Way ahead of you...
Elena begins a rapid-fire stream of rounds downrange.
"Close the distance and shoot those fuckers!", she shouts as the gunmen keep their heads down from the oncoming fire.
Cloak & Broadsword: Agent Spiner - Chapter 1: Behind Enemy L
Writers Note: Michael Bay directed the following post.
-Fade In-
Slow motion shot of Jess running towards the gunman, brandishing her pistols in a classic John Woo-style manner. The camera pans over to Elena, laying down a heavy stream of cover fire, zooming in on the Dragunov's ejector port...spent rounds flying out in a dramatic fashion. One of the gunmen, perhaps in sheer terror or complete stupity, sticks his head up and gets struck by a bullet heading downrange.
Wide shot, panning over and zooming in on Jess nearing the three surviving men. The camera pans around, with a close-up of Jess' face, immediately followed by the muzzle flashes of her twin-akimboed pistols.
-Fade In-
Slow motion shot of Jess running towards the gunman, brandishing her pistols in a classic John Woo-style manner. The camera pans over to Elena, laying down a heavy stream of cover fire, zooming in on the Dragunov's ejector port...spent rounds flying out in a dramatic fashion. One of the gunmen, perhaps in sheer terror or complete stupity, sticks his head up and gets struck by a bullet heading downrange.
Wide shot, panning over and zooming in on Jess nearing the three surviving men. The camera pans around, with a close-up of Jess' face, immediately followed by the muzzle flashes of her twin-akimboed pistols.
Laying prone like turtles on their backs, Jess gets up close and personal with the gunmen. She double-taps one in his spine and lung, capping another in the back of the head.
The last remaining mercenary; a witness to Jess' (uncharacteristically) systematic killing spree on his comrades, tosses his AK aside and puts his hands up in surrender.
"Ach. Don't fookin' kill me! They ain't payin' me 'nuff to tp die in this fookin' wasteland!"
The last remaining mercenary; a witness to Jess' (uncharacteristically) systematic killing spree on his comrades, tosses his AK aside and puts his hands up in surrender.
"Ach. Don't fookin' kill me! They ain't payin' me 'nuff to tp die in this fookin' wasteland!"
Jess trains both guns at the merc, breathing heavily from the sprint; a small trickle of blood from her neck drips into the snow.
"I'm on a roll, prick. I'm on a fucking roll here. You thought you could come here, fuck with me and be back home for the weekend, didn't you? Well, newsflash, I've got two guns, I just killed your friends, and I'm not quite done yet. So either the buck stops with you, or you cough up some names."
"I'm on a roll, prick. I'm on a fucking roll here. You thought you could come here, fuck with me and be back home for the weekend, didn't you? Well, newsflash, I've got two guns, I just killed your friends, and I'm not quite done yet. So either the buck stops with you, or you cough up some names."
The man holds his shaking hands up, eyes wide and body trembling.
"In-in-interpol...the...C...CIA...the fookin' Russia Mafia all are gunnin' for yer! Yer face is kinda all over the news these days. Yer know that, don't yer?!"
His words seem frighteningly genuine.
Overhead, the co-pilot manages to right the helicopter levelling it off and doing a rapid ascent. Several thousand feet below, with the perimeter secure, Elena walks towards Jess...her rifle trained on the pleading man.
"In-in-interpol...the...C...CIA...the fookin' Russia Mafia all are gunnin' for yer! Yer face is kinda all over the news these days. Yer know that, don't yer?!"
His words seem frighteningly genuine.
Overhead, the co-pilot manages to right the helicopter levelling it off and doing a rapid ascent. Several thousand feet below, with the perimeter secure, Elena walks towards Jess...her rifle trained on the pleading man.
Jess seems a bit disturbed at the news, but her guns don't waver just yet.
"The CIA? There's a new one. So how about you get a bit more specific, like who hired *you*. Or did you accept bribes from all three?"
"The CIA? There's a new one. So how about you get a bit more specific, like who hired *you*. Or did you accept bribes from all three?"
The man practically scoffs at Jess' line of questioning.
"Who hired us? There was no hirin' to be done, lass. The rewards offered by the governments and assorted organized crime organizations were incentive enough. Quite frankly, (motioning to sit up) I'm fookin' surprised it was this easy. Hell, we thought yer'd have at least a small detachment guarding yer..."
Elena gets within earshot, hearing the last quip.
"Why does woman need army, when she only require one Russian sniper to help protect her?"
Jess hears garbeled chatter over her newly acquired headset.
Must be on an open channel.
"Who hired us? There was no hirin' to be done, lass. The rewards offered by the governments and assorted organized crime organizations were incentive enough. Quite frankly, (motioning to sit up) I'm fookin' surprised it was this easy. Hell, we thought yer'd have at least a small detachment guarding yer..."
Elena gets within earshot, hearing the last quip.
"Why does woman need army, when she only require one Russian sniper to help protect her?"

Jess hears garbeled chatter over her newly acquired headset.
Must be on an open channel.
"You sure know how to make a girl feel wanted. Elena, if you would be so nice to watch this little shithead while I conduct some business..."
Jess switches the radio she pilfered earlier back to full volume, then hits the transmit button.
"Gonna listen now?"
Jess switches the radio she pilfered earlier back to full volume, then hits the transmit button.
"Gonna listen now?"
"It will be pleasure." Elena says, kicking the man in his ribs.
The man winces in great pain, looking up at Jess.
"Y-you n-need to enter the k-keycode to transmit...1-8-2-9."
Jess does so and awaits a response.
Shit! Fook yer, Larry. Yer were right...we should've brought more men. Yer on yer own, lad. See you back in Glasgow. Good luck.
The hovering helicopter lurches forward and begins to fly away from the combat area.
"Larry" seems very disturbed by the sudden chain of events. He looks equally as worried by the two murderous women standing over him. Elena smiles at Larry's reaction, speaking in Russian to Jess.
"I say we take the bastard back to my grandfather's house and see what he knows.", all the while eyeing him with the look of, "You don't know it, but you're already dead."
The man winces in great pain, looking up at Jess.
"Y-you n-need to enter the k-keycode to transmit...1-8-2-9."
Jess does so and awaits a response.
Shit! Fook yer, Larry. Yer were right...we should've brought more men. Yer on yer own, lad. See you back in Glasgow. Good luck.
The hovering helicopter lurches forward and begins to fly away from the combat area.
"Larry" seems very disturbed by the sudden chain of events. He looks equally as worried by the two murderous women standing over him. Elena smiles at Larry's reaction, speaking in Russian to Jess.
"I say we take the bastard back to my grandfather's house and see what he knows.", all the while eyeing him with the look of, "You don't know it, but you're already dead."
Jess watches the chopper ride away, but not before she replies to the broadcast.
"No. You will not see Larry in Glasgow. In fact, if I were you, I'd be seriously worried about my own ability to get to Glasgow. You're gonna get it, boy. The only reason you still live is so I can listen to you piss your pants."
Then, she turns back to Elena.
"I'm definately in favor of that. Got anything to tie this idiot up?"
"No. You will not see Larry in Glasgow. In fact, if I were you, I'd be seriously worried about my own ability to get to Glasgow. You're gonna get it, boy. The only reason you still live is so I can listen to you piss your pants."
Then, she turns back to Elena.
"I'm definately in favor of that. Got anything to tie this idiot up?"
Elena smiles, pulling out a switchblade deadly close to Larry's ear.
"Of course."
Larry freaks out at the cryptic exchange of words, unsure if he's dead to rights. Elena kneels down to the poor bastard, blade in hand while she opens up her haversack.
"Don't worry. We won't kill you (dragging the knife close to his throat)...just yet."
Retrieving a length of cord, she cuts enough off to secure Larry for the time being. As she begins to bind him Elena stops in mid-lash..
(glancing over to the useless hulk of snowmachine then up at Jessica)
"I wonder if Larry here happen's to know how to fix a busted engine?"
"Of course."
Larry freaks out at the cryptic exchange of words, unsure if he's dead to rights. Elena kneels down to the poor bastard, blade in hand while she opens up her haversack.
"Don't worry. We won't kill you (dragging the knife close to his throat)...just yet."
Retrieving a length of cord, she cuts enough off to secure Larry for the time being. As she begins to bind him Elena stops in mid-lash..
(glancing over to the useless hulk of snowmachine then up at Jessica)
"I wonder if Larry here happen's to know how to fix a busted engine?"
"I'll ask him."
Jess turns to the bound merc.
"Say, Larry, do you have technical aptitude? Or, rather, do you think you can pick up technical aptitude in less time than it takes for me to lose patience and fill your worthless ass with lead?"
Jess turns to the bound merc.
"Say, Larry, do you have technical aptitude? Or, rather, do you think you can pick up technical aptitude in less time than it takes for me to lose patience and fill your worthless ass with lead?"
Quote:Despite it being in the "minus alot" degrees, beads of sweat pour down the sides of Larry's face.Quote: from Gatac on 3:03 pm on July 15, 2004
"I'll ask him."
Jess turns to the bound merc.
"Say, Larry, do you have technical aptitude? Or, rather, do you think you can pick up technical aptitude in less time than it takes for me to lose patience and fill your worthless ass with lead?"
"Um...do I have what? Er...what I means to say is, I used to fix up motorcycles back in Aberdeen."
"Best thing I've heard all day. Elena, he says he might be able to repair it. Could you take him to the snowmobile and watch him work? I'll collect the guns; would be a shame to let all this fine equipment sink into the snow."
Elena seems to be getting used to the good cop/bad cop detail.
Right. Take an AK for each of us. I'll make sure Larry gets to work.
It's surprising what a little "at knifepoint" incentive does for the average worker. In no time, the snowmachine is up and sputtering. Larry's is hopeful as his stock in usefulness just went up a few points. His momentary elation is followed by a Kalishnikov to the back of his head. Elena looks at Jess,
"No sense in him causing trouble on the way back, no?"
Right. Take an AK for each of us. I'll make sure Larry gets to work.
It's surprising what a little "at knifepoint" incentive does for the average worker. In no time, the snowmachine is up and sputtering. Larry's is hopeful as his stock in usefulness just went up a few points. His momentary elation is followed by a Kalishnikov to the back of his head. Elena looks at Jess,
"No sense in him causing trouble on the way back, no?"