Vandal Squadon will return in GOLDFINGER
The End
Well, there we are.
This concludes the Vandal Squadon game, at least for the time being. I think we had a good run, but it's better for me to catch my breath and restart later on down the road with a tighter core group of players. We lost Aurelia, Jorm, Shas, and Eritram's players along the way - fully half the group. Thanks to you guys who stuck it out with me to the end. I was worried we were going to peter out, and we managed to finish up.
This concludes the Vandal Squadon game, at least for the time being. I think we had a good run, but it's better for me to catch my breath and restart later on down the road with a tighter core group of players. We lost Aurelia, Jorm, Shas, and Eritram's players along the way - fully half the group. Thanks to you guys who stuck it out with me to the end. I was worried we were going to peter out, and we managed to finish up.
It's been a total blast and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
...damn, those were a lot of medals. I got a big KoTOR flashback.
...damn, those were a lot of medals. I got a big KoTOR flashback.
I'd like to vote for Los Santos, SCU
I enjoyed the game thoroughly, and would play again. However, an interlude to recharge your batteries is perfectly understandable. More SCU in the interim would be great, too. Heck, I wouldn't mind if you made it a regular rotation: SW for an arc, then SCU for an arc.
SCU sounds good to me.
I'm looking forward to more, however, I do understand the level of planning and forethought that needs to go into an adventure like this. Take all the time you need. In the meantime, what's SCU?
It's a play on words of Law & Order: SVU. SCU is Special Crimes Unit. You guys play supercops chasing down superperps in a modern-day low-powered superhero game set in the fictional (but very similar to LA) Los Santos.
The primary Wiki page for the "Heroes?" setting
The last completed SCU game
The primary Wiki page for the "Heroes?" setting
The last completed SCU game
Sounds nifty. Any chance I could build a character in time to join in the next time?
I'd be interested in playing again.
See another post of mine for...other info.
See another post of mine for...other info.
Gatac wrote:That's pretty cool!I just had to link this here:
Steampunk Star Wars
Gatac wrote:I'm finding it hard not to like to it.I just had to link this here:
Steampunk Star Wars

Does Vandal Squadron have a colors scheme, like the Rogues' red or the Wraiths' gray? I just got one of the Hasbro Titanium A-Wings, and thus I'm thinking about spiffing up my old Galoob Michmachine Version with a nem paintjob.
I'd think that the purpose behind Vandal Squadron was NOT to have an identifiable color scheme. That said, if you want to pick one, go ahead - nobody ever really said one way or the other.
Okay. Cool. I'll just make one that looks good on an A-wing and would work for Ty. Maybe something using the yellow from the N-1 fighters Naboo was using in episodes 1-2? Hmmm...that could work.
In lieu of a better place to post this, this is clearly where Vandal Squadron is spending their time between adventures:
ooh, complete with a Hunter Thompson piece.