Traits and Specializations: I'm thinking Fight to d12, but no idea what to do with the other 4 points. I could change this to a Martial Arts specialization under Fight, but that would leave 6 points I don't know how to spend.
I have no idea of whether or not I have any leftover points from previous. It looks like I've only spent 14 prior.
Ah well, you can't win em all.
For reference, Riesstiu was the evil Taidaan emperor who lived in a life-support bubble and ruled with an iron fist, triggering an internal rebellion by making an example of a colony.
Also, just to add, if anyone has any comments on the game or things they'd like to see whenever I get my stuff back together, or places they'd like to go see and shoot people in, post 'em.
Punkey and I had discussed making Whirr the next target for major combat operations. It's got several points in its favor:
1. It's inhabitants have been kept in an Imperium-supported state of tribal warfare for an unknown but extensive time, giving them both combat experience and a good reason to join the fight on our side if/when we can show the real situation.
2. At last known encounter, Imperium presence was relatively low-key, limited to regular but unscheduled visits.
3. Additionally, any increased Imperium presence activities incurred by any actions we take actually may work in favor of the operation planned by offering an even more visible demonstration of how the Imperium really is.
Our basic plan of operations would be to insert a small team (OOC, basically the PC and Big Name NPC core team) onto the planet and set up a base of operations in one or two friendly villages. Insertion method depends on what’s available, be that a groundGate or having to land a manta via a spaceGate. We’ll work that out, se below on list of things to find/work out) Once the situation on the ground is worked out and we’ve made friends with the initial tribe, we bring in a couple of mantas, additional spec-ops troops, and a GateKeg (to produce a GroundGate, to enable us to have a method of resupply/reinforcement that’s beyond Imperium control—indeed, ideally, they shouldn’t know we even have it). Once the second team has settled in and we have updated our pre-mission information on Whirr’s socio-political status, we use that to fan out to other villages, spread the message and our cause, set up limited insurgent operations against the Imperium and train local help. We’ll play it by ear as far as that goes, but general goal is to start a Whirr rebellion and liberate the planet. A key thing to note is that it is critical to avoid the “white man’s burden” concept. We’re there to help the Whirr fight the fight they didn’t know they should be fighting, not take over the planet ourselves for their own good. At the end of the day, we help them rebel, it’s their choice what happens next. We could use their help, and we’ll be willing to help them modernize if they choose to. On the other hand, if they want to preserve their culture as it is, cut themselves off from the outside universe that’s oppressed and used them...that’s regrettable but their choice. That needs to be made clear both to them and to anyone involved on our side. Obviously, any volunteers will be accepted, but we will not be forcing them to help. Davis and Swam-the-Black (if we can get him) are going to be working the proper way to say this and go about doing it.
As far as things we need to know/have before we can plan more specifics:
1. Anything Swam-the-Black/Imperium data can tell us about Whirr culture, villages/tribes that might be receptive or good targets for our message, Whirr combat tactics, cultural impressions we can use and impressions we’ll have to fight.
2. Locations of Gates, either on planet or in space. Initially, this mainly just determines what we need to do to get our junk to where it needs to be, but it also becomes important as we move to full-scale operations.
3. Power/raw material requirements for the GateKeg, which will determine what’s needed to keep it and the Gate it makes out of the Imperium’s way. The later they find out about it, the better it is and the easier to get more use out it.
The start is just getting everything all set up. We'll need to get Swam-the-Black on board with this, we're going to need him and his knowledge, both Whirr and Imperial tactics, locations, disposition, and so on. Plus, we're going to need to talk to Swam to know what impressions we'll need to fight, what impressions we need make and what arguments will persuade them, so we have all our ducks in a row when we land as the advance team.
The good ol' PCs-plus-Ngawai-Arketta-and-Swam-the-Black party lands as an advance team (or gates or whatever, however we're getting in) and establishes contact with sympathetic locals (or creates sympathetic locals) and gets our base of operations established. And then once that happens, we bring in more spec-ops troops, equipment and most importantly a gatekeg and lozenge from Boranai, and build us a gate. And at that point, we'll have enough intel and ground experience to make a plan as to what to do next.
Gate locations isn't super-important at this stage, we're trying to keep things somewhat low-key before we have a gate set up. We are going to need to find a secure and quiet place to have the gatekeg do its job, that's key, moreso than power and stuff (it runs off of damn near any material and we can fly in a lozenge from the Spire or steal one if we have to). That's about it.
I just want to say that I loved the montage thread. Lots of great moments in there.
Semo is starting to understand just how much his recent experiences distance him from other people - including those he thought of as life-buddies. Still, his family is there for him, and that gives him the solid basis to go on and move forward. The relationship with Livia seems to be growing and that also forms an important part of his emotional support network.
Traits and Specializations: I'm thinking Fight to d12, but no idea what to do with the other 4 points. I could change this to a Martial Arts specialization under Fight, but that would leave 6 points I don't know how to spend.
I have no idea of whether or not I have any leftover points from previous. It looks like I've only spent 14 prior.
You bought 2 Wild Dice for 4 points before, which would have burned all your previous XP. I've got no problem with banking the remaining XP.
Glad you liked Kao's fate. I thought that being killed by a Whiirr wielding a Homeworlder's axe after being duped by the Groi would be a nice interspecies team-up moment. And it shows that the Groi are not all hookers and sunshine.