Shinobi 10
July 6 2010
(Kagemaru-only section)
Kagemaru sleeps lightly on this unfamiliar ground. That proves to be useful when he's woken in the middle of his rest by the slightest of sounds. His eyes open and check the surroundings, but all he can make out are the flickering shadows from your still-burning campfire. But there's something in those shadows, darting from tree to tree, and after a moment, it speaks to him.
"Skin-Thief," a faint male voice calls, "we is Coming for Teachings."
Kagemaru needs a moment to gather his thoughts and to fight the urge to grab his Shuriken that seemed to be at the ready as soon as he thought about using them. The ninja looks back at the shadow and walks a bit closer and responds with a whisper "You're that thing I hunted down, aren't you? The original owner of this suit."
"You is Wearing us skin," the shadows confirm. "We is not Coming for harm. You must Knowing many things about skin."
Kage nods, "I noticed that it's not a normal piece of clothing if that's what you mean. It seems like I can see more in the dark if I put this mask on. Also a throwing weapon always seems to be ready to grab when I think about using one."
The shadows flicker, and the neck of Kage's suit stiffens for a moment. You get the sense that the creature is nodding, out of a half-forgotten reflex.
"Yes, is Being skin stitched from shadows. Stand in shadows, is Seeing all. Reach for shadows, is Grabbing all. Very good skin, very good. Many usefuls."
The shadows move again.
"Last skin-thief, we is Choking for long time. Skin is Calling to we. But your sister is Being master, so no shadow is Hurting you, no no."
"So you shadows are all Red Dragons? How many of you are there?" Kagemaru asks wonderingly.
"Is Being three of us," the shadow answers. "If We is Counting. No We, is Being two shadows."
"And where are the other two shadows?" Kagemaru inquires further.
"Is Being one shadow at clan, and one shadow on assignment," the darkness replies. "And we."
"So you can control your skill remotely. Why didn't you use that against me before Kiara achieved control over the Red Dragon clan?" Kage wonders.
"Is Needing to collect. You is Scattering we. We is Lusting for your blood, but your sister is Becoming master before we is Killing you."
"So this means you're always missing something without your skin, doesn't it?" Kagemaru ponders "Does it hurt?"
"Is Being no pain, skin-thief," the shadow answers. "Not after first hundred years."
"I'd prefer if you could stop calling me skin-thief. Sounds eerie," Kagemaru says, "Now the most important question, are you here to get your skin back?"
"No!" the shadow shrieks. "Is Having time to think. Is Thinking that you dead is Being funny. But then, Is Thinking about freedom. Is Being caught with this skin until you is Becoming shadow. Then we is Being free."
Kagemaru is alarmed by that last part, "Wait, you're free when I become like you? But then I'll be caught by this skin, no?"
"Is not Being held by skin," the shadow tries to explain. "Is Being held by vow. Is Vowing to serve clan until death. You is Vowing that? If no, then shadows is Being free for you. Is Going anywhere and is never Dying."
"If I learned one thing, then that there's nothing that comes for free. There's always a cost. Even if it's not obvious." Kagemaru muses, "Anyways, how could that happen? Me becoming a shadow I mean."
"Is Forgetting," the shadow admits. "Is Being drugged for ritual." It pauses for a moment. "Is Being good drugs."
"Right," Kagemaru responds, "I'll see what I can do about your freedom then. But since I'm not a shadow yet, I need sleep badly. I trust that I'll see you around for a bit longer?"
"Is Staying, but is Keeping quiet. You is Sleeping."
"Good night then and thanks for all the information." Kagemaru says, before going back to his bedroll. He'll need all of his energy to show the Blue Oni who's boss.
(/Kagemaru-only section)
The early hours of morning bring the first rays of sunlight, even if it barely pokes through the forest canopy. But it's enough to rouse Yukio, and with the messenger not back yet to report on her findings, that means she has some time to spare.
Which, predictably enough, ends with Kasumi up and about three minutes later, sunk into the horse stance while Yukio nitpicks her posture.
"Get your butt up and keep it there!" Yukio says. "This is a stance, not a suggestion!"
Kasumi's thighs are burning already, and she yawns. She didn't think it was possible to yawn and be in this much pain at the same time, but apparently there are many new things about her body that she will be learning soon. She shifts her feet slightly to bring her butt up, which just adds to the burning back there as well. "Every morning, huh?" she manages to get out between clenched teeth.
"And every evening," Yukio replies. "But maybe I can take your mind off the pain. Would you like that?"
"Sure," Kasumi says. "How much longer?"
"Oh," Yukio grins, "I'd say about as long as it takes you to explain to me why you don't trust your teacher."
"Because you're a noble," Kasumi says. "Because you've hidden many things from me, important things, because of who I am and I don't trust anyone." Kasumi collapses onto the grass, rubbing her quivering thighs.
"You're stunningly honest when you're uncomfortable," Yukio says. "But that's good. Front-leaning rest!"
Kasumi rolls over and manages to straighten her legs out enough to assume the position. "You could have just asked me, you know. There's no need to interrogate me indirectly about this, put the veneer of this being about teacher-student relations. I'd have told you the truth either way."
"Lot of breath in you for someone who just fell on their ass," Yukio says. "That's what I'm looking for. Your commitment. Are you here to see your training through, or have you had enough already?"
"Give it a minute to start to burn again," Kasumi says. "I'm committed to this, Yukio. For my own reasons. But I am committed."
"Pah," Yukio says. "You have your sword, now you want my skill."
"No, there is more to it than that," Kasumi says. "A lot more than you know, Yukio." Kasumi pauses and shifts her hand off a stone. "I trust you as a teacher...just not as a person, okay? That's how it is." Kasumi doesn't put her usual forceful tone into it, but her arms are also starting to burn.
"That is why I'm talking to you," Yukio says. "Take a break." Kasumi lowers herself to the ground as Yukio continues. "You have risked your life, you have promised to protect me, you have come to seek my guidance and been made my student."
Kasumi sits up and looks at Yukio. "I don't need to be your friend to do that, do I?"
"Friend?" Yukio asks. "You were an ally, and now you are my student. I do not even know how you let yourself be drawn into to begin with. What, if not sentiment, is it that has pushed you this far?"
"I made a promise," Kasumi says bluntly. "What made you decide to trust me enough to follow me into the Red Dragon's lair, to listen to me when the Academy was attacked, about all of this so far?" Kasumi shoots back. "You only know me as a common thief."
"A resourceful, loyal thief," Yukio says. "There is no common thing about you, Kasumi, and I've not been able to see what possible advantage you may be working toward with your actions. I know you are not a fool. Whatever your reasons are, I trust them even without knowing them."
Kasumi doesn't know what to say for a moment. She wipes her brow and brushes her hair out of her eyes. "Well, you're not like the other noble children I've dealt with, either. You think of others, you believe that honor includes fairness and treating others well, not just what you can take. You're not afraid to put yourself in danger. I know - I'm pretty sure that you believe the things you say. So, there's that." She brushes her hair back again. "Not that I trust you. You're just better than the bastard noble brats I've dealt with."
Yukio grins. "I'm happy to surpass your standards. But while we're on the topic...break's over."
Kasumi groans and stands up. "Although, your sadistic streak is perfectly in line with your noble tendencies."
"And yet," Yukio adds, "I'm also happy to meet expectations. Five more minutes, then we'll work on your back..."
(Kagemaru-only section)
Kagemaru sleeps lightly on this unfamiliar ground. That proves to be useful when he's woken in the middle of his rest by the slightest of sounds. His eyes open and check the surroundings, but all he can make out are the flickering shadows from your still-burning campfire. But there's something in those shadows, darting from tree to tree, and after a moment, it speaks to him.
"Skin-Thief," a faint male voice calls, "we is Coming for Teachings."
Kagemaru needs a moment to gather his thoughts and to fight the urge to grab his Shuriken that seemed to be at the ready as soon as he thought about using them. The ninja looks back at the shadow and walks a bit closer and responds with a whisper "You're that thing I hunted down, aren't you? The original owner of this suit."
"You is Wearing us skin," the shadows confirm. "We is not Coming for harm. You must Knowing many things about skin."
Kage nods, "I noticed that it's not a normal piece of clothing if that's what you mean. It seems like I can see more in the dark if I put this mask on. Also a throwing weapon always seems to be ready to grab when I think about using one."
The shadows flicker, and the neck of Kage's suit stiffens for a moment. You get the sense that the creature is nodding, out of a half-forgotten reflex.
"Yes, is Being skin stitched from shadows. Stand in shadows, is Seeing all. Reach for shadows, is Grabbing all. Very good skin, very good. Many usefuls."
The shadows move again.
"Last skin-thief, we is Choking for long time. Skin is Calling to we. But your sister is Being master, so no shadow is Hurting you, no no."
"So you shadows are all Red Dragons? How many of you are there?" Kagemaru asks wonderingly.
"Is Being three of us," the shadow answers. "If We is Counting. No We, is Being two shadows."
"And where are the other two shadows?" Kagemaru inquires further.
"Is Being one shadow at clan, and one shadow on assignment," the darkness replies. "And we."
"So you can control your skill remotely. Why didn't you use that against me before Kiara achieved control over the Red Dragon clan?" Kage wonders.
"Is Needing to collect. You is Scattering we. We is Lusting for your blood, but your sister is Becoming master before we is Killing you."
"So this means you're always missing something without your skin, doesn't it?" Kagemaru ponders "Does it hurt?"
"Is Being no pain, skin-thief," the shadow answers. "Not after first hundred years."
"I'd prefer if you could stop calling me skin-thief. Sounds eerie," Kagemaru says, "Now the most important question, are you here to get your skin back?"
"No!" the shadow shrieks. "Is Having time to think. Is Thinking that you dead is Being funny. But then, Is Thinking about freedom. Is Being caught with this skin until you is Becoming shadow. Then we is Being free."
Kagemaru is alarmed by that last part, "Wait, you're free when I become like you? But then I'll be caught by this skin, no?"
"Is not Being held by skin," the shadow tries to explain. "Is Being held by vow. Is Vowing to serve clan until death. You is Vowing that? If no, then shadows is Being free for you. Is Going anywhere and is never Dying."
"If I learned one thing, then that there's nothing that comes for free. There's always a cost. Even if it's not obvious." Kagemaru muses, "Anyways, how could that happen? Me becoming a shadow I mean."
"Is Forgetting," the shadow admits. "Is Being drugged for ritual." It pauses for a moment. "Is Being good drugs."
"Right," Kagemaru responds, "I'll see what I can do about your freedom then. But since I'm not a shadow yet, I need sleep badly. I trust that I'll see you around for a bit longer?"
"Is Staying, but is Keeping quiet. You is Sleeping."
"Good night then and thanks for all the information." Kagemaru says, before going back to his bedroll. He'll need all of his energy to show the Blue Oni who's boss.
(/Kagemaru-only section)
The early hours of morning bring the first rays of sunlight, even if it barely pokes through the forest canopy. But it's enough to rouse Yukio, and with the messenger not back yet to report on her findings, that means she has some time to spare.
Which, predictably enough, ends with Kasumi up and about three minutes later, sunk into the horse stance while Yukio nitpicks her posture.
"Get your butt up and keep it there!" Yukio says. "This is a stance, not a suggestion!"
Kasumi's thighs are burning already, and she yawns. She didn't think it was possible to yawn and be in this much pain at the same time, but apparently there are many new things about her body that she will be learning soon. She shifts her feet slightly to bring her butt up, which just adds to the burning back there as well. "Every morning, huh?" she manages to get out between clenched teeth.
"And every evening," Yukio replies. "But maybe I can take your mind off the pain. Would you like that?"
"Sure," Kasumi says. "How much longer?"
"Oh," Yukio grins, "I'd say about as long as it takes you to explain to me why you don't trust your teacher."
"Because you're a noble," Kasumi says. "Because you've hidden many things from me, important things, because of who I am and I don't trust anyone." Kasumi collapses onto the grass, rubbing her quivering thighs.
"You're stunningly honest when you're uncomfortable," Yukio says. "But that's good. Front-leaning rest!"
Kasumi rolls over and manages to straighten her legs out enough to assume the position. "You could have just asked me, you know. There's no need to interrogate me indirectly about this, put the veneer of this being about teacher-student relations. I'd have told you the truth either way."
"Lot of breath in you for someone who just fell on their ass," Yukio says. "That's what I'm looking for. Your commitment. Are you here to see your training through, or have you had enough already?"
"Give it a minute to start to burn again," Kasumi says. "I'm committed to this, Yukio. For my own reasons. But I am committed."
"Pah," Yukio says. "You have your sword, now you want my skill."
"No, there is more to it than that," Kasumi says. "A lot more than you know, Yukio." Kasumi pauses and shifts her hand off a stone. "I trust you as a teacher...just not as a person, okay? That's how it is." Kasumi doesn't put her usual forceful tone into it, but her arms are also starting to burn.
"That is why I'm talking to you," Yukio says. "Take a break." Kasumi lowers herself to the ground as Yukio continues. "You have risked your life, you have promised to protect me, you have come to seek my guidance and been made my student."
Kasumi sits up and looks at Yukio. "I don't need to be your friend to do that, do I?"
"Friend?" Yukio asks. "You were an ally, and now you are my student. I do not even know how you let yourself be drawn into to begin with. What, if not sentiment, is it that has pushed you this far?"
"I made a promise," Kasumi says bluntly. "What made you decide to trust me enough to follow me into the Red Dragon's lair, to listen to me when the Academy was attacked, about all of this so far?" Kasumi shoots back. "You only know me as a common thief."
"A resourceful, loyal thief," Yukio says. "There is no common thing about you, Kasumi, and I've not been able to see what possible advantage you may be working toward with your actions. I know you are not a fool. Whatever your reasons are, I trust them even without knowing them."
Kasumi doesn't know what to say for a moment. She wipes her brow and brushes her hair out of her eyes. "Well, you're not like the other noble children I've dealt with, either. You think of others, you believe that honor includes fairness and treating others well, not just what you can take. You're not afraid to put yourself in danger. I know - I'm pretty sure that you believe the things you say. So, there's that." She brushes her hair back again. "Not that I trust you. You're just better than the bastard noble brats I've dealt with."
Yukio grins. "I'm happy to surpass your standards. But while we're on the topic...break's over."
Kasumi groans and stands up. "Although, your sadistic streak is perfectly in line with your noble tendencies."
"And yet," Yukio adds, "I'm also happy to meet expectations. Five more minutes, then we'll work on your back..."
July 31 2010
Slowly, morning comes for everyone. Yesterday's fire burned low throughout the night; a bit of added wood lets you warm up some trail food for a quick breakfast. You're halfway through breaking camp again when the Ayami messenger ninja returns, jumping down from a nearby tree. You note that she's now carrying her weapons, but she complies with keeping Yukio's spear aimed at her neck as a safety precaution.
"I found the Blue Oni and his men," she says. "They're camped five miles to the East, at the base of the mountains. If you do not delay, you should be able to catch up to them on the pass."
She looks around.
"I will return to the clan fortress. Does anyone have a message they wish me to convey to Master Sinan?"
Toshiba thinks for a moment before replying, "Yes, perhaps I do." His smile is turned inward at a private joke.
"Ayami's lost lamb
Chases blue demon quarry
It is ironic."
August 2 2010
The messenger excuses herself and disappears into the woods. You don't know exactly how her report to the Ayami clan masters will look like, but she seemed sympathetic enough to your situation.
With the last of the camp supplies packed up, you quickly set out to catch up with the Blue Oni and his men. Armed with the messenger's information, you do not need to spend effort on tracking - and you will see if her information can be trusted.
The heavy forest that marks the Valley of the Masters grows thinner as you head East, even blowing over a cobblestone path past a small blacksmith's shop, no doubt busy working on new weapons. The base of the mountain pass holds a clearing, with a small camp of traders and other travelers set up there as a waypoint. The pass ahead is treacherous enough that rested riders and rested horses are the conventional wisdom even in the best of weather, and winter hasn't been over long enough to make this the best of weather. Still, the camp is busy in it's morning routine, with the merchants loading up their wares to journey eastward.
However, what really interests you is the flag of the Blue Oni. You catch a glimpse of it rising out of the camp - it seems they are leaving now, trotting their horses toward the mountain pass.
Toshiba hisses in surprise. Their quarry, right there! Right there, save for the camp full of merchants and carts and horses and stalls. Obstacles, or cover?
"There they are!" Toshiba half-whispers, afraid that the Oni will hear him even across the camp, or that he'll somehow smell his hunters close behind. It wouldn't be the first time. "Quickly quietly, through the market, let us close on him before they enter the pass!"
Kasumi looks around for some alternate method, but aside from some dubious-looking shortcuts, there's not much in the way of options. "Yes, but carefully, the last thing we want to do is start a panic."
"I agree. Alerting them would be bad." Kagemaru states, "I'd say we follow and ambush them further ahead. There's a mountain pass which should provide enough chances."
August 6 2010
You quickly decide that discretion is the better part of the pursuit and keep your distance, waiting for a more favorable location to assault the Blue Oni and his men along the pass. Yukio slows her horse down to hang back - neither she nor her steed are bred for subtlety, and by following you, there is little risk that she will be spotted without leaving her too far behind.
The merchants and travelers of the base camp step out of your way, but they do not scatter from your slow approach. The Blue Oni and his men disappear up the pass while you're still crossing the camp. Even with Yukio following a good twenty yards behind you, you can feel her impatience, but the mountain pass is long and twisted - you have hours still to catch up, and until the pass is crossed, there are no routes the Blue Oni could take to evade you. You'll just have to try to keep up without being seen.
(OOC: Okay, originally I was gonna do this as a kind of chase mechanic, but you know what? Fuck that. You're ninjas.)
The ascent is uncomfortable and becomes even more so as you gain height. Maybe it's the endless serpentines, the mountain making sounds like it's practicing for rockslides, or even the batch of half-melted snow that almost hits Kiara over the head at Hour 2, but the path is slow and dreary. Kagemaru and Kiara obviously have the edge in experience with mountainous, snowed-in terrain, but even that does not offer much consolation against the windchill and the rapidly-appearing fog.
[1d20+5 = 4 + 5 = 9] (Kasumi's Sneak)
The fog is thick enough that you almost run into Blue Oni's group from behind for lack of seeing. In fact, it is only Blue Oni's booming voice ahead that warns you that they have stopped.
"Why, what now is the way?" he says, insofar as his opera-worthy bass performance can be called speaking. "Here the path is cleft in twain; straighter was this passage just when we last came this way. Curse this foul weather, then!"
"Maybe we should stop," a weak voice answers him. Toshi! You're glad that Yukio is hanging back far enough that she probably didn't hear it; it sounds like she'd go charging right in for him if she heard it.
"Stop?!" the Blue Oni replies. "Stop, and be set upon by that murderess you call your beloved? Spare no thought to such foolishness, my dear Toshiro; the Blue Oni will deliver you, post-haste, to those that employ his magnificence! Demon!"
"Yes, Sire?" says a third voice.
"Fetch a coin from your sack, and toss it well; the Emperor's seal shall guide us to the right, and the clan mark will make the left path our choice!"
"What if he drops it?" Toshi sneaks in.
"Fool!" the Blue Oni bellows. "Not fog, nor hostile ground, shall interfere with the well-honed dexterity of my men! Reserve your doubt for those who have already failed you! Now, demon, let the fates themselves guide our steps! Toss, that we may proceed!"
You do not hear the coin being tossed. You wouldn't blame the 'demon' if he made something up, though.
"The Emperor it is, Sire," the demon answers.
"And he steers us right!" the Blue Oni says. "Laugh, fool! T'was a joke to lift your dour spirit!"
Toshi doesn't deign to reply, or maybe it was too quiet to hear. But it sounds like they're getting ready to move on now.
Toshiba grimaces as he hears the Oni's trademark... exuberance. He checks his arbalest and waves his group to the right.
(OOC: Just to clarify, you can't see anything through the fog right now. You're still on the ascent, too. If you want to attack, well, you're close, but you'll need to essentially do a drive-by. WIth swords.)
"He sounds...chatty," Kasumi whispers. "Toshiba, do you think he'd be open to a frank conversation about the situation?"
"A frank conversation at swordpoint, among the broken and bloodied bodies of his Demon followers, is exactly what I intend," Toshiba replies. "Until then, let us not waste the advantage of surprise on premature parlay."
"And you can count Toshiro amongst the dead if that is your plan of attack," Kasumi says. "Is the Blue Oni an honorable man? And I mean properly honorable, not noble honorable."
"A facade," Toshiba replies softly. "He is a well-spoken brigand."
"Noble honorable, then." Kasumi whispers as they slowly stalk behind the Blue Oni's group. "I want to take Toshi from these bastards as much as you do, but starting a fight in bad visibility, with no idea of our enemy's forces except that we are probably outnumbered, with multiple hostile escape routes and in bad terrain does not sound like a good idea."
"Agreed," Toshiba says. "Let us shadow them until the time is right."
Slowly, morning comes for everyone. Yesterday's fire burned low throughout the night; a bit of added wood lets you warm up some trail food for a quick breakfast. You're halfway through breaking camp again when the Ayami messenger ninja returns, jumping down from a nearby tree. You note that she's now carrying her weapons, but she complies with keeping Yukio's spear aimed at her neck as a safety precaution.
"I found the Blue Oni and his men," she says. "They're camped five miles to the East, at the base of the mountains. If you do not delay, you should be able to catch up to them on the pass."
She looks around.
"I will return to the clan fortress. Does anyone have a message they wish me to convey to Master Sinan?"
Toshiba thinks for a moment before replying, "Yes, perhaps I do." His smile is turned inward at a private joke.
"Ayami's lost lamb
Chases blue demon quarry
It is ironic."
August 2 2010
The messenger excuses herself and disappears into the woods. You don't know exactly how her report to the Ayami clan masters will look like, but she seemed sympathetic enough to your situation.
With the last of the camp supplies packed up, you quickly set out to catch up with the Blue Oni and his men. Armed with the messenger's information, you do not need to spend effort on tracking - and you will see if her information can be trusted.
The heavy forest that marks the Valley of the Masters grows thinner as you head East, even blowing over a cobblestone path past a small blacksmith's shop, no doubt busy working on new weapons. The base of the mountain pass holds a clearing, with a small camp of traders and other travelers set up there as a waypoint. The pass ahead is treacherous enough that rested riders and rested horses are the conventional wisdom even in the best of weather, and winter hasn't been over long enough to make this the best of weather. Still, the camp is busy in it's morning routine, with the merchants loading up their wares to journey eastward.
However, what really interests you is the flag of the Blue Oni. You catch a glimpse of it rising out of the camp - it seems they are leaving now, trotting their horses toward the mountain pass.
Toshiba hisses in surprise. Their quarry, right there! Right there, save for the camp full of merchants and carts and horses and stalls. Obstacles, or cover?
"There they are!" Toshiba half-whispers, afraid that the Oni will hear him even across the camp, or that he'll somehow smell his hunters close behind. It wouldn't be the first time. "Quickly quietly, through the market, let us close on him before they enter the pass!"
Kasumi looks around for some alternate method, but aside from some dubious-looking shortcuts, there's not much in the way of options. "Yes, but carefully, the last thing we want to do is start a panic."
"I agree. Alerting them would be bad." Kagemaru states, "I'd say we follow and ambush them further ahead. There's a mountain pass which should provide enough chances."
August 6 2010
You quickly decide that discretion is the better part of the pursuit and keep your distance, waiting for a more favorable location to assault the Blue Oni and his men along the pass. Yukio slows her horse down to hang back - neither she nor her steed are bred for subtlety, and by following you, there is little risk that she will be spotted without leaving her too far behind.
The merchants and travelers of the base camp step out of your way, but they do not scatter from your slow approach. The Blue Oni and his men disappear up the pass while you're still crossing the camp. Even with Yukio following a good twenty yards behind you, you can feel her impatience, but the mountain pass is long and twisted - you have hours still to catch up, and until the pass is crossed, there are no routes the Blue Oni could take to evade you. You'll just have to try to keep up without being seen.
(OOC: Okay, originally I was gonna do this as a kind of chase mechanic, but you know what? Fuck that. You're ninjas.)
The ascent is uncomfortable and becomes even more so as you gain height. Maybe it's the endless serpentines, the mountain making sounds like it's practicing for rockslides, or even the batch of half-melted snow that almost hits Kiara over the head at Hour 2, but the path is slow and dreary. Kagemaru and Kiara obviously have the edge in experience with mountainous, snowed-in terrain, but even that does not offer much consolation against the windchill and the rapidly-appearing fog.
[1d20+5 = 4 + 5 = 9] (Kasumi's Sneak)
The fog is thick enough that you almost run into Blue Oni's group from behind for lack of seeing. In fact, it is only Blue Oni's booming voice ahead that warns you that they have stopped.
"Why, what now is the way?" he says, insofar as his opera-worthy bass performance can be called speaking. "Here the path is cleft in twain; straighter was this passage just when we last came this way. Curse this foul weather, then!"
"Maybe we should stop," a weak voice answers him. Toshi! You're glad that Yukio is hanging back far enough that she probably didn't hear it; it sounds like she'd go charging right in for him if she heard it.
"Stop?!" the Blue Oni replies. "Stop, and be set upon by that murderess you call your beloved? Spare no thought to such foolishness, my dear Toshiro; the Blue Oni will deliver you, post-haste, to those that employ his magnificence! Demon!"
"Yes, Sire?" says a third voice.
"Fetch a coin from your sack, and toss it well; the Emperor's seal shall guide us to the right, and the clan mark will make the left path our choice!"
"What if he drops it?" Toshi sneaks in.
"Fool!" the Blue Oni bellows. "Not fog, nor hostile ground, shall interfere with the well-honed dexterity of my men! Reserve your doubt for those who have already failed you! Now, demon, let the fates themselves guide our steps! Toss, that we may proceed!"
You do not hear the coin being tossed. You wouldn't blame the 'demon' if he made something up, though.
"The Emperor it is, Sire," the demon answers.
"And he steers us right!" the Blue Oni says. "Laugh, fool! T'was a joke to lift your dour spirit!"
Toshi doesn't deign to reply, or maybe it was too quiet to hear. But it sounds like they're getting ready to move on now.
Toshiba grimaces as he hears the Oni's trademark... exuberance. He checks his arbalest and waves his group to the right.
(OOC: Just to clarify, you can't see anything through the fog right now. You're still on the ascent, too. If you want to attack, well, you're close, but you'll need to essentially do a drive-by. WIth swords.)
"He sounds...chatty," Kasumi whispers. "Toshiba, do you think he'd be open to a frank conversation about the situation?"
"A frank conversation at swordpoint, among the broken and bloodied bodies of his Demon followers, is exactly what I intend," Toshiba replies. "Until then, let us not waste the advantage of surprise on premature parlay."
"And you can count Toshiro amongst the dead if that is your plan of attack," Kasumi says. "Is the Blue Oni an honorable man? And I mean properly honorable, not noble honorable."
"A facade," Toshiba replies softly. "He is a well-spoken brigand."
"Noble honorable, then." Kasumi whispers as they slowly stalk behind the Blue Oni's group. "I want to take Toshi from these bastards as much as you do, but starting a fight in bad visibility, with no idea of our enemy's forces except that we are probably outnumbered, with multiple hostile escape routes and in bad terrain does not sound like a good idea."
"Agreed," Toshiba says. "Let us shadow them until the time is right."
August 9 2010 and following
Kiara gave a short shrug, "I dunno, I kind of like the lack of visibility. Bad on us attacking them, but also bad on them attacking us. And those multiple routes could be a good way to confuse them on our location too." She gave a wistful sigh, as if already missing the battle, "But if you don't think the whole group can handle it we can probably stalk them for a while longer first."
You follow the Blue Oni's troop at a healthy distance. The fog hides you from their sight, but up here between the walls of rock, horseshoes echo well, and you have to fall back further to keep from being discovered. A few seconds of lifted fog on the next serpentine allows you a look at the road not taken: it leads down into a large, dark cave. Definitely not the way to cross a mountain.
The next stop comes about an hour later, when you crest the mountain at the highest point of the pass. It is mid-day by now, and the weather has cleared up to allow sunshine to illuminate. The ground is still covered in snow at the sides of the trail, and you can feel the chill every time the wind moves even a little. You slow your horses once again a fair distance from where the Blue Oni has halted and approach quietly - the echo of the horseshoes has quieted down again. Up here lies a resting spot of sorts, though a less charitable description would be simply a large gravel turnout. It is here that the brigand and his men are giving their horses a rest and breaking for a little trail snack.
"Would your Exalted Highness care for some kitokam?" the Blue Oni says, addressing Toshi. Yukio's put upon husband merely looks to the ground, trying not to rise to the cruel mockery of his kidnapper. "Some sustenance, Sire, that I may deliver you before your slim body is ravaged by starvation." He leans in closer. "You can ill afford to refuse my kindness. 'tis a long journey, and harsher still on a man with no fire in his furnace."
The Minor Demons have built a small sort of perimeter, ready to send anyone who wishes to use the turnout on their way.
Toshiba motions for the group to hold once more, and he shuffles back to Yukio. "Kasumi is right, the Oni could use Toshi as a bargaining chip, as a hostage to guarantee his escape. I see his entire force dismounted and taking breakfast, however, and I say to pass up this chance is foolhardy."
"Agreed," Kasumi says. She looks around the pass, then hunkers back down. "I have a suggestion. Toshiba, Kiara, Kagemaru, you three can take that side path that leads up and around the turnout up ahead if you scale that wall right there. I will wait for you to get as close as you can without presenting a chance for you to be spotted, then I will distract the Blue Oni and his men." While she speaks, Kasumi starts adjusting her hair and her kimono. "While they are distracted, you three can sneak into position. Finally, when the time is right, if you could stand with me in the front, Yukio?" Kasumi reties her kimono with the knot in her obi in front, and the neckline significantly lower than usual, leaving little to the imagination as to her...endowments. "Does anyone object to this plan?"
"I promise to save my objections until I've been killed," Toshiba says, and readies the arbalest.
(Shitty drawing of how the location looks. Five guards, plus the Blue Oni. Not pictured: horses, snow, artistic talent.)

(And now, shitty drawings of our crew. Kasumi!)



(Scary Kiara!)

Aug 13, 2010
[1d20+13 = 17 + 13 = 30] (Kiara's Climb)
[1d20+10 = 17 + 10 = 27] (Kagemaru's Climb)
[1d20+11 = 16 + 11 = 27] (Toshiba's Climb)
The rock face offers no obstacles for the three seasoned ninja, and they silently scurry up the wall while Kasumi tries her luck up front.
[1d20+13 = 17 + 13 = 30] (Kasumi's Impress)
Where does this beauty come from? Why is she alone? And why, exactly, isn't she wearing her kimono as high and tight as possible in this weather? All of these questions go right past the Minor Demons, who are awestruck by Kasumi's...talent. Even the Blue Oni himself spares a look at the disturbance, and judging from the way he turns to look at her, he very much likes what he sees.
"Such fair a maiden!" he cries. "Truly we are blessed with thy company, mi'lady. Come, that you may warm thy bosom at our humble fire."
It looks like he's not gonna get much more distracted than that.
[1d20+11 = 20 + 11 = 31] (Team check Sneak - Threat!)
How distracted? Kagemaru gets close enough to grab Toshi right off the rock he's sitting on. The Blue Oni whips around but Kiara has already stepped in with drawn blade, ready for a fight. The Blue Oni's helmet whips back around to Kasumi, who is presently joined by Yukio. The Minor Demons see the angry lady samurai and each back up a step. The Blue Oni looks back to the ninjas and spots Toshiba in their midst.
"Such a low trick, Shiretoko!" he laughs. "I may have taught you too well."
Toshiba smiles grimly at his former captain and sights down the arbalest.
"Your sole lesson was
Betrayal's a harsh teacher.
So are crossbow bolts."
"Parlay, Shiretoko!" the Blue Oni calls out, and beckons to his men not to make a move. "You've taken your prize; shall we not let bygones be bygones and part as strangers? You may have the better of us, but my men are fierce and a quarrel will not end without some of your blood 'pon this white expanse."
"I had a different sort of parting in mind, Oni," Toshiba growls. "Unless you have the 500 silver you owe me. Otherwise I think a little crimson would spruce this mountaintop right up."
"500 pieces of coin?" Blue Oni says. "What is the madness that has driven you to set upon me thusly? Surely the outlay for these mercenaries numbers tenfold this amount! Have you no sense in that thick skull of yours, Shiretoko?"
Kasumi's sword was drawn the instant Kagemaru snatched Toshi off of his perch. "Now, let's just hold on a second," she says. "We're here for Toshiro. No one hired us, but seeing as we have accomplished our goals, and Toshi is out of harm's way," she nods at Toshi a few times and he finally gets the hint to get away from the mercenaries, "I don't see why we shouldn't cut you up for our troubles. Unless," she says, looking at the bloodlust in Toshiba, Kiara and Yukio's eyes, "you have a reason for kidnapping our friend here, and a name to go with it. And Toshiba's 500 coin."
The Blue Oni holds up his arms in a "Now wait just a second" manner. "I assure you, I do not wish to be cut up, m'lady," he says. "I will gladly provide answers to thy questions, and settle my account with Shiretoko in a manner acceptable to both of us. If everyone would spare the kindness to lower thy blades, that we might discuss this in a more amiable fashion..."
Kasumi looks at Toshiba. "Is this acceptable to you?"
Toshiba shakes his head slowly. "This is as amiable as I'm getting. Talk or don't talk, but pick one and do it fast."
"Or strip," Kasumi adds. "All of you. It's hard to hide a weapon when you have nothing to hide it in."
"Disarm, demons!" the Blue Oni calls out. He reaches for his sword belt and undoes it with a small gesture. The sword falls and makes a soft whump! as it hits the snow.
"I said strip," Kasumi says with a grin. "It'll be good for you, cold is invigorating."
"Of all the indignities!" the Blue Oni says. His "minor demons" are already half-stripped, and finally the Oni himself lets go of his armor. Underneath, you see a man in his early 40s who can only be rightfully described as "strapping". He stands with well-sculpted muscles under softly tanned skin, with a smooth face, pearl-white teeth and short-cropped, deep black hair. Even in this cold, he does not seem to need to shiver.
"Is this to your liking, m'lady?"
"Very much so," Kasumi says, and lowers her sword. She looks to see if the others follow.
Does he respect our superior position and complies because of that? Or is it contempt for our skill that drives him to overconfidence? Toshiba thinks. "I respect your abilities, Oni," Toshiba calls, "and will not insult them or place my comrades in danger by lowering my weapon. You understand, of course."
"Then I shall fulfill the rest of this our agreement, that we may conclude this state and distance our presences," Blue Oni says. "I was offered the sum of 25,000 silver coin - or its equivalent in trade papers, if technicalities lift thy humors - for the safe retrieval of this gentleman you know as Toshiro Mohime. This contract bears the sign of a man I've not crossed paths with, a O'Laff-Zen. 'tis the road that takes us to his camp, that I may extract my due from his coffers."
"Thank you, Oni-san," Kasumi says. "And Toshiba's coin?"
"I carry only the barest of supplies on my person, such that the brigands that beset the Empire's road do not have the stomach to risk attacking me. On my horse's saddle you will fight a hundred coins, no more, but if you will accompany me to my camp, I shall retrieve the other part."
"And walk us into your trap? I think not," Kasumi says with a smile. "We'll take the 100 coin, plus whatever else you and your henchmen have to make up the balance of your debt to Toshiba. That is fair enough, yes?"
"You have me bare and disarmed 'pon this mountain, m'lady," Blue Oni says. "Help yourself to what you will, but do not clothe your greed in words like 'fairness'."
Kasumi smiles and winks at the Oni. "Fair enough. Toshiba?"
Toshiba picks one of the Minor Demons at random. "You! Gather the weapons and armor and slowly - slowly - bring it to Kasumi."
"Kasumi is her name!" Blue Oni says, throwing a wink at her. He turns back to Toshiba. "Shiretoko, I must speak on this - t'was never my intent to leave you in agonies. My strike was hasty and did not land true, and I was a fool to put my faith in the rocks to shepherd you to the end. For this, I apologize."
"Heeds his words, Demons!" Toshiba doesn't reply to the Blue Oni; he shouts at his henchpeople. "I was in your position once, and your captain stabbed me in the back and threw me from a cliff. He did not even respect me enough to confirm his kill. You all still have a choice. Our quarrel is not with you Demons."
The demons share...a variety of looks. One, the oldest among them, looks resigned - he might have heard the story already. Two others just grin - mercenaries, through and through. But the remaining two look good and hard at their boss and Toshiba.
"My men, too?" the Blue Oni asks of Toshiba. "Why do you delay striking me down, Shiretoko? Is it your only wish to see me brought low and humbled before your trickery?"
"She keeps you alive," Toshiba nods at Kasumi. "I would rather you died here, but I admit that it is a decision that is not easily reversed. Keeping you alive leaves... options."
"Do you imagine my blade anywhere else than at your throat, Shiretoko?" the Blue Oni asks. "You will walk your road forward but always look behind you, and if you should choose to stop one day, my edge will find you. Either way, you shall live as a fool and die as one. I have known since that day, and that is why my steel thirsted for your blood. Go on, then. A pox upon your mercy, Shiretoko! A curse on your cowardice!"
"And a bolt through your skull," Toshiba whispers.
The Blue Oni sees it coming. The tensing in Toshiba's arm, the vibrations of the string on the arbaleste shuddering as the trigger moves, almost ready to release...
In one last desperate move, he lunges for Toshiba, screaming "You'll never find -"
At point-blank, the bolt doesn't just go into the Blue Oni's skull, it goes straight through. It whooshes past one of the henchmen and Yukio, fortunately hitting nobody else, and finally pings against the rocks on the other side of the ravine. The Blue Oni's corpse lies in the snow and gravel in front of Toshiba and the ninja, spilling his blood onto the ground from both head wounds. He's as dead as can be.
The minor demons watch. Three are shivering from the cold, two are still too proud or shocked or composed to give in to something automatic like that. The oldest one turns to Toshiba and talks at him with a broken voice. "If you would - our clothes - we will leave you. Nobody else has to die here, right?"
Toshiba half-hears the Demon and just shakes his head. No, no one else has to die. A sobering thought haunts the bandit, however. If the Blue Oni was as good as he thought he was, maybe he would have changed armor with a trusted lieutenant. Trusted just enough to die in his stead. Oni could still be ali-
No. That way lies madness. Toshiba snaps back to the here and now, and reaffirms to the henchmen. "No, you are free from your obligations to your master, and we have no quarrel with free men."
Kiara gave a short shrug, "I dunno, I kind of like the lack of visibility. Bad on us attacking them, but also bad on them attacking us. And those multiple routes could be a good way to confuse them on our location too." She gave a wistful sigh, as if already missing the battle, "But if you don't think the whole group can handle it we can probably stalk them for a while longer first."
You follow the Blue Oni's troop at a healthy distance. The fog hides you from their sight, but up here between the walls of rock, horseshoes echo well, and you have to fall back further to keep from being discovered. A few seconds of lifted fog on the next serpentine allows you a look at the road not taken: it leads down into a large, dark cave. Definitely not the way to cross a mountain.
The next stop comes about an hour later, when you crest the mountain at the highest point of the pass. It is mid-day by now, and the weather has cleared up to allow sunshine to illuminate. The ground is still covered in snow at the sides of the trail, and you can feel the chill every time the wind moves even a little. You slow your horses once again a fair distance from where the Blue Oni has halted and approach quietly - the echo of the horseshoes has quieted down again. Up here lies a resting spot of sorts, though a less charitable description would be simply a large gravel turnout. It is here that the brigand and his men are giving their horses a rest and breaking for a little trail snack.
"Would your Exalted Highness care for some kitokam?" the Blue Oni says, addressing Toshi. Yukio's put upon husband merely looks to the ground, trying not to rise to the cruel mockery of his kidnapper. "Some sustenance, Sire, that I may deliver you before your slim body is ravaged by starvation." He leans in closer. "You can ill afford to refuse my kindness. 'tis a long journey, and harsher still on a man with no fire in his furnace."
The Minor Demons have built a small sort of perimeter, ready to send anyone who wishes to use the turnout on their way.
Toshiba motions for the group to hold once more, and he shuffles back to Yukio. "Kasumi is right, the Oni could use Toshi as a bargaining chip, as a hostage to guarantee his escape. I see his entire force dismounted and taking breakfast, however, and I say to pass up this chance is foolhardy."
"Agreed," Kasumi says. She looks around the pass, then hunkers back down. "I have a suggestion. Toshiba, Kiara, Kagemaru, you three can take that side path that leads up and around the turnout up ahead if you scale that wall right there. I will wait for you to get as close as you can without presenting a chance for you to be spotted, then I will distract the Blue Oni and his men." While she speaks, Kasumi starts adjusting her hair and her kimono. "While they are distracted, you three can sneak into position. Finally, when the time is right, if you could stand with me in the front, Yukio?" Kasumi reties her kimono with the knot in her obi in front, and the neckline significantly lower than usual, leaving little to the imagination as to her...endowments. "Does anyone object to this plan?"
"I promise to save my objections until I've been killed," Toshiba says, and readies the arbalest.
(Shitty drawing of how the location looks. Five guards, plus the Blue Oni. Not pictured: horses, snow, artistic talent.)

(And now, shitty drawings of our crew. Kasumi!)



(Scary Kiara!)

Aug 13, 2010
[1d20+13 = 17 + 13 = 30] (Kiara's Climb)
[1d20+10 = 17 + 10 = 27] (Kagemaru's Climb)
[1d20+11 = 16 + 11 = 27] (Toshiba's Climb)
The rock face offers no obstacles for the three seasoned ninja, and they silently scurry up the wall while Kasumi tries her luck up front.
[1d20+13 = 17 + 13 = 30] (Kasumi's Impress)
Where does this beauty come from? Why is she alone? And why, exactly, isn't she wearing her kimono as high and tight as possible in this weather? All of these questions go right past the Minor Demons, who are awestruck by Kasumi's...talent. Even the Blue Oni himself spares a look at the disturbance, and judging from the way he turns to look at her, he very much likes what he sees.
"Such fair a maiden!" he cries. "Truly we are blessed with thy company, mi'lady. Come, that you may warm thy bosom at our humble fire."
It looks like he's not gonna get much more distracted than that.
[1d20+11 = 20 + 11 = 31] (Team check Sneak - Threat!)
How distracted? Kagemaru gets close enough to grab Toshi right off the rock he's sitting on. The Blue Oni whips around but Kiara has already stepped in with drawn blade, ready for a fight. The Blue Oni's helmet whips back around to Kasumi, who is presently joined by Yukio. The Minor Demons see the angry lady samurai and each back up a step. The Blue Oni looks back to the ninjas and spots Toshiba in their midst.
"Such a low trick, Shiretoko!" he laughs. "I may have taught you too well."
Toshiba smiles grimly at his former captain and sights down the arbalest.
"Your sole lesson was
Betrayal's a harsh teacher.
So are crossbow bolts."
"Parlay, Shiretoko!" the Blue Oni calls out, and beckons to his men not to make a move. "You've taken your prize; shall we not let bygones be bygones and part as strangers? You may have the better of us, but my men are fierce and a quarrel will not end without some of your blood 'pon this white expanse."
"I had a different sort of parting in mind, Oni," Toshiba growls. "Unless you have the 500 silver you owe me. Otherwise I think a little crimson would spruce this mountaintop right up."
"500 pieces of coin?" Blue Oni says. "What is the madness that has driven you to set upon me thusly? Surely the outlay for these mercenaries numbers tenfold this amount! Have you no sense in that thick skull of yours, Shiretoko?"
Kasumi's sword was drawn the instant Kagemaru snatched Toshi off of his perch. "Now, let's just hold on a second," she says. "We're here for Toshiro. No one hired us, but seeing as we have accomplished our goals, and Toshi is out of harm's way," she nods at Toshi a few times and he finally gets the hint to get away from the mercenaries, "I don't see why we shouldn't cut you up for our troubles. Unless," she says, looking at the bloodlust in Toshiba, Kiara and Yukio's eyes, "you have a reason for kidnapping our friend here, and a name to go with it. And Toshiba's 500 coin."
The Blue Oni holds up his arms in a "Now wait just a second" manner. "I assure you, I do not wish to be cut up, m'lady," he says. "I will gladly provide answers to thy questions, and settle my account with Shiretoko in a manner acceptable to both of us. If everyone would spare the kindness to lower thy blades, that we might discuss this in a more amiable fashion..."
Kasumi looks at Toshiba. "Is this acceptable to you?"
Toshiba shakes his head slowly. "This is as amiable as I'm getting. Talk or don't talk, but pick one and do it fast."
"Or strip," Kasumi adds. "All of you. It's hard to hide a weapon when you have nothing to hide it in."
"Disarm, demons!" the Blue Oni calls out. He reaches for his sword belt and undoes it with a small gesture. The sword falls and makes a soft whump! as it hits the snow.
"I said strip," Kasumi says with a grin. "It'll be good for you, cold is invigorating."
"Of all the indignities!" the Blue Oni says. His "minor demons" are already half-stripped, and finally the Oni himself lets go of his armor. Underneath, you see a man in his early 40s who can only be rightfully described as "strapping". He stands with well-sculpted muscles under softly tanned skin, with a smooth face, pearl-white teeth and short-cropped, deep black hair. Even in this cold, he does not seem to need to shiver.
"Is this to your liking, m'lady?"
"Very much so," Kasumi says, and lowers her sword. She looks to see if the others follow.
Does he respect our superior position and complies because of that? Or is it contempt for our skill that drives him to overconfidence? Toshiba thinks. "I respect your abilities, Oni," Toshiba calls, "and will not insult them or place my comrades in danger by lowering my weapon. You understand, of course."
"Then I shall fulfill the rest of this our agreement, that we may conclude this state and distance our presences," Blue Oni says. "I was offered the sum of 25,000 silver coin - or its equivalent in trade papers, if technicalities lift thy humors - for the safe retrieval of this gentleman you know as Toshiro Mohime. This contract bears the sign of a man I've not crossed paths with, a O'Laff-Zen. 'tis the road that takes us to his camp, that I may extract my due from his coffers."
"Thank you, Oni-san," Kasumi says. "And Toshiba's coin?"
"I carry only the barest of supplies on my person, such that the brigands that beset the Empire's road do not have the stomach to risk attacking me. On my horse's saddle you will fight a hundred coins, no more, but if you will accompany me to my camp, I shall retrieve the other part."
"And walk us into your trap? I think not," Kasumi says with a smile. "We'll take the 100 coin, plus whatever else you and your henchmen have to make up the balance of your debt to Toshiba. That is fair enough, yes?"
"You have me bare and disarmed 'pon this mountain, m'lady," Blue Oni says. "Help yourself to what you will, but do not clothe your greed in words like 'fairness'."
Kasumi smiles and winks at the Oni. "Fair enough. Toshiba?"
Toshiba picks one of the Minor Demons at random. "You! Gather the weapons and armor and slowly - slowly - bring it to Kasumi."
"Kasumi is her name!" Blue Oni says, throwing a wink at her. He turns back to Toshiba. "Shiretoko, I must speak on this - t'was never my intent to leave you in agonies. My strike was hasty and did not land true, and I was a fool to put my faith in the rocks to shepherd you to the end. For this, I apologize."
"Heeds his words, Demons!" Toshiba doesn't reply to the Blue Oni; he shouts at his henchpeople. "I was in your position once, and your captain stabbed me in the back and threw me from a cliff. He did not even respect me enough to confirm his kill. You all still have a choice. Our quarrel is not with you Demons."
The demons share...a variety of looks. One, the oldest among them, looks resigned - he might have heard the story already. Two others just grin - mercenaries, through and through. But the remaining two look good and hard at their boss and Toshiba.
"My men, too?" the Blue Oni asks of Toshiba. "Why do you delay striking me down, Shiretoko? Is it your only wish to see me brought low and humbled before your trickery?"
"She keeps you alive," Toshiba nods at Kasumi. "I would rather you died here, but I admit that it is a decision that is not easily reversed. Keeping you alive leaves... options."
"Do you imagine my blade anywhere else than at your throat, Shiretoko?" the Blue Oni asks. "You will walk your road forward but always look behind you, and if you should choose to stop one day, my edge will find you. Either way, you shall live as a fool and die as one. I have known since that day, and that is why my steel thirsted for your blood. Go on, then. A pox upon your mercy, Shiretoko! A curse on your cowardice!"
"And a bolt through your skull," Toshiba whispers.
The Blue Oni sees it coming. The tensing in Toshiba's arm, the vibrations of the string on the arbaleste shuddering as the trigger moves, almost ready to release...
In one last desperate move, he lunges for Toshiba, screaming "You'll never find -"
At point-blank, the bolt doesn't just go into the Blue Oni's skull, it goes straight through. It whooshes past one of the henchmen and Yukio, fortunately hitting nobody else, and finally pings against the rocks on the other side of the ravine. The Blue Oni's corpse lies in the snow and gravel in front of Toshiba and the ninja, spilling his blood onto the ground from both head wounds. He's as dead as can be.
The minor demons watch. Three are shivering from the cold, two are still too proud or shocked or composed to give in to something automatic like that. The oldest one turns to Toshiba and talks at him with a broken voice. "If you would - our clothes - we will leave you. Nobody else has to die here, right?"
Toshiba half-hears the Demon and just shakes his head. No, no one else has to die. A sobering thought haunts the bandit, however. If the Blue Oni was as good as he thought he was, maybe he would have changed armor with a trusted lieutenant. Trusted just enough to die in his stead. Oni could still be ali-
No. That way lies madness. Toshiba snaps back to the here and now, and reaffirms to the henchmen. "No, you are free from your obligations to your master, and we have no quarrel with free men."