due to his reputation and the opportunity to keep doing what she does best.
Aurelia Connroy
Correlian Mechanic
Physical: d6
Combat: d8
Knowledge: d10 (Ship's Systems)
Wits: d8
Spirit: d6
Jury-Rig (d8): Even when the parts aren't right, Aurelia can make things work.
Scavenge for Parts (d6): While working on the assembly of the Rusty Dagger , Aurelia got very, very good at finding parts for the scratch-built vessel.
"Machines Got Workins" (d6): Aurelia, on some level, understands the inherent logic behind machine systems, even those she isn't familiar with.
Name: Ganet Hran
Affiliation: Rebel, mostly light side
Race: Human (Alderaanian)
Age: 30
Concept: Aristocrat with dark past
Role: Communications/Security
Physical: d6
Combat: d10 (boarding actions) (Level Up)
Knowledge: d8
Wits: d8
d8 Alderaanian Gentleman's Education: Ganet was taught all that a proper man of the galaxy ought to know, influenced by the growing clandestine militant resistance movement. As a result, he knows a good number of languages and is familiar with most forms of etiquette, military history, and high culture in general. Most importantly for this setting, he was instructed in close-quarters battle and guerilla techniques.
d8 Truly Noble: Although dogged by rumor and disgrace, in person Ganet lives up to the connotations of "nobility." Sort of like how some men are said to look 'presidential,' Ganet is tall and well-featured. In dealing with others, he seems to radiate importance, though usually not with malice. He knows how to be cajole aristocrats or inspire/intimidate a mob. Also the other sense of 'noble,' selfless actions are not at all unusual for Ganet.
The Noble House of Hran, while not as renowned as that of Organa, was one of the top families of Alderaan, producing a great number of senators and even a few jedi over the family's long and storied history. The family had a long tradition of republican virtue and dissent. One of Ganet's younger uncles even joined the Separatist forces during the Clone Wars, on the grounds that systems had an inherent right to secede. (Here I'm thinking of that line in the Ep. 3 crawl about there being "heroes on both sides" As the Republic began to crumble, Ganet was brought up in a culture of resistance, as his elders tried to educate him and his siblings in not only how to fight, but what to do after the fighting is over.
Ganet led small commando raids during the early days of the rebellion, moving from little more than politically motivated smash-n-grab jobs, to big-time operations. He was on a long-term deep cover assignment, and was found out around the time the first Death Star became operational. He escaped soon after and while it's unclear what happened during his captivity, ugly rumor surrounds this time in his life. Many surviving Alderaanians suspect that he sold out his planet for his own freedom. Whether or not this is the case, it can't be proven either way, besides his sworn word that he said nothing and escaped on his own, which would be doubted by his opponents anyway.
Where's a technically-innocent, shady rebel with experience in special operations to go? Vandal Squadron, of course.
He operates communications for the most part, and is one of the go-to guys on shipboard combat. While he would stick out like a golden thumb in Mos Eisley, he could impersonate an ambassador or Imperial moff without too much trouble. He doesn't volunteer his personal views unless asked, preferring that others project views onto him instead. It's a habit that allows him to get along with people of widely differing opinion. Generally, he's well-liked but quietly suspected. While Eritram and he have very different opinions on how nobility ought to act (Ganet is more modeled on the patricians of the Roman Republic, wheras Eritram is the more classic king), they get along well. Dutch respects him, though he's told him in confidence that if Ganet betrays the squad, Dutch'll make him wish he'd been on Alderaan 4 years ago.
Human (or Corellian, whatever )
Physical d6
Combat d10 (Level Up)
Knowledge d6
Wits d12 (Specialisation: Pilot)
Spirit d6
Lightning Reflexes, Genetically Engineered
Mandall is, without doubt, one of the most frustratingly effective reconnaissance pilots for the Rebel Alliance.
To be frank, he's a bit of a jerk with a taste for partying. This wouldn't be half as bad if he didn't also have a famous tendency to complain about the aftereffects of those parties. Couple all of that with a sort of arrogant dismissal of "unimportant" missions bordering on insubordination, and it's clear that he won't win any popularity contest.
The problem with all that? Even people who hate him have to admit that he's really freaking good at what he does.
Mandall's reflexes have been augmented to impressive levels, as has the general speed at which he can perceive the world around him. That coupled with a latent force affinity make Mandall a feared pilot of small, nimble craft, able to fly circles around his opponents or dodge enemy fire even if it looks like they've got him dead to rights. Everything he does, he does quickly. Even if dropped into a completely alien situation, he can instantly determine a cause of action, and chances are, he'll be right. The bastard.
He's a generally twitchy guy, always with one eye on his surroundings. It's not paranoia - he's simply used to being aware of everything around him. Out there, it helps him survive. Off duty - well, it's not exactly the most alluring trait when it seems like he's not even listening to you while his eyes dart around.
However, somewhere under the mass of hypercharged synapses lies a guy who'd like nothing more than be a stunt pilot for a travelling show. He doesn't actively resent being a soldier, but he's prone to thoughts of just running away from the war and be one with his true and only passion: speed.
Name:Jorm Taban
Weight:175 lbs
Specialization: Ships Systems
Specialization: Repair (Level Up)
You are an expert in coordination and logistics. Whether you are fine tuning systems mid-flight or trying to make sure that the supplies arrive on time you just have a knack for making sure the right thing is at the right place in the right time. Many's the time you've saved a pilot's ass by redirecting enough power to keep the shields up through one more volley or just making sure that the right parts are installed.
Dutch Tragen
Height: 1.9m
Weight: 88kg
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Blue
Spirit:D8 (Specialization: Command)
Born Leader: D8
Dutch despises the notion of leadership not taking an active role in fleet engagements. He makes it a point to be the first out of the hangar and the last ship to dock. The meer notion that "Ole Dutch" is nearby has turned the tide in many battles.
Nerves of Steel: D8
Having made a career of being shot at, Dutch doesn't run in the face of danger. "Above and beyond the call of duty" is his motto.
Dutch was "damn near retirement" when events leading after the Battle of Endor caused his CO to ask him to come back.
One of the founding stickjockeys of Vandal Squadron, Dutch served with distinction and served out the remaining years of his career as its Wing Commander. He's not the best pilot out there, that's for sure, but his cool head and expertise is valued by all who fly with him.
Eritram van Istom
Age: 17
Height: 1,7m
Weight: kg
Hair: (Pitch)Black
Eyes: Brown
Specialization: Heavy Weapons: Torpedoes/Rockets
Specialization: Blaster Rifle
*please note I mean this as 1 specialization
Cautious (hanging back and pickin' off the bad guys)
Deadly Aim
Born on a backwater planet in the center of nowhere Eritram lived the boring live of a noble. The Istom-Monarchy was well established, chances for an uprising were less than zero, and Eritram was the only heir to the throne. Nothing of interest happened on this lonely planet - until the Empire arrived.
Claiming the planet as their own, the empire established a brutal reign of their own, altough rebel forces arrived only months later. The small imperial garrison was defeated swiftly but the royal familiy was under the few casualties.
With his whole life shattered Eritram joined the rebel forces, but his noble heritage was...problematic. Having never really worked to achieve anything Eritram is physical weak, tough the regular hunting trips have given him almost unnatural precision.
His arrogant, aristocratic manners have not made him many friends either.
Eritram values his live and is far from heroic, thus he utilizes his great aiming skills to keep out of the battle and still score enough hits to support his wingmates.
(The woman in the middle)
Age: 27
Height: 1.5 m
Weight: 45 kg
Hair: Silvery-grey
Fur: Golden tan
Eyes: Green
Physical: D6
Combat: D10 (Specialization: Tactics)
Knowledge: D6
Wits: D10 (Pilot) (Level Up)
Spirit: D6
Dogfighting Ace (d8)
Hates the Empire (d6)
Excellent Night Vision (d6)
Calsera and her family spent most of her cub years on the run. When the Imperials neared the planet she was born on, her father got them passage off-planet. However, they never seemed to run far enough or fast enough. Sooner or later, the Empire would target the system they were in and they would be off running again. On the third such move, her father was killed fighting to give her and her mother time to get away.
As she reached the age of majority, Calsera decided she was tired of running. Over her mother's objections, she joined the rebellion. Due to her quick natural reflexes and excellent vision, she was given a chance to become an X-wing pilot. It was quickly apparent that she had found her calling.
Calsera spent the last couple of years of the war battling the Empire wherever her superiors in the Rebellion sent her. Now that the war is over, she has discovered that she doesn't really know how to do anything else. As a result, she volunteered for Dutch Tragen's squad, both due to his reputation and the opportunity to keep doing what she does best.
Aurelia Connroy
Correlian Mechanic
Physical: d6
Combat: d8
Knowledge: d10 (Ship's Systems)
Wits: d8
Spirit: d6
Jury-Rig (d8): Even when the parts aren't right, Aurelia can make things work.
Scavenge for Parts (d6): While working on the assembly of the Rusty Dagger , Aurelia got very, very good at finding parts for the scratch-built vessel.
"Machines Got Workins" (d6): Aurelia, on some level, understands the inherent logic behind machine systems, even those she isn't familiar with.
Name: Ganet Hran
Affiliation: Rebel, mostly light side
Race: Human (Alderaanian)
Age: 30
Concept: Aristocrat with dark past
Role: Communications/Security
Physical: d6
Combat: d10 (boarding actions) (Level Up)
Knowledge: d8
Wits: d8
d8 Alderaanian Gentleman's Education: Ganet was taught all that a proper man of the galaxy ought to know, influenced by the growing clandestine militant resistance movement. As a result, he knows a good number of languages and is familiar with most forms of etiquette, military history, and high culture in general. Most importantly for this setting, he was instructed in close-quarters battle and guerilla techniques.
d8 Truly Noble: Although dogged by rumor and disgrace, in person Ganet lives up to the connotations of "nobility." Sort of like how some men are said to look 'presidential,' Ganet is tall and well-featured. In dealing with others, he seems to radiate importance, though usually not with malice. He knows how to be cajole aristocrats or inspire/intimidate a mob. Also the other sense of 'noble,' selfless actions are not at all unusual for Ganet.
The Noble House of Hran, while not as renowned as that of Organa, was one of the top families of Alderaan, producing a great number of senators and even a few jedi over the family's long and storied history. The family had a long tradition of republican virtue and dissent. One of Ganet's younger uncles even joined the Separatist forces during the Clone Wars, on the grounds that systems had an inherent right to secede. (Here I'm thinking of that line in the Ep. 3 crawl about there being "heroes on both sides" As the Republic began to crumble, Ganet was brought up in a culture of resistance, as his elders tried to educate him and his siblings in not only how to fight, but what to do after the fighting is over.
Ganet led small commando raids during the early days of the rebellion, moving from little more than politically motivated smash-n-grab jobs, to big-time operations. He was on a long-term deep cover assignment, and was found out around the time the first Death Star became operational. He escaped soon after and while it's unclear what happened during his captivity, ugly rumor surrounds this time in his life. Many surviving Alderaanians suspect that he sold out his planet for his own freedom. Whether or not this is the case, it can't be proven either way, besides his sworn word that he said nothing and escaped on his own, which would be doubted by his opponents anyway.
Where's a technically-innocent, shady rebel with experience in special operations to go? Vandal Squadron, of course.
He operates communications for the most part, and is one of the go-to guys on shipboard combat. While he would stick out like a golden thumb in Mos Eisley, he could impersonate an ambassador or Imperial moff without too much trouble. He doesn't volunteer his personal views unless asked, preferring that others project views onto him instead. It's a habit that allows him to get along with people of widely differing opinion. Generally, he's well-liked but quietly suspected. While Eritram and he have very different opinions on how nobility ought to act (Ganet is more modeled on the patricians of the Roman Republic, wheras Eritram is the more classic king), they get along well. Dutch respects him, though he's told him in confidence that if Ganet betrays the squad, Dutch'll make him wish he'd been on Alderaan 4 years ago.
Name: MDK-911
Age: antique
Height: 6'6"
Hair: none
Eyes: red
Specialization: Tactics
Awareness: d8 - onboard sensors are tuned to recognize dangerous situations.
Droid Construction: d6 - MDK cares not for sleep, never tires, never stops.
Armor Plating: d6 - MDK is a protocol droid retrofitted with a blaster-resistant shell.
Age: antique
Height: 6'6"
Hair: none
Eyes: red
Specialization: Tactics
Awareness: d8 - onboard sensors are tuned to recognize dangerous situations.
Droid Construction: d6 - MDK cares not for sleep, never tires, never stops.
Armor Plating: d6 - MDK is a protocol droid retrofitted with a blaster-resistant shell.
Tynam "Ty" Ridemis
Age: 22
Height: 1.92m
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Physical: d6
Combat: d6
Knowledge: d10
Specialization: Computers
Wits: d8
Spirit: d8
Eclectic knowledge: Knows a little about everything, but not everything about anything: d8
Multitasker: d6
'Roid Runner: d6
He's a native of Naboo who flew cargo runs through the planet's porous core for higher profit margins. He comes from a high-middle-class family from outside Theed. He didn't leave the planet until age 18, when the Imperials, in an unusual action on the planet, which for some reason was normally spared from riprisals or other notice, blasted his entire home village to the ground for aiding Rebel fugitives just before Ty docked his transport at the family estate. This attack led to the death of almost all residents, including all living members of his family. Thought dead by the stormtroopers, he escaped by turning his craft's nose to the seafloor and gunning the damaged craft into the tunnels. However, his lucky escape was not without personal harm: his craft's power died from damage hundreds of feet below the surface, leaving it open to the sea. Nearly killed by the pressure, he managed to dumb all his ballast before blacking out. When he came to in the local medcenter, doctors told him that he would have died if nopt for the implantation of speciel biocircuitry to replace 30% of his brain tissue. In a second blow, he was given the news of his family. In a moment of anger, he swore he would do whatever was necesary to play a role in the downfall of the Empire. Using his inheritance, he created a false idenity and went into courier service. After several years, he manages to locate a Rebel unit just as the Battle of Hoth takes place. Desperate for new blood, the Alliance accepts him, though he was in a unit on Correlia during the Battle of Endor. After the recent decimation of the 12th unit in the last mission, he was moved onto the Sword of Alderaan to reinforce the 11th in expectation for taking up slack while the 12th rebuilds.
Being from Naboo, he regrets taking any life, even those he must take in his personal struggle against the Empire. As a pilot, he has more experience with larger craft, like frieghters, and less in fighters, thus he may have a role flying the (presumably larger) ECM craft. He is decent at combat, but not hand-to-hand. He is a little out of shape from too much time in the cockpit and not enough in the gym. He has a working knowledge of hardware and software (due to performing self-maintenence and has some hands-on skills with droids and ships due to his time as a pilot of a one-man courier. He is intelligent, ussually knows something about everything and can learn quickly.
EDIT: Swapped "Hates the Empire" for "Multitasker"
Age: 22
Height: 1.92m
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Physical: d6
Combat: d6
Knowledge: d10
Specialization: Computers
Wits: d8
Spirit: d8
Eclectic knowledge: Knows a little about everything, but not everything about anything: d8
Multitasker: d6
'Roid Runner: d6
He's a native of Naboo who flew cargo runs through the planet's porous core for higher profit margins. He comes from a high-middle-class family from outside Theed. He didn't leave the planet until age 18, when the Imperials, in an unusual action on the planet, which for some reason was normally spared from riprisals or other notice, blasted his entire home village to the ground for aiding Rebel fugitives just before Ty docked his transport at the family estate. This attack led to the death of almost all residents, including all living members of his family. Thought dead by the stormtroopers, he escaped by turning his craft's nose to the seafloor and gunning the damaged craft into the tunnels. However, his lucky escape was not without personal harm: his craft's power died from damage hundreds of feet below the surface, leaving it open to the sea. Nearly killed by the pressure, he managed to dumb all his ballast before blacking out. When he came to in the local medcenter, doctors told him that he would have died if nopt for the implantation of speciel biocircuitry to replace 30% of his brain tissue. In a second blow, he was given the news of his family. In a moment of anger, he swore he would do whatever was necesary to play a role in the downfall of the Empire. Using his inheritance, he created a false idenity and went into courier service. After several years, he manages to locate a Rebel unit just as the Battle of Hoth takes place. Desperate for new blood, the Alliance accepts him, though he was in a unit on Correlia during the Battle of Endor. After the recent decimation of the 12th unit in the last mission, he was moved onto the Sword of Alderaan to reinforce the 11th in expectation for taking up slack while the 12th rebuilds.
Being from Naboo, he regrets taking any life, even those he must take in his personal struggle against the Empire. As a pilot, he has more experience with larger craft, like frieghters, and less in fighters, thus he may have a role flying the (presumably larger) ECM craft. He is decent at combat, but not hand-to-hand. He is a little out of shape from too much time in the cockpit and not enough in the gym. He has a working knowledge of hardware and software (due to performing self-maintenence and has some hands-on skills with droids and ships due to his time as a pilot of a one-man courier. He is intelligent, ussually knows something about everything and can learn quickly.
EDIT: Swapped "Hates the Empire" for "Multitasker"
Name: Shasna’hoj
Race: Twi’lek
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 172
Eye color: Silver
Skin color: Blue.
Age: 27
Physical: d6
Combat: d8
Knowledge: d6
Wits: d10
Spirit: d8
Specialization: Improvisation
Connections: d8 Be it an Imperial Moff or a Hutt’s Gamorean guard, he usually knows somebody who knows a guy.
Silver Tongue: d8 Whether it be a speeding ticket or an Imperial boarding operation, Shasna’hoj can usually talk his way out of it…somehow.
After a short but successful career as a smuggler, Imperial crackdowns in his normal operating areas left Shas out in the cold. Thus, when a person came to him, offering above-average-prices for a pick-up-and-deliver, Shas accepted quickly. Only when he arrived at the site to pick up his cargo did he discover it was a group of Rebel agents to be dropped off on an Imperial stronghold. However, the insertion failed due to a chance encounter with an Imperial cruiser, and Shas was left with a cargo of several wounded passengers and a wasted ship. When the rebels came to the rescue, Shas, with nowhere left to go, joined up to earn enough to buy a new ship.
Race: Twi’lek
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 172
Eye color: Silver
Skin color: Blue.
Age: 27
Physical: d6
Combat: d8
Knowledge: d6
Wits: d10
Spirit: d8
Specialization: Improvisation
Connections: d8 Be it an Imperial Moff or a Hutt’s Gamorean guard, he usually knows somebody who knows a guy.
Silver Tongue: d8 Whether it be a speeding ticket or an Imperial boarding operation, Shasna’hoj can usually talk his way out of it…somehow.
After a short but successful career as a smuggler, Imperial crackdowns in his normal operating areas left Shas out in the cold. Thus, when a person came to him, offering above-average-prices for a pick-up-and-deliver, Shas accepted quickly. Only when he arrived at the site to pick up his cargo did he discover it was a group of Rebel agents to be dropped off on an Imperial stronghold. However, the insertion failed due to a chance encounter with an Imperial cruiser, and Shas was left with a cargo of several wounded passengers and a wasted ship. When the rebels came to the rescue, Shas, with nowhere left to go, joined up to earn enough to buy a new ship.