Birds of a Feather - Chapter 5: The hunters become the hunte
When last we left our intrepid agents, they were trying to flee from the Deckers. Now the tables have turned as they are now chasing them, buying time until the cavalry arrives.
The chase is on!
Decker tries to zig-zag in between smoldering oil drums and pedestrians as Artis attempts to make a shortcut through a few of sidestreets off the main thoroughfare.
The move proves to be successful as the Volga storms out an adjacent alleyway, with the team now only 8 (80ft.) lengths behind the Rover.
With the Rover's features now visable, Hanna can also be seen setting up some sort of S.A.W. on a pintle mounted on the roof-rack.
Decker tries to zig-zag in between smoldering oil drums and pedestrians as Artis attempts to make a shortcut through a few of sidestreets off the main thoroughfare.
The move proves to be successful as the Volga storms out an adjacent alleyway, with the team now only 8 (80ft.) lengths behind the Rover.
With the Rover's features now visable, Hanna can also be seen setting up some sort of S.A.W. on a pintle mounted on the roof-rack.
As the Volga careens through some boxes and back onto the main road, I see Hanna with her Big Gun(TM).
"Somebody get some fire on that bitch!"
"Somebody get some fire on that bitch!"
Jess is just about to update Interpol as Art shouts.
"We're now on...excuse me for a second."
Jess than throws the cellphone aside, leans out for a shot with her P90 and fires a wide burst. Realizing that leaning out of a window in a chase that could break into narrow streets at any second is a bad idea, she draws herself back in and goes for the phone again.
"Sorry for the delay, but we've been forced to take some action to stay in this chase. Now, where were we ?"
"We're now on...excuse me for a second."
Jess than throws the cellphone aside, leans out for a shot with her P90 and fires a wide burst. Realizing that leaning out of a window in a chase that could break into narrow streets at any second is a bad idea, she draws herself back in and goes for the phone again.
"Sorry for the delay, but we've been forced to take some action to stay in this chase. Now, where were we ?"
Jessica aims her P-90 out the window, spattering the back of the SUV with Five-Seven rounds. The shots do little more than leave the Land Rover insignia on the back looking like Lan- ---ver.
She then gets back on the phone with Interpol.
"Uh...I was saying that the chopper should be visable in the next few minutes. Judging from your current SW course, you should be looking towards the NW skies for a Soviet K-29. I'll patch you over to the strike team commander, Lt. Isakovic."
There is some comm-chatter then a noticable change in the transmission. A male voice with a thick Russian accent comes over the phone, his voice is muffled by the sound and vibration of the prop wash.
"This is Lt. Isakovic of the Federal Security Service (AKA, new name for the old KGB). My team will be at your position very shortly. Do not let them out of your sight. Over?"
As Jess and the Ruskie begin to chat things up, Harry and Gavin lets loose with some suppressive fire against Hanna's BFG. The shots keep her head down and slighty amiss as she finishes loading the belt-feeder.
She then gets back on the phone with Interpol.
"Uh...I was saying that the chopper should be visable in the next few minutes. Judging from your current SW course, you should be looking towards the NW skies for a Soviet K-29. I'll patch you over to the strike team commander, Lt. Isakovic."
There is some comm-chatter then a noticable change in the transmission. A male voice with a thick Russian accent comes over the phone, his voice is muffled by the sound and vibration of the prop wash.
"This is Lt. Isakovic of the Federal Security Service (AKA, new name for the old KGB). My team will be at your position very shortly. Do not let them out of your sight. Over?"
As Jess and the Ruskie begin to chat things up, Harry and Gavin lets loose with some suppressive fire against Hanna's BFG. The shots keep her head down and slighty amiss as she finishes loading the belt-feeder.
"Roger that, Lt. We'd appreciate some help rather earlier than sooner - it looks like we're going to take some fire here. Over."
"Understood. We're should be in visual range in the next 2 minutes, if you could manage to drive them out into the open we can reduce the chance of civilian casualties when using the helicopters weapons. I see there is a clearing about 1km north of your current location. I am sending you the coordinates now."
Jess takes a look, then turns to Art.
"Our contact requests that we try to force them into the open - there's a clearing north of our position. If we could get closer to them before the bitch has the machinegun ready to fire, maybe we could take her out and force our friend Decker to book a vacation with Interpol Cruises."
"Our contact requests that we try to force them into the open - there's a clearing north of our position. If we could get closer to them before the bitch has the machinegun ready to fire, maybe we could take her out and force our friend Decker to book a vacation with Interpol Cruises."
The Lan---ver attempts to pull ahead, but Artis waits for the right moment and guns the mighty Volga on to the sidewalk smashing countless crates and waking assorted drunks from their vodka-induced stupors.
Artis guns the Volga so that he actually slams into the back of the Lan---ver. The limits of the Lan---ver's engine are being tested at this point as the chase speeds up to a spine-tingling 90MPH. Decker (no doubt) has a deathgrip on the wheel.
Despite the eminent roll-over of the Lan---ver, Hanna seems predisposed to mowing down her assailents. She pulls back the cocking mechanism of the BFG and lets loose a barrage of 7.62mm fury. The bullets tear into the Volga's grill and hood, contuining up the length of the car, spiderwebbing the armored windscreen and indenting the roof.
While it just sounded like the Volga was just caught in a hailstorm, it remains fairly well intact...all things considered.
(More info TBA in the OOC thread)
Artis guns the Volga so that he actually slams into the back of the Lan---ver. The limits of the Lan---ver's engine are being tested at this point as the chase speeds up to a spine-tingling 90MPH. Decker (no doubt) has a deathgrip on the wheel.
Despite the eminent roll-over of the Lan---ver, Hanna seems predisposed to mowing down her assailents. She pulls back the cocking mechanism of the BFG and lets loose a barrage of 7.62mm fury. The bullets tear into the Volga's grill and hood, contuining up the length of the car, spiderwebbing the armored windscreen and indenting the roof.
While it just sounded like the Volga was just caught in a hailstorm, it remains fairly well intact...all things considered.
(More info TBA in the OOC thread)
"Excuse me, Lieutenant.", as Jess sprays the Lan---ver with two wide bursts from her P-90.
Two solid sprays turn the back end of the car into confetti, spiderwebbing the windows and blowing out all manner of parking and brake lights.
Lt. Isakovic comes back on to the comm-channel.
"Agent Hummingbird. We have visual contact with you and the SUV. At the next intersection, try to get them to turn right. It opens it a fairly large warehouse area. We can then engage the target. Over?"
Two solid sprays turn the back end of the car into confetti, spiderwebbing the windows and blowing out all manner of parking and brake lights.
Lt. Isakovic comes back on to the comm-channel.
"Agent Hummingbird. We have visual contact with you and the SUV. At the next intersection, try to get them to turn right. It opens it a fairly large warehouse area. We can then engage the target. Over?"
"Roger that. Over."
Jess turns her attention to Art once more.
"I don't care how we do it, but we need to get them to turn right at next opportunity. Suggestions ?"
Jess turns her attention to Art once more.
"I don't care how we do it, but we need to get them to turn right at next opportunity. Suggestions ?"
"Yeah, how about hold on?" I say as I floor the pedal and attempt to force the SUV towards the warehouse and (hopefully) immiment collision with the environment.
Gavin continues with the cover fire as Harry tries to put more holes into the Rover. Gavin's rifle rounds keep Hanna's head ducking while Harry's shots go wide striking the road and adjacent abandoned buildings.
Both vehicles are feeling the pressure of performing under duress. Artis attempts to "herd" the Decker towards the open warehouse area.
The proceeding event is one of twisted metal, rattling valve heads, and screeching tires.
Decker rounds a corner as his two right tires temporarily leave the ground. Artis slams into his rear bumper, sending the SUV down a narrow alleyway and through an abandoned store front. Decker narrowly avoids being a permanent display as he steers the SUV straight through two panes of plate-glass. The Volga follows the SUV through the battered remains of the building, suffering no apparent damage.
As everyone breathes a small sigh of relief,something disturbingly,yet not at all suprisingly happens.
Hanna's sliced up face pops back up from within the SUV. She shakes off the the shattered glass shards from her helmet and armor, cracking a sinister smirk on her face, then begins firing a vindictive volley of machine guns rounds at the Volga.
The shots rip gaping holes into the entire front end of the Volga. The run-flat tires are blown out completely from their rims. Every moving part of the car from the windscreen down is now easily visable, with the engine spewing forth a variety of solids, liquids, and gasses.
Just as Artis tries to see a way through this mess, the Volga's power-steering craps out. Artis yells in one of those John Woo slow motion-type expressions.
The Volga slams into the alleyway wall as everyone bails out of the vehicle...just in time.
As everyone is examining to see if their innards are still innard...Jess realizes that she's had a death-grip (literally!) on her phone during the whole ordeal. Her knuckles are bone least that's what color the parts are that aren't covered in blood. The LCD screen is shattered, with most of the buttons FUBAR. Astonishingly, the audio channel is still open and working...the Volga only being in slightly better shape than the phone.
It is at this point when Lieutenant Isakovic comes over the line.
"Ehh...hello? Is anyone still there? Uh, we're about to engage the SUV. All the same, good work! I do not know how or why you did that, but very good work. Come in? Over?"
(OOC: Ok, there's alot of explaination that will be in the OOC thread.)
(Edited by Dieter at 11:33 pm on Aug. 9, 2002)
Both vehicles are feeling the pressure of performing under duress. Artis attempts to "herd" the Decker towards the open warehouse area.
The proceeding event is one of twisted metal, rattling valve heads, and screeching tires.
Decker rounds a corner as his two right tires temporarily leave the ground. Artis slams into his rear bumper, sending the SUV down a narrow alleyway and through an abandoned store front. Decker narrowly avoids being a permanent display as he steers the SUV straight through two panes of plate-glass. The Volga follows the SUV through the battered remains of the building, suffering no apparent damage.
As everyone breathes a small sigh of relief,something disturbingly,yet not at all suprisingly happens.
Hanna's sliced up face pops back up from within the SUV. She shakes off the the shattered glass shards from her helmet and armor, cracking a sinister smirk on her face, then begins firing a vindictive volley of machine guns rounds at the Volga.
The shots rip gaping holes into the entire front end of the Volga. The run-flat tires are blown out completely from their rims. Every moving part of the car from the windscreen down is now easily visable, with the engine spewing forth a variety of solids, liquids, and gasses.
Just as Artis tries to see a way through this mess, the Volga's power-steering craps out. Artis yells in one of those John Woo slow motion-type expressions.
The Volga slams into the alleyway wall as everyone bails out of the vehicle...just in time.
As everyone is examining to see if their innards are still innard...Jess realizes that she's had a death-grip (literally!) on her phone during the whole ordeal. Her knuckles are bone least that's what color the parts are that aren't covered in blood. The LCD screen is shattered, with most of the buttons FUBAR. Astonishingly, the audio channel is still open and working...the Volga only being in slightly better shape than the phone.
It is at this point when Lieutenant Isakovic comes over the line.
"Ehh...hello? Is anyone still there? Uh, we're about to engage the SUV. All the same, good work! I do not know how or why you did that, but very good work. Come in? Over?"
(OOC: Ok, there's alot of explaination that will be in the OOC thread.)
(Edited by Dieter at 11:33 pm on Aug. 9, 2002)
Jess tries to pry the splinters of glass from the phone, then half-way whispers into it, sensing that she's about due to pass out soon.
"If you could arrange for an ambulance, we'd be most grateful..."
"If you could arrange for an ambulance, we'd be most grateful..."
Gavin picks himself up and, using his rifle as a crutch, staggers over to the mouth of the alley and finds a trash can to perch on and watch the street. As he walks, a string of muttered curses drift through the still air, mostly in Gaelic, but the words "fucking" and "assholes" stand out numerous times.
Harry decides to sit this next gunfight out. He's had enough pain for one day. His gun in his lap, he takes a seat across the alley from the car, and fishes around in his pockets for something to smoke. No point to that, he remembers--apparently agents often use cigarettes to conceal gadgets, so the Deckers took his last pack of Lucky Strikes and his zippo as a precautionary measure.
Well, I should probably give them up anyway, he thinks. I should be more concerned for my health...
Gavin is interrupted from his important cursing for a few seconds to watch Harry unexpectedly burst into laughter. (Well, 'burst' might be too strong a word. More like 'trickle'.)
Well, I should probably give them up anyway, he thinks. I should be more concerned for my health...
Gavin is interrupted from his important cursing for a few seconds to watch Harry unexpectedly burst into laughter. (Well, 'burst' might be too strong a word. More like 'trickle'.)
"I'll radio a rescue vehicle to your position...sit tight. We'll be around to pick you up as soon as..."
Just as Lt. Isakovic is ready to clear the channel, he pauses for a moment. Jessica hears him say to the flight crew.
"....That's not what I think she has."
Another voice comes over the line.
Err...yes sir! Hang on sir!
The line goes silent as the team sees a trail of smoke over the skyline heading directly for the helicopter. There is a large explosion followed by a the helicopter temporary spinning out of control. Jessica again hears chatter over the line.
We're going to have to set her down sir. The tail-rotor has taken too much damage!
Lt. Isakovic is then heard shouting Russian explatives.
"Alright. We'll have to get them another day."
Just as Lt. Isakovic is ready to clear the channel, he pauses for a moment. Jessica hears him say to the flight crew.
"....That's not what I think she has."
Another voice comes over the line.
Err...yes sir! Hang on sir!
The line goes silent as the team sees a trail of smoke over the skyline heading directly for the helicopter. There is a large explosion followed by a the helicopter temporary spinning out of control. Jessica again hears chatter over the line.
We're going to have to set her down sir. The tail-rotor has taken too much damage!
Lt. Isakovic is then heard shouting Russian explatives.
"Alright. We'll have to get them another day."
Jessica stares at the plummeting helicopter, then sighs.
"But no, it couldn't be easy just one damn time..."
She then starts to abuse her jacket for quasi-bandages, trying her best to stop the loss of blood.
*Bruce Willis really had it easy. I'm pretty sure he'd have taken down that bitch with ONE damn burst to the head.*
"But no, it couldn't be easy just one damn time..."
She then starts to abuse her jacket for quasi-bandages, trying her best to stop the loss of blood.
*Bruce Willis really had it easy. I'm pretty sure he'd have taken down that bitch with ONE damn burst to the head.*
"FUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!! We FUCKING HAD THEM!!!!" I scream, kicking the Volga wreckage again and again. "FUCK YOU!" I shout in the general direction that they went.
Gavin produces a hip flask and takes a swig, then holds it out offeringly in the direction of the other agents, still keeping his eyes on the street.