Jade Imperium - Interlude - Angel Kesh

punkey 2025-01-29 04:32:07
"So this would be a small outpost or two, or...something greater?" the older woman asks. It's obvious from her tone and predatory look in her eyes that she's very excited about the latter possibility.
CrazyIvan 2025-01-29 05:02:13
The opening is obvious, and Angel smiles back. "At present, it is a small outpost or two. But, in that regard, the United States, the largest economy on Narsai, started as a few small outposts. UNHAO effectively controls who and what comes and goes in the only gateways that lead to...places with peaceable inclinations to Narsai. There are plans in the worlds to build a proper industrial-scale Gateport, which would also be under their control. The infrastructure for those ports is supplied from Kesh Industries. That itself is a substantial market, given the needs for expanding infrastructure, security, etc. But it also, in effect, gives Faxom-Io a monopoly on the import of goods to a market of eight billion people."

He pauses for a moment, to let the potential of that sink in. "So long as the profits from said imports are at a level that doesn't cause the member states of the UN to reconsider the arrangement. A gentle hand here carries the potential for immense gain."
punkey 2025-01-29 05:04:02
"You mean if we follow your lead on supporting Narsai and this rebellion," the younger man grouses.
punkey 2025-01-29 05:27:23
Angel Talk (Sincerity) + Tycoon vs. 2d8: 6,1,2 vs 1,4)

"Hmph." The younger man is silent, but Angel's flat rejection and reasoning behind it immediately resonates with the group. Angel can tell there's some people here that fought their way up to the top - in the case of the obviously former Turai and Hasaeph, quite possibly literally - and a good chunk of the rest have been in their own version of the trenches their whole adult lives. There's an immediately obvious divide among the group - the older woman, the former Turai, and an otherwise silent man nod in agreement, the older woman smirking while the former Turai has that hard glint of someone who's spilled blood to defend their beliefs recognizing a fellow warrior. The older man and a middle-aged woman just give a respectful nod, while the younger man and another young man next to him look pissed off but know that they're beat. That's 3 supporters, 2 maybes, 2 opponents - with 9 members counting Gorlan and Angel, that's a solid majority of the board.

"Well, this is a good preview of what's to come," the older man says. "We'll reconvene in two weeks."