Where the hell are they? Gimme something to shoot at!
The Agents impatiently wait for a muzzle flash or a smoketrail indicating where to direct their fire. A response comes in the form of a single figure (about 50m away) popping up from some brush on the side of the highway. The person is armed with an RPG and is aiming for the Rover.
In the near distance (maybe 2km away), appears a helicopter with medical markings on it. Flashing lights from firetrucks and ambulances are also in view (maybe 3km away) rushing to the scene.
Bonnie Scotland - Chapter 1: Guy Fawkes doesn't play well wi
As everyone exits the Rover, Ian makes a call on his phone.
"Control, affix on my current position. Need ERT sent immediately! Principles are using military ordinance with a possible appropriation of civilian emergency vehicles. Leaving vehicle. Taking cover. Out."
Ian looks over at the driver then at the Team.
"Set auto-destruct, regroup 20 meters over that burm. Watch for snipers."
"Control, affix on my current position. Need ERT sent immediately! Principles are using military ordinance with a possible appropriation of civilian emergency vehicles. Leaving vehicle. Taking cover. Out."
Ian looks over at the driver then at the Team.
"Set auto-destruct, regroup 20 meters over that burm. Watch for snipers."
The team moves toward the pre-designated burm as the RPG round streaks towards the Rover. It explodes in a fury of incendiaries as the SUV's auto-destruct further reduces the vehicle to a burning hulk of twisted metal and flames.
Bullets stitch the ground around them. Several whiz by with deathly closeness as the Team closes the distance between roadside and the burm. Rifle rounds continue to fly by as they jump over the grassy embankment.
Ian does a quick roll-call and assessment.
"Everyone present??? Is anyone injured???"
Jess, Artis, Ayumi, Brian, and Carla look about themselves. With all the excitement and sudden burst of adrenaline, there was no time to think about getting shot let alone gunshot wounds.
Brian looks at his backpack, seeing a bullet hole about a half-inch from his neck.
That was close...
Jess' handbag was also the unfortunate martyr in the crusade. Her bottle of expensive french perfume now leaks out onto the embankment.
No one appears to have sustained injury, but as the Team looks around, they see they are one man down.
(Edited by Dieter at 1:12 pm on Aug. 15, 2003)
Bullets stitch the ground around them. Several whiz by with deathly closeness as the Team closes the distance between roadside and the burm. Rifle rounds continue to fly by as they jump over the grassy embankment.
Ian does a quick roll-call and assessment.
"Everyone present??? Is anyone injured???"
Jess, Artis, Ayumi, Brian, and Carla look about themselves. With all the excitement and sudden burst of adrenaline, there was no time to think about getting shot let alone gunshot wounds.
Brian looks at his backpack, seeing a bullet hole about a half-inch from his neck.
That was close...
Jess' handbag was also the unfortunate martyr in the crusade. Her bottle of expensive french perfume now leaks out onto the embankment.
No one appears to have sustained injury, but as the Team looks around, they see they are one man down.
(Edited by Dieter at 1:12 pm on Aug. 15, 2003)
"One down. I can't see how badly hurt she is...someone want to put down covering fire while we drag her back?"
(Edited by Dieter at 8:27 am on Aug. 19, 2003)
(Edited by Dieter at 8:27 am on Aug. 19, 2003)
Ayumi holsters her pistols and quickly pulls her coat shut and ties the sash.
"You do it, Osprey. Carla and I will run. Carla, when we get to him, I take his arms and you take his legs. Ready?"
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 10:48 pm on Aug. 19, 2003)
"You do it, Osprey. Carla and I will run. Carla, when we get to him, I take his arms and you take his legs. Ready?"
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 10:48 pm on Aug. 19, 2003)
Brian and Co. lays down a steady stream of cover fire as Carla and Ayumi make for the clearing between the burm and roadway.
They see Kyun's body laying face-first about 100ft away. It is twitching ever-so-slightly, but she obviously took a bad hit. Bullets whiz by the two agents as they close within reach of the Kyun. Kneeling down to pick her up, Carla gets one in right palm...a through and through wound shot that hurts like hell.
Toughing out the pain, Carla scoops Kyun up by the shoulders with Ayumi taking his legs. The agents hurriedly rush for the burm as Brian & Co. provide more cover fire.
This not Carla's day. As they make it over the burm, she takes another bullet (this time to the left leg). None of her wounds appear to be life-threatening, but some medical attention would be warranted. Kyun is much worse off, appearing to be bleeding from her head, right arm, and right leg.
They see Kyun's body laying face-first about 100ft away. It is twitching ever-so-slightly, but she obviously took a bad hit. Bullets whiz by the two agents as they close within reach of the Kyun. Kneeling down to pick her up, Carla gets one in right palm...a through and through wound shot that hurts like hell.
Toughing out the pain, Carla scoops Kyun up by the shoulders with Ayumi taking his legs. The agents hurriedly rush for the burm as Brian & Co. provide more cover fire.
This not Carla's day. As they make it over the burm, she takes another bullet (this time to the left leg). None of her wounds appear to be life-threatening, but some medical attention would be warranted. Kyun is much worse off, appearing to be bleeding from her head, right arm, and right leg.
Police cruisers (3) approach the accident scene. The policemen (6 total) appear to be legit, since they aren't joining the gun battle and seem oblivious to the fact that they have just pulled up to a firefight. Their ignorance is paid for in blood.
Two of them are immediately cut down as they move towards the tanker wreckage. Another takes a bullet to the upper shoulder as he attempts to help the wounded cops. He cowers behind some debris as bullets ricochet about his position.
As for the other three policeman (the drivers), two appear to be calling in for back-up as the third takes cover near his cruisers engine block, firing back at underbrush.
The medical helicopter overhead is a different story. It halts its approach 100m away from the accident, hovering about 50m off the ground.
Two of them are immediately cut down as they move towards the tanker wreckage. Another takes a bullet to the upper shoulder as he attempts to help the wounded cops. He cowers behind some debris as bullets ricochet about his position.
As for the other three policeman (the drivers), two appear to be calling in for back-up as the third takes cover near his cruisers engine block, firing back at underbrush.
The medical helicopter overhead is a different story. It halts its approach 100m away from the accident, hovering about 50m off the ground.
Ayumi throws her back against the burm and reaches with dedicated intensity into her coat...
And pulls out her Agency cell phone. She hits the speed-dial button marked with the kanji for "ohshit."
And pulls out her Agency cell phone. She hits the speed-dial button marked with the kanji for "ohshit."
(Enter the Matrix, wires, re-routing, satellites...ending with Nightengale's celphone ringing)\
Ayumi explains the situation to Nightengale.
"...And needless to say, we're a little underequipped. Is there any available Agency support in the area?"
"...And needless to say, we're a little underequipped. Is there any available Agency support in the area?"
As Jess lies behind cover, she thinks of how much she - literally - blew on the perfume. Seeing Kyun dragged in heavily injured stirs something in her about retaliation. Together, the two events mix into a volatile cocktail that flips her switch from "cautious" to "suicidal".
There's something to be said for a neatly-dressed woman appearing from behind cover, MP7 with unfolded stock in hands and spraying a burst at the helicopter.
She shouts something, but the overall noise of gunfire drowns it out. Probably all for the better, since it's not in the least lady-like.
There's something to be said for a neatly-dressed woman appearing from behind cover, MP7 with unfolded stock in hands and spraying a burst at the helicopter.
She shouts something, but the overall noise of gunfire drowns it out. Probably all for the better, since it's not in the least lady-like.
crazy bitch. All that professionalism just melts away after a few GSWs, and not even wounds to her own damn self.
"Brian, could you be a dear and help me cover our fair maiden on her 'attack run'?"
"Brian, could you be a dear and help me cover our fair maiden on her 'attack run'?"
With the cops handling the ground cover for now, the Team turns their attention to the whirly-bird in the air. Jess pops up from the burm and fires her pistol at the chopper.
How embarrassing...She can't say this is the first time she's left the safety on. Switching the selective fire to [color=red:eaaa81b7b6]- - - [/color], Jess tries again. Her shots stitch the helicopter, doing a bit of cosmetic damage to its hull.
Better wait for something live to shoot at...
Brian's deadeye marksmanship proves to be a bit better at shooting distant targets.
Let the professional show you how it's done.
He squeezes off a prepared shot on the aft section of the chopper, puncturing a hydraulic line and sending it into a precarious spin.
Whatever attack the helo was preparing to do is now being curtailed in favor of not crashing.
How embarrassing...She can't say this is the first time she's left the safety on. Switching the selective fire to [color=red:eaaa81b7b6]- - - [/color], Jess tries again. Her shots stitch the helicopter, doing a bit of cosmetic damage to its hull.
Better wait for something live to shoot at...
Brian's deadeye marksmanship proves to be a bit better at shooting distant targets.
Let the professional show you how it's done.
He squeezes off a prepared shot on the aft section of the chopper, puncturing a hydraulic line and sending it into a precarious spin.
Whatever attack the helo was preparing to do is now being curtailed in favor of not crashing.
Note to self, spend less time moping and more time on the target range.
Jess drops to a kneel, bracing the weapon for suppressive fire should it be needed.
Jess drops to a kneel, bracing the weapon for suppressive fire should it be needed.
As Ayumi pops her head over the burm to see how the fight is going, her mouth falls open.
"I didn't realize Osprey was such a good shot. We might not need any support, after all."
"I didn't realize Osprey was such a good shot. We might not need any support, after all."
Brian mumbles something about "Mess with the best...", and continues to make trouble for the expensive Bell helocopter that has offended him.
The helicopter spins out of control, finally leveling out about just meters above the ground. A thick patch of white smoke pours out of one its exhaust ports.
Discretion being the better part of valor, the pilot apparently decides landing would be better than trying to get the bird in the air...making the chopper a sitting duck for the agents.
Discretion being the better part of valor, the pilot apparently decides landing would be better than trying to get the bird in the air...making the chopper a sitting duck for the agents.
"We get back, osprey, and I'm buying you a suit. Saville Row, Brooks Brothers, polyester disco, whatever you want."
And with that, Carla digs into her pockets and pulls out a laser sight and a liquid skin patch. She attaches the sight, and slaps the patch on Kyun.
"Hey Jess, could you stabilize the little guy? I don't know how, and I could be better used shooting people."
(Edited by Threadbare at 1:50 pm on Jan. 11, 2004)
And with that, Carla digs into her pockets and pulls out a laser sight and a liquid skin patch. She attaches the sight, and slaps the patch on Kyun.
"Hey Jess, could you stabilize the little guy? I don't know how, and I could be better used shooting people."
(Edited by Threadbare at 1:50 pm on Jan. 11, 2004)
Artis heads over the hill and down into the now full-fledged clusterfuck. The police seem to be at a stalemate with the gunmen in the bushes. One of the drivers leaves the cover of his vehicle to help out one of the wounded officers...and the wheelman sees his chance for a GTA.
Hot damn...engine's still running.
Hot damn...engine's still running.
Jess let's the MP7 disappear, then runs over to Kyun and works her magic.