CAMPAIGN COMMENTS II - Twice the bitching, half the calories

Gatac 2005-08-06 23:11:28
The shape of things not to come:

Name: Jessica Spiner
Codename: Hummingbird

Origin: Daring Playboy

[+2 Dex, -2 Int, +3 insight bonus to Initiative, +3 insight bonus to action die results, May improve disposition of non-villain NPC by 1 grade 1/session, May request 1 Caliber II Civilians resource without making request check or spending action die 1/mission, +3 bonus to Lifestyle, Bonus Feat: Personal Lieutenant]

Class/Level: Explorer 1 / Intruder 4 / Tactician 5
Nationality: USA
Age: 23
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight: 55 kilograms
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark red

Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Vitality/Wounds: 69 / 12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +14
Will: +4

Defense: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 Class)

Tactical Jacket: DR 4 (Hurled, Melee, Unarmed) / 9 (all others), Defense Penalty -3, ACP -1, Speed Same, Notice / Search DC 14, Weight 9 lbs, Complexity 20/+1
Riot Shield: DR 4 / 3, Defense Bonus +2, ACP -2, Speed Same, Obvious, Complexity 17/0
Tuxedo Liner: DR 2 / 3, Defense Penalty -1, ACP 0, Speed Same, Notice / Search DC 20, Complexity 22/+1

Initiative: +15 (+2 Dex, +3 Origin, +8 Class, +2 Feat)
Attack Boni:
Melee: +9 (+1 Str, +8 Class)
Ranged: +10 (+2 Dex, +8 Class)

Unarmed: +11, 2d6+3 lethal, Threat 19-20
M4A1: +10, 4d4, Error 1-3, Threat 20, Recoil 12, Range Increment 100ft, Small, Two-handed, Complexity 27/+1, Qualities: SOPMOD Gear Package, Non-standard upgrade locations, Collapsible Stock, Threaded Barrel
MP7A1: +10, 2d4+1 (AP 4), Error 1-2, Threat 20, Recoil 8, Range Increment 30ft, Diminuitive, One-handed, Complexity 27/+1. Qualities: Vertical Foregrip, Collapsible Stock, Composite, Threaded Barrel, Detailing, Accurised; On error, 50% chance that critical failure may not be activated

Feats (-) and Abilities (=):
=Weapon Proficiencies: Edged, Handgun, Rifle, SMG, Unarmed, Exotic (Edged), Hurled, Shotgun
=Connected: May spend 1 action die and 1d6 hours to seek out acquaintance-grade contact who possesses 1 skill of your choice. NPC's disposition towards you is Friendly, but must be compensated for every hour of service with 100$, plus the cost of all gear that is consumed or destroyed in the process. Explorer Core.
=All over the world: Each time you fail an Athletics or Cultures check and don't suffer an error, you still succeed if the DC is equal or less to 21. If more than 1 grade of success is possible, you only archieve the lowest one.
=Gear Prep: During the Intel Phase, you or any of your teammates may choose 4 gear picks as if the mission's Calibre were 1 higher. If the mission is Caliber V, instead gain the same number of additional Caliber I gear picks of any type.
=Evasion I: When not flatfooted, a successful Reflex save to reduce damage to 1/2 instead reduces damage to none.
=Bonus Basic Combat Feat: Surge of Speed
=Uncanny Dodge I: Retain Dex bonus to Defense even when flatfooted or attacked by invisible opponent.
=Wily: 1/round, may spend 1 action die to take a Joint Action or Refresh as free action. Tactician Core.
=Tempo: May use your Surge of Speed an additional 5 times/session. When you use Surge of Speed, you may choose a teammate who can see or hear you to also gain 1 extra non-attack half action. This half action takes place on your Initiative Count, not the teammate's.
=Stratagem: At the start of each round, your Initiative and that of every teammate who can hear and see you increases by 1.
=Art of War: 1/mission during Intel phase, may gain a temporary Basic Combat feat until end of mission.
=Orders I: 1/session, may issue specific order to 4 teammates. While carrying out order, teammates gain a +1 synergy bonus to all skill checks made in support of the order. You also gain this bonus when supporting your own order. If you are the only one affected, you do not need to verbalize the order to gain this benefit.
=Blood of Heroes: At the start of each combat, you and each teammate that can see or hear you gains 5 temporary Vitality points.
-Personal Lieutenant: Gain service of a Level 5 Special NPC who gains no Mission Gear, Action Dice, Interests or Subplots. NPC is always considered a teammate and has a disposition of Helpful towards you.
-Tactical Advantage: You and each of your teammates count as 2 characters for purposes of determining numerical advantage. The DC of every Joint Action in which you participate is reduced by 10, and you may lead a Joint Action as a half action.
-Surge of Speed: 4/session and once per round, you may gain one non-attack half action for free.
-Officer: Gain +2 insight bonus to all Intimidate and Tactics checks. Base Threat Range increases to 19-20.
-Martial Arts (Charisma): Base unarmed damage increases by +1d6. Threat Range Increases to 19-20. May choose Attribute which modifier is applied to unarmed attacks and damage rolls instead of Strength. Further, always considered to be armed with deadly weapon when making Intimidate checks.
-Brawling Basics: Gain +2 Initiative. Further, gain following Stance and Grapple Trick:

Coiled Stance: While benefitting from this stance, gain +2 to unarmed attacks against opponents with a lower Reflex save. Further, may take additional 5ft. bonus step.

Head Butt: When inflicting unarmed damage upon an opponent that is held or pinned by you, also inflict twice the same amount of flash damage. Further, when pinned, may take 1 full action to inflict twice your standard unarmed damage as flash damage upon your grappler.

Skills: (rank, total bonus)

Bluff: 12, 15
Cultures: 12, 16 - Northern America (Forte), Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Eastern Asia, Southern Asia
Drive: 12, 14 - Standard Ground Vehicles, Heavy Ground Vehicles, Rotary-Wing Aircraft, Standard Watercraft
Medicine: 4, 6 (Int) / 4 (Wis)
Profession: 0, 5 - Spy
Resolve: 12, 12 (Wis) / 13 (Con)
Science: 0, 2 - Economy
Sneak: 12, 14 (Dex) / 16 (Cha)
Sleight of Hand: 12, 14
Streetwise: 12, 12 (Wis) / 15 (Cha)
Tactics: 12, 14 (Wis) / 17 (Cha), 19-20 Threat

Interests: Clubbing, Guns, Shopping, Wine Tasting, Playing Tourist

Wealth: 12
Lifestyle: 8 (1 base, 4 Wealth, 3 Origin) - Hidden Base, Vehicle Caliber IV with 1 upgrade, Designer Clothes, +2 to Cultures, Impress, Networking and Profession checks
Possessions: 6 (1 base, 5 Wealth) - 2 Caliber III items, 2 Caliber II items, 4 Caliber I items + 10 Common Items
Spending Cash: 4 (1 base, 3 Wealth) - 1600$ spending cash

Personal Vehicle: Motor Yacht (Excessive), Colossal, Occupancy 4+8, Acceleration 3, Turning 1, MPH 25 /35, Defense 6, Damage Save +15, Complexity 22/+1, Cargo 7 tons, Range 8 days (Diesel); Qualities: Dependable, Fire Suppression System, Luxury, Living Quarters, Sensors (Radar +1), Stabilized; Modifications: Acceleration Boost, Acceleration Increase I, Control Increase I, Fine-Tuning, Advanced Stability, 8 full loads of fuel

Mission Gear
Gear Picks: 1 Gadget, 1 Security, 1 Resource, 1 Weapon, 3 (Any of Gadgets, Tradecraft, Vehicles or Resources)
Common Items: 4

Personal Gear
Gear Picks: M4A1 SOPMOD with 2 magazines FMJ and 3 magazines AP, Tactical Jacket with Personal Tailoring and Riot Shield; MP7A1 with Advanced Combat Sight, Threaded Barrel, Clockwork Action, Detailing, Tactical Holster and Accurised I; 3x Blood Expander, 3x Atropine Shot, Tuxedo Liner, +1 Laptop Computer
Common Items: Camelback, Cell Phone, Flashlight, 2x Handcuffs, MP3 Player, PDA, Swiss Army Knife, 20 Zip-Ties


Jessica has cleared her name - but this time, she's preparing for the next bout of trouble. Having secured funding, she has moved her home to a small tropical island and started stockpiling gear and weapons. She still finds time to jet around the world and lead the high life, but her immense spending on keeping herself prepared for the next disaster ties up her spending cash somewhat.

As for herself, Jessica has archieved a sort of peace with herself, allowing her to reign in her formerly near-suicidal tendencies and forge her instincts and daring into better small-squadron leadership. With all the advanced tactical training and her own personal pursuit of higher martial prowess, she finds less and less patience for long-winded social graces. She doesn't need to really convince anyone anymore - let them come, she's prepared. (Her talent for quick, yet consistent lies and bluffs has remained, though.)

Name: Elena Zamnov
Codename: Fulmar

Origin: Vigilant Special Ops

[+2 Wis, -2 Cha, +2 bonus to all skill checks to determine surprise, Threat Range of Notice checks increases by 2, Gain Explosives Weapon Proficiency, May decrease overland travel time of any 1 trip to 3/4ths standard 1/session, +2 insight bonus to Sneak and Tactics checks, Bonus Feat: Any Covert (Ambush Basics)]

Class / Level: Scout 4 / Sniper 1

Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Vitality/Wounds: 52 / 12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +8
Will: +2

Defense: 18 (+3 Dex, +3 Class, +2 Class Ability)

Modular Tactical Vest: DR 3 / 6 (5 / 8 with guards) , Defense Penalty -3, ACP -1 (-2 with Guards), Speed Same (- 5ft. with Guards), Notice DC 14 (12 with Guards), Complexity 20/+1

Initiative: +10 (+3 Dex, +7 Class)
Attack Boni:
Melee: +5 (+1 Str, +4 Class)
Ranged: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Class)

Unarmed: +5, 1d6+1 lethal, Threat 20
Dragunov: +7, 2d10+1, Error 1-2, Threat 19-20, Recoil 21, Range Increment 200ft, Size Small, Two-handed, Qualities: Accurized, Dependable, Integral 4x telescopic sight, Modifications: Reworked Action I, Ergonomical Stock (+1 bonus to aimed attacks and -3 recoil for Elena only)

Feats (-) and Abilities (=):
=Weapon Proficiencies: Edged, Handgun, Rifle, SMG, Unarmed, Hurled, Shotgun, Explosives
=Trailblazer: At the start of each session, may choose up to 3 Terrain feats you possess. Each of your teammates gains them as temporary feats until the end of the session.
=Stalker: When you fail a Survival or Tactics check and don't score an error, you still succeed if the DC is 24 or less. If several grades of success are possible, you only archieve the lowest.
=Rough Living: Gain +2 bonus to Defense, as well with all saves to resist cold, fire and heat damage, starvation, thirst, underwater dangers and the effects of nature's fury.
=Bonus Basic Combat Feat: Marksmanship Basics
=Sneak Attack: Inflict one die of Sneak Attack damage.
=Eagle Eye: 1/scene, you may spend and roll 1 action die, adding the result x 10 to the range increment of any 2-handed ranged weapon you use for the duration of the current scene.
=Expert Sharpshooter: Gain Sharpshooter Basics.
-Ambush Basics: Inflict one die of Sneak Attack damage. Further, when participating in a Tactics/Ambush check, the check gains the cross-check tag.
-Snap Shot: 1/round, when your ranged attack leaves a target unconscious or dead, you may make one "snap shot" ranged attack with the same weapon against another opponent.
-Marksmanship Basics: When Aiming, may Brace as free action. May Brace without surface to support weapon against. Also, you only suffer a -1 penalty to Reflex saves when Bracing instead of -4.
-Marksmanship Mastery: Your bonus from aiming increases by +1. Range increment with firearms and heavy weapons increases by 50%, range increment for hurled weapons is doubled.
-Sharpshooter Basics: When making a ranged attack against a target with up tp 3/4ths cover, his cover decreases by 1/4 against your attack. When attacking an opponent who gains a bonus to Defense from size, that bonus is reduced by 1/2.

Skills: (rank, total bonus)

Cultures: 0, 0 - Eastern Europe, Northern America
Drive: 0, 3 - Standard Ground Vehicles
Notice: 8, 9, 18-20 Threat Range
Profession: 2, 1 - Soldier
Resolve: 8, 9 (Wis) / 9 (Con)
Science: 0, 1 - Fabrication
Sneak: 8, 13 (Dex) / 10 (Cha)
Survival: 8, 11 (Wis) / 10 (Cha)
Tactics: 8, 11 (Wis) / 10 (Cha)

Wealth: 3
Lifestyle: 2 (1 base, 1 Wealth) - Private Quarters, Caliber I Vehicle with 1 Upgrade, Worn Street Look, -1 to Cultures, Impress, Networking and Profession checks
Possessions: 3 (1 base, 2 Wealth) - 1 Caliber III, 1 Caliber II, 3 Caliber I + 12 Common Items
Spending Cash: 1 (1 base, 0 Wealth) - 100$ spending cash

Personal Vehicle: Light SUV, Large, Occupancy 1+4, Acceleration 4, Turning 3, MPH 65 / 105, Defense 9, Damage Save +7, Range 5 (Gas), Qualities: Dependable, Offroad; Complexity 20/+1; Upgrades: Fine-Tuning, "Technical" Conversation, Heavy Machinegun (3d8+1, Error 1-3, Threat 18-20, 100 rounds belt, Range Increment 300ft., Size Large, Qualities: Imprecise, Complexity 22/+1)

Personal Gear
Gear Picks: RSA Dragunov with four Magazines FMJ and one Magazine Match, Reworked Action I, Ergonomic Stock; Modular Tactical Armor, Demolitions Kit I
Common Items: Blanket, Camelback, Cell Phone, Compass, Entrenching Tool, Face Paint, Leatherman, Load-bearing gear, 4x MRE

If this blows your mind, welcome to the club. The gear section took pretty long because there's just so many freaking options, and I was firmly stuck in candy shop mode for about half an hour. :)

EDIT: Now includes Elena, slight corrections to Jess.

EDIT2: Once more slightly corrected, had to switch a feat.


(Edited by Gatac at 6:01 pm on Aug. 7, 2005)

(Edited by Gatac at 2:23 pm on Aug. 12, 2005)
Kagemaru 2005-08-08 22:09:04
Gatac I think everyone finally got that you like Spycraft. A lot.

Gatac 2005-08-13 13:46:36
The shape of things not to come, either:

Name: Brian Mallory
Codename: Osprey

Origin: Rowdy Hunter

[+ 2 Con, -2 Wis, +10ft Speed, Gain 1 additional Cultures focus, May pick 3 skills that are always class skills, Gain Rifle proficiency, Constitution is considered to be 2 higher for purposes of determining Subdual Damage Treshold, Bonus Feat: Urban Training]

Class/Level: Soldier 4 / Sniper 4
Nationality: English
Age: 26
Height: 1.8 meters
Weight: 76 kilograms
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond (Brown naturally)

Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 12 (+1)

Vitality/Wounds: 78 / 14
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +7
Will: +5

Defense: 20 (+4 Dex, +4 Class, +1 Armor, +1 Shield)

Tuxedo Liner: DR 3/4, Defense Bonus +1, ACP 0, Speed Same, Notice DC 24, Complexity 22/+1
Briefcase Shield: DR 3/1, Defense Bonus +1, ACP -1, Speed Same, Notice DC 30 (Disguised), Complexity 17/+0

Initiative: +14 (+4 Dex, +10 Class)
Attack Boni:
Melee: +8 (+0 Str, +8 Class)
Ranged: +12 (+4 Dex, +8 Class)

Unarmed: +8, 1d6 lethal, Threat 20
SIG P226: +12 (+2 within 50ft., +1 within 60ft.), 1d10+1 (+1 within 60ft.), Error 1-2, Threat 20 (19-20 within 60ft.), Recoil 16, Range Increment 50ft, Diminuitive, 1-handed, Qualities: Dependable, Rugged, Complexity 20/+1
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare: +13 (+1 within 60ft.), 4d4+2 (+1 within 60ft.), Error 0, Threat 19-20 (+1 within 60ft., +1 against flatfooted target, +1 when aimed), Recoil 12, Range 350ft., Small, 2-handed, Qualities: Accurized, Integral Bipod, Manual Action (-2 Initiative), Complexity 17/+0, Modifications: Day/Night Sight (negates low-light penalties, ignore penalties for third, fifth and seventh range increment)

Feats (-) and Abilities (=):
=Weapon Proficiencies: Edged, Unarmed, Explosives, Handgun, Rifle (Forte), SMG (Forte), Shotgun, Tactical
=Accurate: Action dice spent on attack rolls are rolled and added twice. Soldier Core.
=Fight On: Gain Marksmanship Basics, Marksmanship Mastery
=Fortunes of War I: Gain DR 1/-. Further, as free action, may double this DR for one full round 4/session.
=Armor Use I: Gain +1 bonus to Defense in armor. Further, ACP is reduced by 1. Gain 1 piece of Caliber I armor as mission gear for free.
=Eagle Eye: 1/scene, you may spend and roll 1 action die, adding the result x 10 to the range increment of any 2-handed ranged weapon you use for the duration of the current scene.
=Expert Sharpshooter: Gain Sharpshooter Basics.
=Surprise Shot: When making a ranged attack with a 2-handed weapon against a flat-footed target, threat range increases by 1.
=Bonus Feat: Ambush Basics
=Perfect Killer: Ranged attacks with 2-handed weapons benefit from an error range reduced by 2.
=Ranged Sneak Attack: When bracing a 2-handed ranged weapon, inflict 1 die of Sneak Attack damage. Further, when using a 2-handed ranged weapon, may inflict Sneak Attack damage at up to 4 range increments.
-Urban Training: In urban terrain, gain +2 insight bonus to Survival checks and all checks to navigate or determine surprise. Further, gain Synergy bonus from Streetwise to Survival when tracking in city with more than 10,000 inhabitants. Finally, all opponents suffer -2 penalty to determine surprise when you prepare an ambush in urban terrain.
-Marksmanship Basics: When Aiming, may Brace as free action. May Brace without surface to support weapon against. Also, you only suffer a -1 penalty to Reflex saves when Bracing instead of -4.
-Ambush Basics: Gain the ability to inflict one die of Sneak Attack damage. When participating in a Tactics/Ambush check, the check gains the Cross-Check tag.
-Marksmanship Mastery: Your bonus from aiming increases by +1. Range increment with firearms and heavy weapons increases by 50%, range increment for hurled weapons is doubled.
-Sharpshooter Basics: When making a ranged attack against a target with up tp 3/4ths cover, his cover decreases by 1/4 against your attack. When attacking an opponent who gains a bonus to Defense from size, that bonus is reduced by 1/2.
-Marksmanship Supremacy: CQB range extends to 60ft. Range increment for ranged and heavy weapons is doubled, tripled for hurled weapons. (Replaces Mastery benefits.)
-CQB Basics: +1 bonus to ranged attack and damage rolls within CQB range. When holding a readied ranged weapon, gain +2 gear bonus to all skill checks as part of a Threaten action. Do not suffer the -4 penalty for shooting out of melee.
-CQB Mastery: Within CQB range, threat range of all ranged attacks increases by 1. When holding a readied ranged weapon, may Threaten uninjured opponents. If your Intimidate check fails, target does not gain a bonus to the next attack against you (unless your check critically fails, in which case your target only gains a +1 bonus). You do not suffer the -4 penalty for firing into melee.

Skills: (rank, total bonus)

Acrobatics: 4, 4 (Str) / 8 (Dex)
Cultures: 0, 4 - Western Europe, Eastern Asia, Western Asia, Northern Europe
Drive: 4, 8 - Standard Ground Vehicles, Personal Ground Vehicles
Falsify: 4, 6 (Int) / 4 (Wis)
Intimidate: 5, 5 (Str) / 5 (Wis)
Notice: 11, 11
Profession: 4, 5 - Soldier (Forte: SAS Operations)
Resolve: 4, 4 (Wis) / 5 (Cha)
Science: 4, 6 - Chemistry (Forte: Plastic explosives)
Search: 11, 11
Sneak: 11, 15 (Dex) / 12 (Cha)
Streetwise: 4, 4 (Wis) / 5 (Cha)
Survival: 7, 7 (Wis) / 8 (Cha)
Tactics: 6, 6 (Wis) / 7 (Cha)

Interests: 4

Wealth: 4
Lifestyle: 3 (1 Base, 2 Wealth) - Loft, Caliber I Vehicle with 2 Upgrades, Average (Common Street look)
Possessions: 3 (1 Base, 2 Wealth) - 1 Caliber III, 1 Caliber II, 3 Caliber I
Spending Cash: 1 (1 Base) - 100$

Personal Vehicle: Sports Car, Large, Occupancy 1+3, Acceleration 6, Turning 6, MPH 75/145, Defense 9, Damage Save +14, Complexity 22/+1, Cargo 100lbs, Range 6 (Gas), Qualities: Hot (+2), Luxury, Redundant Systems (Crew, Engine, Fuel); Upgrades: Custom Appearance, Luxury Fittings, Security Package I+II

Mission Gear
Gear Picks: 2 Weapon, 2 Security, 1 (Any of Gadgets, Tradecraft, Vehicles or Resources), 1 Caliber I armor
Common Items: 10

Personal Gear
Gear Picks: AI AW with Concealment Case, Load of Armor-Piercing ammo and Day/Night sight; SIG P-226 with laser sight and suppressor; Tuxedo Liner with Briefcase Shield, Personal Tailoring and Gas Mask; Demolitions Kit I
Common Items: 3


Following his bout as secret agent, Brian quietly asked to be removed from Agency assignment. He was also granted a honorable discharge from the SAS, but he went on to provide training and expertise for new recruits as civilian consultant - off the books, at a significantly higher paycheck, of course. He's still a God with a sniper rifle - some might say he's gotten even better -, but nowadays he's divorced himself from the adrenaline rush of international espionage, preferring his steady - if somewhat more boring - civilian life.

Of course, that doesn't mean he won't consider providing a favor or two for old friends...

Notes: Pretty straightforward. I left out Interests and Common Items.

Gatac 2005-08-13 17:26:31
Name: Artis Gossard
Codename: Goose

Origin: Gonzo Motorhead

[+2 to any attribute (Strength), -2 to any attribute (Charisma), Gain 3 additional Interests, Gain 3 additional wound points, Gain 2 additional Drive foci, Gain +3 bonus to Possessions, Bonus Feat: Speed Demon]

Class/Level: Intruder 6 / Wheelman 3
Nationality: US
Age: 27
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Vitality/Wounds: 60 / 15
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +6
Reflex: +14
Will: +3

Defense: 22 (+8 Class, +3 Dex, +1 Armor)

Raid Jacket: DR 3/6, Defense Bonus +1, ACP 0, Notice DC 22 (Disguised), Complexity 15/+0

Initiative: +9 (+6 Class, +3 Dex)
Attack Boni:
Melee: +10 (+7 Class, +3 Str)
Ranged: +10 (+7 Class, +3 Dex)

Unarmed: +10, 1d6+3 lethal, Threat 20
USP: +10, 1d12, Error 1, Threat 20, Recoil 16, Range Increment 25ft., Diminuitive, 1-handed, Qualities: Composite, Takedown; Modifications: Suppressor, Complexity: 22/+1
M16A3: +10 (+2 within 50ft.), 4d4, Error 1-3, Threat 20, Recoil 10, Range Increment 125ft., Size Small, 2-handed, Modifications: Laser Sight, Threaded Barrel, Suppressor

Feats (-) and Abilities (=):
=Weapon Proficiencies: Unarmed, SMG, Rifle, Handgun, Blunt, Shotgun, Vehicle Weapon
=Dextrous: When spending an action die on a Dex-based skill check, roll and add two. Intruder Core.
=Gear Prep: During the Intel Phase, you or any of your teammates may choose 4 gear picks as if the mission's Calibre were 1 higher. If the mission is Caliber V, instead gain the same number of additional Caliber I gear picks of any type.
=Evasion I: When not flatfooted, a successful Reflex save to reduce damage to 1/2 instead reduces damage to none.
=Bonus Covert Feat: Ambush Basics
=Bonus Basic Combat Feat: Lightning Reflexes
=Uncanny Dodge I: Retain Dex bonus to Defense even when flatfooted or attacked by invisible opponent.
=Criminal Mind: Master Thief (1/session, instead of making opposed skill check with a class skill you possess 4 or more ranks in, you may set your result 1 higher than the opponent. May not result in error or threat.)
=Daredevil: Gain Daredevil feat.
=Custom Ride: May choose Vehicle gear picks as if mission caliber were I higher. If mission is caliber V, instead gain 5 caliber I vehicle gear picks.
=Manual Adjustment: 4/session, when you fail a retry-able Mechanics check, may spend half-action to whack item. As long as the check DC is 23 or less, the failure is reversed and turned into a success. If several grades of success are possible, you only archieve the lowest one. May be used if check resulted in an error, but before error is activated as critical failure.
=Crash Course: Gain Bonus Chase feat (One Hand on the Wheel)
-Speed Demon: Gain +2 insight bonus to Mechanics and Drive skill checks. Threat range increases to 19-20.
-Ambush Basics: Gain the ability to inflict one die of Sneak Attack damage. When participating in a Tactics/Ambush check, the check gains the Cross-Check tag.
-Lightning Reflexes: Gain +3 bonus to Reflex saves. When rolling Initiative, roll twice and keep result you prefer.
-Daredevil: May choose chase strategies as if your Acceleration and/or Turning was 2 higher. Further, may choose Stunt strategy.
-One Hand On The Wheel: Suffer no penalty when making a Maneuver check one-handed. May make a Maneuver check as free action 2/session.
-Autofire Basics: May make 2-shot Burst attacks with weapons that support Single-Shot or Burst fire mode. Works like normal Burst, except using only 2 shots and not hitting a third time if Attack Roll exceeds Defense by 10. 1/round, may make Cover Fire as half action.
-Autofire Mastery: 1/round, hitting an opponent with a ranged attack grants your teammates a +2 bonus to all attacks against that opponent for 1 full round. Further, error range does not increase when using Burst or 2-shot Burst fire modes.
-Follow-Up Shot: May choose to gain 1 final attack at the start of your Initiative count; if used, all skill and attack checks suffer -2 penalty for 1 full round.
-Rock and Roll!: When taking Autofire or Strafe action, each volley only uses 2 shots. May use a rifle or machinegun with one hand at -2 penalty with all attack checks. Each time you request a weapon capable of Autofire or ammunition for one, receive twice the amount of ammo.

Skills: (rank, total bonus)

Acrobatics: 12, 15 (Dex) / 15 (Str)
Bluff: 11, 11
Cultures: 0, 1 - Northern America, Eastern Asia, Western Europe
Drive: 12, 17 - Personal Ground Vehicles, Standard Ground Vehicles, Heavy Ground Vehicles, Service Aircraft, Rotary-Wing Aircraft, Standard Watercraft
Electronics: 12, 14 (Int) / 12 (Wis)
Intimidate: 12, 15 (Str) / 12 (Cha)
Mechanics: 12, 16 (Int) / 14 (Wis)
Notice: 12, 12
Profession: 12, 13 - Thief
Security: 12, 14
Science: 0, 2 - Fabrication
Sleight of Hand: 12, 15
Sneak: 12, 15
Streetwise: 12, 12 (Wis) / 12 (Cha)

Interests: 7

Wealth: 4
Lifestyle: 5 (1 Base, 4 Wealth) - Yacht, Caliber II vehicle with 2 upgrades, Fashionable (Constantly Updated Street Look), +1 bonus to all Cultures, Impress, Networking and Profession checks
Possessions: 4 (1 Base, 3 Origin) - 1 Caliber III, 2 Caliber II, 3 Caliber I
Spending Cash: 1 (1 Base) - 100$

Personal Vehicle: Exotic Sports Car, Large, Occupancy 1+1, Acceleration 7, Turning 6, MPH 80 / 205, Defense 9, Damage Save +10, Complexity 25/+1, Cargo 50 lbs, Range 3 (Gas), Qualities: Hot, Dependable, Redundant Systems (Crew); Modifications: Acceleration Boost, Fine-Tuning, Security Package I, Top Speed Increase I

Mission Gear
Gear Picks: 1 Vehicle, 1 Weapon, 2 Gadget, 1 Security, 1 Tradecraft
Common Items: 3

Personal Gear
Gear Picks: Colt M16A3 with laser sight, Threaded Barrel and Suppressor; USP .40 with suppressor; Raid jacket with Personal Tailoring; Night-vision lenses (Gadget Caliber I, Miniaturized NVGs); Lockpick belt (Gadget Caliber I, Hidden Compartment), Field Glasses
Common Items: Contact lenses, Belt, Lockpicks, 7 left


Following his Agency stint, Art got reassigned to a more leisurely post where his skills as thief and driver were of greater importance than his marksmanship. Still, his taste for fast cars and assault rifles have left him with the (deserved, but loathed) nickname "Auto Art". The lack of adrenaline would probably bore him, but more often than not, he gets loaned over to the high risk jobs. The danger pay's not bad, either...
Gatac 2005-08-14 00:33:08
Name: Carla Manotok
Codename: Falconet

Origin: Grizzled Warrior

[+2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, +2 Defense, +3 Wound Points, Gain Unarmed and Hurled proficiencies, +2 bonus to attack checks made in a Pummel action, Bonus Feat: Any Unarmed (Boxing Basics)]

Class/Level: Soldier 3 / Scout 2 / Brawler 3
Nationality: Phillipines
Age: 22
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 130lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 12 (+1)

Vitality/Wounds: 90 / 24
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +14
Reflex: +9
Will: +6

Defense: 21 (+5 Class, +2 Dex, +2 Origin, +2 Class Ability)

Modular Tactical Vest: DR 4/7 (6/9 with guards), Defense Penalty -3, ACP -1 (-2 with guards), Speed Same (-5ft with guards), Notice DC 14 (12 with guards), Complexity 20/+1

Initiative: +15 (+11 Class, +2 Dex, +2 Feat)
Attack Boni:
Melee: +8 (+7 Class, +1 Str)
Ranged: +9 (+7 Class, +2 Dex)

Unarmed: +10, 2d6+3 lethal, Threat 19-20
Survival Knife: +8, 1d6+2, Error 1, Threat 19-20, Diminuitive, 1-handed, Qualities: Armor-Piercing (1), Bleed; Complexity 17/+0
M72 LAW: +9, 2d10 (AP 32, 1 square blast increment), Error 1-4, Threat 19-20, Range Increment 75ft., Small, 2-handed, Qualities: Inaccurate (-18), One-shot; Complexity 12/+0

Feats (-) and Abilities (=):
=Weapon Proficiencies: Unarmed, Edged, Blunt, Handgun, SMG, Rifle, Tactical, Exotic (Edged), Hurled, Exotic (Blunt), Shotgun
=Accurate: Action dice spent on attack rolls are rolled and added twice. Soldier Core.
=Fight On: Gain Brawling Basics, Dirty Fighting Moves
=Fortunes of War I: Gain DR 1/-. Further, as free action, may double this DR for one full round 4/session.
=Stalker: When you fail a Survival or Tactics check and don't score an error, you still succeed if the DC is 22 or less. If several grades of success are possible, you only archieve the lowest.
=Rough Living: Gain +2 bonus to Defense, as well with all saves to resist cold, fire and heat damage, starvation, thirst, underwater dangers and the effects of nature's fury.
=Ferocious: Each time you spend an action die on a damage roll applying to an unarmed or improvised weapon attack, roll and add two. Brawler Core.
=Whatever's handy: +1 bonus to damage and Defense when using an improvised weapon.
=Cheap Shot I: If you score a threat with an unarmed or melee attack and do NOT activate it, you inflict maximum damage. If you benefit from bonus dice (action dice, sneak attack), they are rolled normally.
=Ploy: Smack Down - When making a standard unarmed attack without any tricks, the attack gains the Takedown quality.
-Great Fortitude: Gain 3 wounds and +3 to Fortitude saves.
-Boxing Basics: Gain 2 Wounds. Also, gain the following stance and trick:

Closed Stance: May move into opponent's square. Gain DR 2/- and +2 to unarmed attacks for that opponent only. Opponent may not make bonus 5ft. steps.

Double Jab: As half action, may make two standard attacks, suffering -2 to the attack rolls and reducing damage from each die by 2 (Minimum 1).

-Brawling Basics: Gain +2 Initiative. Further, gain following Stance and Grapple Trick:

Coiled Stance: While benefitting from this stance, gain +2 to unarmed attacks against opponents with a lower Reflex save. Further, may take additional 5ft. bonus step.

Head Butt: When inflicting unarmed damage upon an opponent that is held or pinned by you, also inflict twice the same amount of flash damage. Further, when pinned, may take 1 full action to inflict twice your standard unarmed damage as flash damage upon your grappler.

-Dirty Fighting Moves: Gain the following tricks:

Eye Gouge: When hitting with a standard unarmed attack, opponent must make Reflex save (DC 10 + damage) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.

Mud in your face: Once per combat and opponent, may gain +4 bonus to all skill checks made for 1 Feint action.

Rabbit Punch: Make standard unarmed attack at -4 penalty. Threat range increases by 1, and with a threat or crit, target becomes nauseated for 1 round.

-Improvised Weapon Basics: Gain +3 bonus to gear checks made to locate improvised weapons. Suffer no damage or attack penalty from using an improvised weapon.
-Martial Arts (Constitution): Add +1d6 unarmed damage, Threat range 19-20. Apply Con mod to unarmed attacks and damage. Always considered to be armed with deadly weapon for Intimidate checks.

Skills: (rank, total bonus) 7

Athletics: 11, 12 (Str) / 14 (Con)
Cultures: 2, 3 - South Asia, South America
Drive: 4, 6 - Standard Ground Vehicles, Standard Watercraft
Intimidate: 2, 3 (Str) / 3 (Cha)
Notice: 7, 9
Profession: 3, 4 - Cook
Resolve: 3, 6 (Con) / 5 (Wis)
Science: 0, 2 - Pharmacology
Sleight of Hand: 2, 4
Sneak: 6, 8 (Dex) / 7 (Cha)
Survival: 4, 5 (Cha) / 6 (Wis)

Interests: 6

Wealth: 3
Lifestyle: 2 (1 Base, 1 Wealth) - 2-bedroom apartment, Caliber I Vehicle with 1 Upgrade, Ragged, Worn Street Look, -1 to Cultures, Impress, Networking and Profession checks
Possessions: 4 (1 Base, 2 Wealth) - 1 Caliber III, 1 Caliber II, 3 Caliber I
Spending Cash: 1 (1 Base) - 100$

Personal Vehicle: Recreational Fishing Boat, Huge, Occupancy 1+5, Acceleration 1, Turning 1, MPH 20/35, Defense 8, Damage Save +7, Complexity 20/+1, Cargo 750 lbs., Range 4 (Gas), Qualities: Stabilized, Open Top (1/4ths Cover), Modifications: Advanced Stability, Emergency Services Package, HMG (3d8+1, Error 1-3, Threat 18-20, 100 shots (belt), Range Increment 300ft., Large, Qualities: Imprecise, Complexity 22/+1)

Mission Gear
Gear Picks: 2 Weapon, 2 Security, 1 (Any of Gadgets, Tradecraft, Vehicle or Resources)
Common Items: 4

Personal Gear
Gear Picks: Talley M72 LAW, Modular Tactical Armor, Survival Knife, Field Glasses, Climbing Kit I.
Common Items: 14


Carla retreated from Agency life into an extended vacation, spending her time on a small fishing boat by day and roughing up the small coastal village at night. Weeks of daily bar brawls couldn't bring her down - in fact, one might say that she thrives in this limited high-threat situation.

Her boat has a .50 cal Browning M2 and a stockpile of LAWs, though - just in case. Besides, the simple life might get boring soon...

(Edited by Gatac at 12:03 am on Aug. 14, 2005)
Dieter 2005-08-16 22:42:00
One note on the impending separation anxiety. Rest assured, everyone who does manage to survive will be receiving a summary of what happened to their characters and will be free to right up a final version of their retirements(?) after everything is said and done.

Yes, this does mean cameo appearances in future storylines.
Gatac 2005-08-17 11:49:10
Actually, I have plans for this, but I'm waiting to see how everything works out.

Dieter 2005-09-09 14:43:25
Everyone still with me? I know the last chapter has been stuck in deathroll lately, but I do want to remind everyone that the Mercs Inc game is still planned.
Dieter 2005-09-09 18:23:50
Things kinda went pear-shaped when everyone scattered like the four winds. There's practically only one way to resolve this situation without completely cheesing the ending, so I went with what just happened. I know people want the clash of the titans ending, but it just wouldn't make much sense when you look at current events.

ADS still has a chance to give the team TKO decision and no one is pushing up daisies quite just yet. Carla still has alot of mojo and a quick rest will get her back in fighting shape.

Brian is badly wounded, but I'm fairly certain he's not going completely down without a fight.

I do have a logical out that will even the odds and (thankfully) Gatac played off it nicely with his last storyline post.
threadbare 2005-09-10 02:45:28
This is a good, desperate fight. What with the eye-gouging and all. Very much what I imagined.
Dieter 2005-09-23 19:50:46
Start thinking about a "What happened afterwards?" story for your characters.
Dieter 2005-09-26 18:04:18
Is it just me, or do the fights seem a bit more realistic without losing the flavor of individual actions and such?

I'd really like to stick with the "give me your general attack/defend stance and we'll run with it" kind of combat resolution.
Gatac 2005-09-26 23:32:00
Yeah, I like it, it works.

As for the post: Well, I just couldn't help myself. *wg*

Dieter 2005-09-27 18:18:34
I'm going to leave the last chapter in Paybacks open for now. Feel free to add you character's epilogue when you get the time.
Gatac 2005-09-28 12:48:39
For completeness's sake. Let it be a lesson to you, never convert your PL if you aren't sure she'll stay loyal.

Name: Anatoli Zaitsev
Codename: Sparrow

Origin: Brainy Jack-of-all-trades

[+2 Int, -2 Str, +4 bonus to Knowledge checks, Gain 4 additional skill points at Level 1 and 1 additional at every level thereafter, Choose 2 skills to have maximum ranks equal to Career Level + 4 (Electronics, Security), Bonus Feat: Training]

Class / Level: Hacker 5

Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Vitality/Wounds: 37 / 12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +4
Will: +5

Defense: 12 (+1 Dex, +2 Class, -1 Armor)

Tuxedo Liner: DR 2/3, Defense Penalty -1, ACP 0, Speed Same, Notice DC 20, Complexity 22/+1

Initiative: +2 (+1 Dex, +1 Class)
Attack Boni:
Melee: +2 (+0 Str, +2 Class)
Ranged: +3 (+1 Dex, +2 Class)

Unarmed: +2, 1d3 subdual
Five-seveN: +3 (+1 aimed, +2 within 50ft.), 1d10+1 (AP 4), Error 1-2, Threat 20, Capacity 20 (3 Magazines), Recoil 11, Range Increment 30ft., Diminuitive, Qualities: Composite, +2 Initiative at beginning of every combat

Feats (-) and Abilities (=):
=Weapon Proficiencies: Handgun, SMG, Explosives, Rifle
=Custom 'Ware: 1/mission, designate a computer to be customized to your specifications. For duration of mission, computer gains +3 power rating. (Hacker Core)
='L337: When you fail a Computer or Falsify skill check and don't score an error, you still succeed if the DC is 25 or less. If several grades of success are possible, you only archieve the lowest one.
=Master Key I: Maximum ranks in Computers and Science (Mathematics) each increase to Career Level +4. When cracking, creating or requesting a code, its Power Rating is considered 1 lower for purposes of determing skill and request check DCs.
=Trap Door: 1/mission as free action, gain 1 Caliber II dossier.
=Bonus Feat: Gear or Advanced Skill
=Master Cracker: 1/session, may automatically crack any code with decryption DC 25 or less; this takes (Power Rating of the code) rounds. Also, during a Hacking Conflict, may choose Master Cracker strategy.
-Training: Gain 5 skill points. For the purposes of determining skill rank costs, all skills are considered class skills.
-All or Nothing: 1/session, may increase threat and error range of any roll by 5. If you suffer an error, opponent may activate it even if it would normally be a success.
-Pack Rat: Possessions increases by 2.
-Techie: Gain +2 insight bonus to Computers and Electronics checks, Threat Range increases to 19-20.

Skills: (rank, total bonus)

Analysis: 5, 9 (Int) / 6 (Wis)
Computers: 9, 15, 19-20 Threat
Cultures: 8, 12 - Eastern Europe, Northern America, Western Europe
Drive: 4, 5 - Standard Ground Vehicles, Personal Ground Vehicles
Electronics: 9, 15 (Int) / 12 (Wis), 19-20 Threat
Falsify: 8, 12 (Int) / 9 (Wis)
Notice: 8, 9
Profession: 8, 8 - Hacker, Spy, Fence
Resolve: 8, 9 (Wis) / 9 (Con)
Science: 9, 13 - Chemistry, Mathematics, Programming
Security: 9, 13
Streetwise: 8, 9 (Wis) / 8 (Cha)

Wealth: 4
Lifestyle: 2 (1 base, 1 Wealth) - Private Quarters, Caliber I Vehicle with 1 Upgrade, Worn Street Look, -1 to Cultures, Impress, Networking and Profession checks
Possessions: 6 (1 base, 3 Wealth, 2 Feat) - 2 Caliber III, 2 Caliber II, 4 Caliber I + 12 Common Items
Spending Cash: 1 (1 base, 0 Wealth) - 100$ spending cash

Personal Vehicle: Mini-Van, Size Large, Occupancy 1+6, Acceleration 3, Turning 4, MPH 65/95, Defense 9, Damage Save +11, Complexity 20/+1, Cargo 800 lbs., Range 7/gas, Qualities: Redundant Systems (Crew), Modifications: Security Package I

Personal Gear
Gear Picks: Laptop +3, Cover Identity +4, FN Five-seveN (Laser Sight, Custom Grip), Electronics Kit II, Feat Training (Clean and Polished), Tuxedo Liner
Common Items: DVD Writer, Binoculars, Caffeine Chewables, PDA, Modem, Leatherman, Luggage, Duct Tape, Das Kapital, fancy "Matrix" cellphone, UV flashlight, latex gloves
Dieter 2005-09-28 14:23:11

Quote: from Gatac on 4:47 am on Sep. 28, 2005
Woah. Everyone feeling fucked-up?


The epilogues have been really good. I think anyone who's spent that much time in some godforsaken place doing the devil's work is bound to have at least a few loose screws.

Although...the only surefire way to leave the business is to die. Everyone survived. ;)

GM Scroll Credits to follow as soon as everyone has posted their goodbyes.