Third time's the charm!
Jade Imperium - Pre-Game 3
Hey all,
Just wanted to warn everyone that I'm planning on starting JI up again soon. If you're already hanging around, cool. If you're not, and were still interested, then this gives you ample warning. If you're someone who wants to join, let me know! I know I have a new character from Skullandscythe.
The Emperor Kao is dead!
It's now the People's Imperium of a Thousand Worlds!
Earth knows aliens exist!
The Groi are gathering information on Earth, trying to decide whether we warrant assistance!
We have an alliance with the Sheen, an Imperium-created race of AI!
You're off to Whiirr, this time to liberate them!
Just wanted to warn everyone that I'm planning on starting JI up again soon. If you're already hanging around, cool. If you're not, and were still interested, then this gives you ample warning. If you're someone who wants to join, let me know! I know I have a new character from Skullandscythe.
The Emperor Kao is dead!
It's now the People's Imperium of a Thousand Worlds!
Earth knows aliens exist!
The Groi are gathering information on Earth, trying to decide whether we warrant assistance!
We have an alliance with the Sheen, an Imperium-created race of AI!
You're off to Whiirr, this time to liberate them!
Garrett Davis can't wait to get back out there and push the advantage!
Hugh Verrill's in. Can't let you assholes go off and get yourselves killed, can he?
Angel's in.
Luis is in; he was running out of country, anyway. After playing Anton alone for a bit, It'll be nice to get back to a character wo can think on more than one topic at a time.
ADS, I had a few things from before the last season wrapped that I wanted to do. They should go pretty quick and I have a bunch of time free tommorrow. Can I catch you on GTalk?
ADS, I had a few things from before the last season wrapped that I wanted to do. They should go pretty quick and I have a bunch of time free tommorrow. Can I catch you on GTalk?
No problem. If I'm on, msg me.
Hi Adam - What kind of posting rate are you anticipating for this game? Semo's a log of fun to play, but I'm having a hell of a time keeping up with Punkey's game. As such, I'd rather not commit to another game where I'm not going to be able to keep up.
I'm pretty busy too, so at this point I'm kind of planning on having something to post once every couple days to a week, with post rates rising a little during combat scenes.
If you're tolerant of erratic posters, then sign me up!
Count me in.
The new people:
1st Lieutenant Martin "Cowboy" DeFranco (Dieter)
Zaef "Bloodwraith" Utari (skullandscythe)
Spc. Danny "I Don't Have a Cool Nickname" Kang (NPC)
At this point, feel free to banter or Punkey, just start the briefing. You have a modicum of obsolete audio visual equipment.
1st Lieutenant Martin "Cowboy" DeFranco (Dieter)
Zaef "Bloodwraith" Utari (skullandscythe)
Spc. Danny "I Don't Have a Cool Nickname" Kang (NPC)
At this point, feel free to banter or Punkey, just start the briefing. You have a modicum of obsolete audio visual equipment.

To answer Luis' question OOC, you're traveling very light this mission. Once you get the gatekeg going and make a new Gateway on the surface, you can import ten shitloads of Spetznatz and Force Recon and SAS.
The mantaship is needed to pass preliminary visual inspection by the Imperials in orbit. Once you're through, the Sheen hit the garrison, but you need the initial subterfuge for that surprise maneuver. Mantas are common sights in local Whiirr space.
As far as equipment goes, the manta could carry something like a four-wheeler or one of those pack drones the Army's trying to get working. The gatekeg is, well, about the size of a beer keg and about as heavy. It will expand as needed once active and powered. The Groi reactor is coffin-sized, but it'll float like Han Solo in carbonite. All you need is a way to tug it. You'll have a single frisbee healing device, whose encumbrance is negligible.
As far as personal equipment, you all pretty much have the run of Earth and Imperial technology. When it comes to armor, one recommendation I might make is NOT to simply wear Turai armor. Not if you're trying to show the Wherren that you are different from the Imperium.
The mantaship is needed to pass preliminary visual inspection by the Imperials in orbit. Once you're through, the Sheen hit the garrison, but you need the initial subterfuge for that surprise maneuver. Mantas are common sights in local Whiirr space.
As far as equipment goes, the manta could carry something like a four-wheeler or one of those pack drones the Army's trying to get working. The gatekeg is, well, about the size of a beer keg and about as heavy. It will expand as needed once active and powered. The Groi reactor is coffin-sized, but it'll float like Han Solo in carbonite. All you need is a way to tug it. You'll have a single frisbee healing device, whose encumbrance is negligible.
As far as personal equipment, you all pretty much have the run of Earth and Imperial technology. When it comes to armor, one recommendation I might make is NOT to simply wear Turai armor. Not if you're trying to show the Wherren that you are different from the Imperium.
admiralducksauce wrote:Would Semo's beloved Turai sword be out of place? Should he switch to some Earth pseudo-equivalent? (Not sure what we have the would penetrate armor the way the Turai sword does.) How about Semo's hand-held autocannon (X-25 or whatever it was called)?As far as personal equipment, you all pretty much have the run of Earth and Imperial technology. When it comes to armor, one recommendation I might make is NOT to simply wear Turai armor. Not if you're trying to show the Wherren that you are different from the Imperium.
I think the sword should be all right. It'll be sheathed when not in use, and most likely when it's IN use it'll be because you're carving up Imperials, which makes a fine point all on its own. 
The cannon's fine as well.

The cannon's fine as well.
Question to the rest of the group: Is Semo's autocannon too unsubtle (given it's tendency to make loud booms) for this mission? Is there a better choice for him?
Not quite with the same firepower there isn't, I think. On the topic of slightly less noisy boom-delivery, the Russians did developed a silenced grenade launcher.
But given that the XM-25 was specifically built to attack targets behind cover and we're going into a jungle, I'd really prefer that thing in Semo's hands.
But given that the XM-25 was specifically built to attack targets behind cover and we're going into a jungle, I'd really prefer that thing in Semo's hands.
Of course, there's always the High Impulse Weapon System.