To help everyone (but pretty much just me) keep track of characters, I'm establishing this thread to keep nice clean versions of all character sheets.
The character sheets thread will be the place to make any minor edits, suggestions that will ultimately be placed here by me.
The character sheets thread will be the place to make any minor edits, suggestions that will ultimately be placed here by me.
Gavin "Heron" O'Conner
*K.I.A. February 2003*
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 5
Nationality: Irish
Age: 23
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 70kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty-blonde
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 19 (+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 43/12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +7
Will: +2
Defense: 16
Damage Reduction: 5/1 (firearms/other)
Initiative: +8
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +8
Ranged: +9
H&K USP .40: +10 (+13 within 20', +12 within 50'), 1d12 (1d12+1 within 20'), R 20', error 1, threat 20
Unarmed: +8, 1d6+3, threat 20
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+2 department bonus to readied attacks
-Armor Use: Starting at 4th level, the soldier's total Defense bonus when wearing armor is increased by +1 and his total armor check penalty is reduced by 1.
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Martial Arts: Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. Can do normal damage without the -4 attack penalty. Threatens on a natural 20.
-Speed Trigger: May make burst attacks with firearms that do not normally allow burst fire (so long as as the weapon has at least three shots remaining).
-Lay Down Fire: Allies recieve a +6 instead of a +4 to Defense when you provide them with cover fire. The penalty inflicted on enemies when you use suppressive fire is increased to +6.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Quick Reload: You can take the reload weapon action as a free action rather than a half action. This feat may be used only once per round.
-Blocking Basics: Grants the break weapon and shifting throw abilities.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 6,10
Climb: 8, 11
Jump: 8, 11
Spot: 8, 11
Tumble: 8, 12
Hide: 0, 6
Languages: (*=native language)
Irish Gaelic*
BP Bonus: 10
GP Bonus: 2
Personal Gear: 55 points
H&K USP .40 (expanded clip, 15 BP)
-Silencer (2 BP): -4 to opposed Listen checks
-Laser sight (2 BP): +2 circumstance bonus to hit within 50 ft.
Kevlar Vest (30 BP)
Mirrored Sunglasses (1 BP)
50 rounds .40 S&W military ball (1 BP)
(Edited by Dieter at 1:40 pm on Mar. 4, 2003)
*K.I.A. February 2003*
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 5
Nationality: Irish
Age: 23
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 70kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty-blonde
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 19 (+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 43/12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +7
Will: +2
Defense: 16
Damage Reduction: 5/1 (firearms/other)
Initiative: +8
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +8
Ranged: +9
H&K USP .40: +10 (+13 within 20', +12 within 50'), 1d12 (1d12+1 within 20'), R 20', error 1, threat 20
Unarmed: +8, 1d6+3, threat 20
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+2 department bonus to readied attacks
-Armor Use: Starting at 4th level, the soldier's total Defense bonus when wearing armor is increased by +1 and his total armor check penalty is reduced by 1.
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Martial Arts: Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. Can do normal damage without the -4 attack penalty. Threatens on a natural 20.
-Speed Trigger: May make burst attacks with firearms that do not normally allow burst fire (so long as as the weapon has at least three shots remaining).
-Lay Down Fire: Allies recieve a +6 instead of a +4 to Defense when you provide them with cover fire. The penalty inflicted on enemies when you use suppressive fire is increased to +6.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Quick Reload: You can take the reload weapon action as a free action rather than a half action. This feat may be used only once per round.
-Blocking Basics: Grants the break weapon and shifting throw abilities.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 6,10
Climb: 8, 11
Jump: 8, 11
Spot: 8, 11
Tumble: 8, 12
Hide: 0, 6
Languages: (*=native language)
Irish Gaelic*
BP Bonus: 10
GP Bonus: 2
Personal Gear: 55 points
H&K USP .40 (expanded clip, 15 BP)
-Silencer (2 BP): -4 to opposed Listen checks
-Laser sight (2 BP): +2 circumstance bonus to hit within 50 ft.
Kevlar Vest (30 BP)
Mirrored Sunglasses (1 BP)
50 rounds .40 S&W military ball (1 BP)
(Edited by Dieter at 1:40 pm on Mar. 4, 2003)
Harry "Nighthawk" O'Reilly
*Reassigned to Agency HQ effective March 2003*
Department: The Power Brokerage
Level: 5
Class: Snoop(Level 3)
2nd Class: Faceman (Level 2)
Nationality: USA
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Abilities (Reflects trauma suffered during the Decker/Vegas Mission)
Strength:9 (-1) 7 (-2)
Dexterity:16 (+3) 13 (+1)
Constitution:11 9 (-1)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2) 13 (+1)
Other Statistics:
Vitality: 32
Wounds: 11
Defense: 16
Initiative bonus: 5
Action Dice: ?d?
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration Bonus: 6
Education bonus: 7
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +5
Will: +5
Attack Bonuses
Unarmed: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: +4
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium)
Weapon Proficiencies (Melee, Hurled, Handguns, Rifle)
Flawless Search,
Linguist (English as first language, along with speaking Arabic and Russian [the languages of bad guys all over] like a native. Also Turkish, French, and two languages to be decided.)
Cold Read
Skills (Rank, then total bonus, plusses denote added skill points)
+Bluff: 6, 8
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
Computers: 6, 10
Concentration: 3, 6
Cryptography: 3, 7
Cultures: 3, 6
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 1, 4
Electronics: 7, 11
Gather Information: 5, 7
Hide: 2, 5
Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano: 2, 5
+Innuendo: 5, 8
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
++Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 3, 7
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 2, 6
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 2, 5
Open Lock: 1, 4
+++++Perform: 6,8
Read Lips: 3, 7
Search: 2, 6
+Sense Motive: 8, 11
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillance: 4, 7
Survival: 1, 4
Tumble: 2, 5
Personal Gear: 52 pts (Am I allowed to play with this a little bit, so long as it stays at 52 points?)
Weapons: 9x19 submachine gun, with a 4th clip, a laser sight and a flash suppressor
Armor: Personally, none. Harry tries not to be hit in the first place.
Other Gear: Binoculars, Cell Phone, Swiss Army Knife, Leatherman Tool kit, +3 power laptop with a cd burner, micro-tape recorder, chemical analyzer, a liquid skin patch, and 1 bottle of 20 water filtration tablets
Harry has eased into his new role as crooning superspy, and is beginning to enjoy it, actually. His people skills are getting better every day, and he thinks he could probably outfox some of the old shysters that used to twist him around in congress. He’s also learned how to sing, which does a lot for his Sinatra impression. Anyways, he’s just getting into the groove of things, and hopes that there won’t be any heavily armored hit teams in his near future.
(Edited by Dieter at 8:46 pm on May 9, 2005)
*Reassigned to Agency HQ effective March 2003*
Department: The Power Brokerage
Level: 5
Class: Snoop(Level 3)
2nd Class: Faceman (Level 2)
Nationality: USA
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Abilities (Reflects trauma suffered during the Decker/Vegas Mission)
Strength:9 (-1) 7 (-2)
Dexterity:16 (+3) 13 (+1)
Constitution:11 9 (-1)
Intelligence:18 (+4)
Wisdom:16 (+3)
Charisma:14 (+2) 13 (+1)
Other Statistics:
Vitality: 32
Wounds: 11
Defense: 16
Initiative bonus: 5
Action Dice: ?d?
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration Bonus: 6
Education bonus: 7
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +5
Will: +5
Attack Bonuses
Unarmed: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: +4
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiencies (Light, Medium)
Weapon Proficiencies (Melee, Hurled, Handguns, Rifle)
Flawless Search,
Linguist (English as first language, along with speaking Arabic and Russian [the languages of bad guys all over] like a native. Also Turkish, French, and two languages to be decided.)
Cold Read
Skills (Rank, then total bonus, plusses denote added skill points)
+Bluff: 6, 8
Bureaucracy: 1, 3
Computers: 6, 10
Concentration: 3, 6
Cryptography: 3, 7
Cultures: 3, 6
Demolitions:2, 6
Diplomacy: 1, 4
Electronics: 7, 11
Gather Information: 5, 7
Hide: 2, 5
Jazz and Boogie-Woogie Piano: 2, 5
+Innuendo: 5, 8
Intimidate: 0, 0/3
++Knowledge: (All things Rat Pack): 3, 7
Knowledge: (Politics): 1, 5
Languages: 2, 6
Listen: 3, 6
Mechanics: 1, 5
Move Silently: 2, 5
Open Lock: 1, 4
+++++Perform: 6,8
Read Lips: 3, 7
Search: 2, 6
+Sense Motive: 8, 11
Spot: 3, 6
Surveillance: 4, 7
Survival: 1, 4
Tumble: 2, 5
Personal Gear: 52 pts (Am I allowed to play with this a little bit, so long as it stays at 52 points?)
Weapons: 9x19 submachine gun, with a 4th clip, a laser sight and a flash suppressor
Armor: Personally, none. Harry tries not to be hit in the first place.
Other Gear: Binoculars, Cell Phone, Swiss Army Knife, Leatherman Tool kit, +3 power laptop with a cd burner, micro-tape recorder, chemical analyzer, a liquid skin patch, and 1 bottle of 20 water filtration tablets
Harry has eased into his new role as crooning superspy, and is beginning to enjoy it, actually. His people skills are getting better every day, and he thinks he could probably outfox some of the old shysters that used to twist him around in congress. He’s also learned how to sing, which does a lot for his Sinatra impression. Anyways, he’s just getting into the groove of things, and hopes that there won’t be any heavily armored hit teams in his near future.
(Edited by Dieter at 8:46 pm on May 9, 2005)
Mark "Raven" Calvery
*K.I.A. February 2003*
Level: 4
Class: Snoop
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Date of Birth: 22/05/77
Birthplace: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Str 12 (+1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 18 (+4)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 12 (+1)
Vitality 27
Wounds 12
Defence 13
Initiative 4
Action Dice 3 (d4)
Inspiration 2
Education 5
Fortitude 2
Reflex 1
Will 3
Unarmed 3
Melee 3
Ranged 4
Computers 7 +1 (Class Bonus) +2 (Feat Bonus)
Concentration 2
Cryptography 7 +2 (Feat Bonus)
Cultures 2
Diplomacy 1
Electronics 3 +1 (Class Bonus)
Escape Artist 4
First Aid 1
Gather Information 1
Hide 2
Hobby (Gambling) 3
Knowledge (Mathematics) 7
Languages 4
Listen 1
Mechanics 4
Move Silently 1
Open Lock 4
Read Lips 4
Search 2
Sleight of Hand 4
Spot 1
Surveillance 2
Primary Weapon:
Walther PPK 7.65.
Secondary Weapon:
Primary Armor:
Tuxedo Liner
Tuxedo Liner
Electronics Kit
Laptop (str 2)
Bundle B
Personal Tape Recorder
1 Professional Grade Memory Chip
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Extra R&D Support
Mathematical Genius
Flawless Search
Jury Rig +2
Back Door
English (Native), French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic (Modern)
1982 – 1983: Claude Garton School, Thunder Bay, Ontario; parents divorce force transfer out of country.
1983 – 1988: Pope Paul Roman Catholic School, Potters Bar. Excels in science and mathematics.
1988 – 1993: Dame Alice Owen’s Secondary School, Potters Bar. Shows continued aptitude for mathematics, science. Develops skill with computers and athletics. School reports indicate several incidents of delinquency and petty crime.
1993 – 1995: Bishop’s Stotford College, Bishop’s Stotford. Studies GCE A Levels in Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Information Technology and German. Academic arc continues and graduates with top grades, despite two arrests for breaking and entering.
1995 – 1999: University of Bath. Studies Pure Mathematics and Computing. Graduates First Class with Honours. Is member of Rowing and Rugby teams during attendance.
Service History:
1999 – 2000:
Datamark Ltd.,
105 Ladbroke Grove,
Software engineer
Demonstrates extraordinary talent for cryptography and it’s understanding, which had been evidenced during university education.
2000 – 2002: Recruited by Section Nine, Department 3, Cryptography and Counter-Intelligence division. Undergoes standard training suite, including but not limited to intrusion techniques, surveillance, modern languages and armed combat training.
2002 – Present: Is considered cleared for operative status. Assigned to active duty.
(Edited by Dieter at 1:41 pm on Mar. 4, 2003)
*K.I.A. February 2003*
Level: 4
Class: Snoop
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Date of Birth: 22/05/77
Birthplace: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Str 12 (+1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 18 (+4)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 12 (+1)
Vitality 27
Wounds 12
Defence 13
Initiative 4
Action Dice 3 (d4)
Inspiration 2
Education 5
Fortitude 2
Reflex 1
Will 3
Unarmed 3
Melee 3
Ranged 4
Computers 7 +1 (Class Bonus) +2 (Feat Bonus)
Concentration 2
Cryptography 7 +2 (Feat Bonus)
Cultures 2
Diplomacy 1
Electronics 3 +1 (Class Bonus)
Escape Artist 4
First Aid 1
Gather Information 1
Hide 2
Hobby (Gambling) 3
Knowledge (Mathematics) 7
Languages 4
Listen 1
Mechanics 4
Move Silently 1
Open Lock 4
Read Lips 4
Search 2
Sleight of Hand 4
Spot 1
Surveillance 2
Primary Weapon:
Walther PPK 7.65.
Secondary Weapon:
Primary Armor:
Tuxedo Liner
Tuxedo Liner
Electronics Kit
Laptop (str 2)
Bundle B
Personal Tape Recorder
1 Professional Grade Memory Chip
Feats and Abilities:
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Extra R&D Support
Mathematical Genius
Flawless Search
Jury Rig +2
Back Door
English (Native), French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic (Modern)
1982 – 1983: Claude Garton School, Thunder Bay, Ontario; parents divorce force transfer out of country.
1983 – 1988: Pope Paul Roman Catholic School, Potters Bar. Excels in science and mathematics.
1988 – 1993: Dame Alice Owen’s Secondary School, Potters Bar. Shows continued aptitude for mathematics, science. Develops skill with computers and athletics. School reports indicate several incidents of delinquency and petty crime.
1993 – 1995: Bishop’s Stotford College, Bishop’s Stotford. Studies GCE A Levels in Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Information Technology and German. Academic arc continues and graduates with top grades, despite two arrests for breaking and entering.
1995 – 1999: University of Bath. Studies Pure Mathematics and Computing. Graduates First Class with Honours. Is member of Rowing and Rugby teams during attendance.
Service History:
1999 – 2000:
Datamark Ltd.,
105 Ladbroke Grove,
Software engineer
Demonstrates extraordinary talent for cryptography and it’s understanding, which had been evidenced during university education.
2000 – 2002: Recruited by Section Nine, Department 3, Cryptography and Counter-Intelligence division. Undergoes standard training suite, including but not limited to intrusion techniques, surveillance, modern languages and armed combat training.
2002 – Present: Is considered cleared for operative status. Assigned to active duty.
(Edited by Dieter at 1:41 pm on Mar. 4, 2003)
Kyun-woo "Crane" Cha
*MIA as of September 2003*
Kyun-woo "Kevin" Cha
Class / Level: Snoop 5
Department: D-3 (Comp Sec)
Nationality: Korean American
Description: 5'8", Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
STR: 10
DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 10
INT: 18 (+4)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 12 (+1)
Notes on Stats: Department mods applied (+2 INT, -2 WIS), Level 5 stat raise went to CHA.
Vitality: 29
Wounds: 10
Defense: 16 (Class 4 + DEX 2 + 10)
Fort: 1
Ref: 5
Will: 4
MAB: 2 (Melee/Unarmed)
RAB: 4 (Ranged)
Initiative: 5
Insp: 1
Edu: 4
Skill: Total / Ranks (Notes:)
* = Cross Class
Appraise: 4 / 0
*Balance: 2 / 0
*Bluff: 1 / 0
*Boating: 2 / 0
Bureaucracy: 1 / 0
Computers: 14 / 8 (Includes Department +2 Bonus, but not equipment)
Concentration: 3 / 2
Cryptography: 9 / 5
Cultures: 4 / 3
Diplomacy: 1 / 0
*Disguise: 1 / 0
Driver: 4 / 2
Electronics: 14 / 8 (Includes Department +2 Bonus)
*Escape Artist: 2 / 0
First Aid: 4 / 3
Gather Info: 4 / 3
Hide: 4 / 2
Hobby (Bass Guitar): 3 / 2
*Innuendo: 1 / 0
Knowledge (Criminal Behavior): 7 / 3
Languages: 5 / 1
Listen: 4 / 3
Mechanics: 7 / 3
Move Silent: 4 / 2
*Perform: 1 / 0
Read Lips: 6 / 2
Search: 9 / 5
Sense Motive: 4 / 3
*Sport (Baseball): 4 / 2 (Skill point cost of 4 since CC)
Spot: 9 / 8
Surveillance: 9 / 8
*Use Rope: 2 / 0
Languages (Native + English + 1 + Int 4 + Languages 1)
English, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian
Flawless Search
Back Door
Jury Rig +3
R&D Support (Department bonus Gear feat)
Sidestep (lvl 1 pick)
Weapon Focus (Pistol) (lvl 4 pick)
Armor (Light)
Weapons (Pistol, Melee)
Personal Gear (50 BPs)
Laptop +2 rating (D-3 bonus)
Bundle B - 25
(Average and Trendy clothing, Digital Camera + 2 memory chips, First Aid kit, Lockpick kit, Crowbar, Flashlight, 2 Tac Radios, Maps, Duct tape etc.)
Collapsible baton - 7 (made up, took cost of a sword cane as it too is a concealed melee weapon, see 16" example in link)
Electronics Kit - 5
Liquid Skin - 5
Audio Bug - 3
Video Bug - 3
Snoop Spray - 2
Kyun was born into a stange mix of "traditional" and "Western" cultures. His mother, Ji-Hyuan Song, came from a traditional family in South Korea but came to the states to study, and eventually practice, medicine. Here she met Jason Cha, an American born Korean. Jason is a writer and something of a 'free spirit'. With his mother often working Kyun was close with his father. As a boy Kyun, who went by Kevin to his Caucasian friends, earned the nickname 'fiddle-fingers' from his father since he was always playing with and taking apart anything he could get his hands on. Kyun also inherited his father's sense of humor and was a practical joker with his friends on the baseball team. One of his practical jokes landed Kyun in very hot water with his parents. Kyun's private high school had a 'news show' covering school events that was broadcast to classes once a week. As a joke Kyun replaced a particular weeks broadcast with a clip of pornography, the administration was not amused and had Kyun expelled. When Kyun's father came to talk to the principal Kyun thought his father would understand, he was wrong. As Kyun discovered it was his father's idea to send him to the expensive private school, his mother though Kyun would just waste the opportunity. After that Kyun reigned in his laid back attitude and worked hard to earn his parents approval. Kyun attended Carnegie Mellon University where he studied Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. After college Kyun needed more excitment than his internships had given him, he found what he wanted in the U.S. Secret Service. After a particularly lengthy background check, Kyun was accepted into the Physical Security Division. PSD covered computer and surveillance security as opposed to the actual bodyguarding duties. Despite being 'the guy in the van' Kyun received investigative and weapons training. Kyun's familiarity with Far Eastern languages and customs landed him attached to a U.S. Ambasador oversees. While a professional, Kyun eased the daily tention with his humor and joking amongst the other Agents, while the other Agents appreciated it the Ambasador interpreted it as laxness and requested Kyun be transfered. This is when the Agency intervened, instead of being transferred back to the states Kyun was inducted in the Agency's Far East Office.
(Edited by Dieter at 9:17 am on Oct. 20, 2003)
*MIA as of September 2003*
Kyun-woo "Kevin" Cha
Class / Level: Snoop 5
Department: D-3 (Comp Sec)
Nationality: Korean American
Description: 5'8", Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
STR: 10
DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 10
INT: 18 (+4)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 12 (+1)
Notes on Stats: Department mods applied (+2 INT, -2 WIS), Level 5 stat raise went to CHA.
Vitality: 29
Wounds: 10
Defense: 16 (Class 4 + DEX 2 + 10)
Fort: 1
Ref: 5
Will: 4
MAB: 2 (Melee/Unarmed)
RAB: 4 (Ranged)
Initiative: 5
Insp: 1
Edu: 4
Skill: Total / Ranks (Notes:)
* = Cross Class
Appraise: 4 / 0
*Balance: 2 / 0
*Bluff: 1 / 0
*Boating: 2 / 0
Bureaucracy: 1 / 0
Computers: 14 / 8 (Includes Department +2 Bonus, but not equipment)
Concentration: 3 / 2
Cryptography: 9 / 5
Cultures: 4 / 3
Diplomacy: 1 / 0
*Disguise: 1 / 0
Driver: 4 / 2
Electronics: 14 / 8 (Includes Department +2 Bonus)
*Escape Artist: 2 / 0
First Aid: 4 / 3
Gather Info: 4 / 3
Hide: 4 / 2
Hobby (Bass Guitar): 3 / 2
*Innuendo: 1 / 0
Knowledge (Criminal Behavior): 7 / 3
Languages: 5 / 1
Listen: 4 / 3
Mechanics: 7 / 3
Move Silent: 4 / 2
*Perform: 1 / 0
Read Lips: 6 / 2
Search: 9 / 5
Sense Motive: 4 / 3
*Sport (Baseball): 4 / 2 (Skill point cost of 4 since CC)
Spot: 9 / 8
Surveillance: 9 / 8
*Use Rope: 2 / 0
Languages (Native + English + 1 + Int 4 + Languages 1)
English, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian
Flawless Search
Back Door
Jury Rig +3
R&D Support (Department bonus Gear feat)
Sidestep (lvl 1 pick)
Weapon Focus (Pistol) (lvl 4 pick)
Armor (Light)
Weapons (Pistol, Melee)
Personal Gear (50 BPs)
Laptop +2 rating (D-3 bonus)
Bundle B - 25
(Average and Trendy clothing, Digital Camera + 2 memory chips, First Aid kit, Lockpick kit, Crowbar, Flashlight, 2 Tac Radios, Maps, Duct tape etc.)
Collapsible baton - 7 (made up, took cost of a sword cane as it too is a concealed melee weapon, see 16" example in link)
Electronics Kit - 5
Liquid Skin - 5
Audio Bug - 3
Video Bug - 3
Snoop Spray - 2
Kyun was born into a stange mix of "traditional" and "Western" cultures. His mother, Ji-Hyuan Song, came from a traditional family in South Korea but came to the states to study, and eventually practice, medicine. Here she met Jason Cha, an American born Korean. Jason is a writer and something of a 'free spirit'. With his mother often working Kyun was close with his father. As a boy Kyun, who went by Kevin to his Caucasian friends, earned the nickname 'fiddle-fingers' from his father since he was always playing with and taking apart anything he could get his hands on. Kyun also inherited his father's sense of humor and was a practical joker with his friends on the baseball team. One of his practical jokes landed Kyun in very hot water with his parents. Kyun's private high school had a 'news show' covering school events that was broadcast to classes once a week. As a joke Kyun replaced a particular weeks broadcast with a clip of pornography, the administration was not amused and had Kyun expelled. When Kyun's father came to talk to the principal Kyun thought his father would understand, he was wrong. As Kyun discovered it was his father's idea to send him to the expensive private school, his mother though Kyun would just waste the opportunity. After that Kyun reigned in his laid back attitude and worked hard to earn his parents approval. Kyun attended Carnegie Mellon University where he studied Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. After college Kyun needed more excitment than his internships had given him, he found what he wanted in the U.S. Secret Service. After a particularly lengthy background check, Kyun was accepted into the Physical Security Division. PSD covered computer and surveillance security as opposed to the actual bodyguarding duties. Despite being 'the guy in the van' Kyun received investigative and weapons training. Kyun's familiarity with Far Eastern languages and customs landed him attached to a U.S. Ambasador oversees. While a professional, Kyun eased the daily tention with his humor and joking amongst the other Agents, while the other Agents appreciated it the Ambasador interpreted it as laxness and requested Kyun be transfered. This is when the Agency intervened, instead of being transferred back to the states Kyun was inducted in the Agency's Far East Office.
(Edited by Dieter at 9:17 am on Oct. 20, 2003)
Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman 5, Pointman 2
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 8 (10-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 43
Wounds: 7
Defense: 15 (10+armor+Faceman Bonus+Pointman Bonus)
Initiative: 5 (0 Base + Faceman Bonus + Pointman Bonus)
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 12 (8-1+5)
Reflex: 13 (10 + 3)
Will: 18 (12+6)
Unarmed: +3 (-1+4)
Melee: +3 (-1+4)
Ranged: +4
Weapon: H&K MP7 PDW
Cost: 24BPs
Caliber: 4.6mm
Damage: 1d12
Error: 1-2
Threat: 20
Range: 30
Ammo: 20
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
83 total
24 gun
2 laser sight
2 silencer
30 armor
3x2 Teflon-tipped bullets (60 shots in 3 mags)
4 Disguise Kit
3 First Aid Kit
(12 left)
Bought Gear:
Archos Jukebox Multimedia 20
[Stereo Microphone, Memory Card Reader, USB 2.0 Cable, Camera Module, Video Converter Module, S-Video Cable, Audio-Cinch Cable, Unidirectional SCART-Adapter]
(choose later)
-Linguist (+3 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Russian, Japanese, Sign Language])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
-Filthy Rich
-Adaptable (Computers, Electronics, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Move Silently, Surveillance)
-Cold Read
-Quick Change (2 per session)
-Flawless Identity ("Jessica Spiner", as member of the international Jetset. Though she has yet to establish herself as prominent personality, she's shaken hands with enough people to ascertain her identity in such a way. Thanks to the rigorous training, she can completely submerge her "other job" even in the face of interrogation.)
-Assistance (1/2 Time)
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: to be updated
Bluff: 12 (9+3)
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 13 (4+9)
First Aid: 6 (4+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Handle Animal
Innuendo: 4
Intimidate: 7 (4+3), +1 to all checks
Languages: 10 (4+6), threat range 19-20
Move Silently
Open Lock
Perform: 8 (5+3)
Read Lips: 4
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of Hand: 4
Spot: 6
In essence, Jessica Spiner always defined herself over opposing the lifestyle she was born into. With her father being a major shareholder in an international conglomerate and her divorced mother wasting her days on Ibiza, she dropped out of private school as soon as possible and used a few secluded funds to travel incognito to the next big city, where she promptly signed up for the Peace Corps and spent the next two years on the road. However, along the way, a poor choice in romance led to disaster - she was more than a little bit devastated when the man she spent the night with failed to wake up again, and that her reaction to that was topped when she found out that he was an Agency agent trying to get intelligence on her father through her. The event succeeded in making her aware that the thrill of such a job might just be what she was looking for, and subsequently, she managed to convince the team of cleaners to tell her where to sign up.
Jessica signed up for adventure, and got more than she bargained for on her first mission. Braving a crisis of conscience, she is now more determined than ever to find alternative solutions for problems normally left to be solved with brute force.
Her training has focussed mainly on improving her language skills, but she has also taken to learn how to better understand the subtle signs other people give off, and the fine art of applied manual dexterity.
In private matters, not everything has gone well. While her father had always opposed her lifestyle, his scorn found it's end in an unexpected heart-attack that left her as sole relative to take over family matters. For now, she has entrusted the firm to the managers and managed to divert a few funds from one of the accounts for herself. It remains to be seen how this will play out when she has the time to organise matters more thoroughly than her previous efforts in a five-minute phonecall.
Level 5: Crosstraining as Pointman, Jess has considerably enhanced her spectrum of possibilities in advancing skills. The Colt is still in her backpack, but Jess is supposed to get her hands on a more capable weapon in her next equipment exchange. She's also slowly settling into the reality that the "boys" don't particularly fit into her usually slow, but subtle schemes, though she still has every intention to change that.
Level 6: Though disgruntled about the disastrous Vegas Mission, Jess had plenty of opportunity to work on her diplomatic abilities in the "vacation". Now fitted with an artificial voicebox (though not entirely volountarily), Jess stands to be more effective in her classic role as "face" of the team. It remains to be seen whether her formerly sunny disposition will be able to survive her current crisis of faith.
Level 7: Jess is starting to get the hang of it, especially in pretending. Taking a cue from how often she has to impersonate someone, she has both trained in more effective disguise techniques and requisitioned an appropriate kit, just so it actually has the chance to work right next time. She's happy with the rest of her equipment, but the Agency Quartermatsters don't like the way she's eyeing some heavier toys - which, considering the mess she always seems to find herself in, isn't an entirely unreasonable reaction.
(Edited by Dieter at 12:58 pm on Feb. 6, 2004)
Department: Power Brokerage
Class: Faceman 5, Pointman 2
Nationality: USA
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.70 meters
Weight: 50 kilograms
Brown Eyes, Dark red hair
Strenght: 8 (10-2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17 (15+2)
Vitality: 43
Wounds: 7
Defense: 15 (10+armor+Faceman Bonus+Pointman Bonus)
Initiative: 5 (0 Base + Faceman Bonus + Pointman Bonus)
Action Dice: 3 d4
Base Speed: 30
Inspiration+Education: both 0
Fortitude: 12 (8-1+5)
Reflex: 13 (10 + 3)
Will: 18 (12+6)
Unarmed: +3 (-1+4)
Melee: +3 (-1+4)
Ranged: +4
Weapon: H&K MP7 PDW
Cost: 24BPs
Caliber: 4.6mm
Damage: 1d12
Error: 1-2
Threat: 20
Range: 30
Ammo: 20
Name: Kevlar Vest
Def. Bonus: +1
Dam. Resistance: 4
Speed: Same
Standard Issue Gear:
83 total
24 gun
2 laser sight
2 silencer
30 armor
3x2 Teflon-tipped bullets (60 shots in 3 mags)
4 Disguise Kit
3 First Aid Kit
(12 left)
Bought Gear:
Archos Jukebox Multimedia 20
[Stereo Microphone, Memory Card Reader, USB 2.0 Cable, Camera Module, Video Converter Module, S-Video Cable, Audio-Cinch Cable, Unidirectional SCART-Adapter]
(choose later)
-Linguist (+3 languages, spoken like native, no accent [English, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Russian, Japanese, Sign Language])
-Adaptable (Action dice doubled for CHR or WIS based skills)
-Safe House
-Filthy Rich
-Adaptable (Computers, Electronics, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Move Silently, Surveillance)
-Cold Read
-Quick Change (2 per session)
-Flawless Identity ("Jessica Spiner", as member of the international Jetset. Though she has yet to establish herself as prominent personality, she's shaken hands with enough people to ascertain her identity in such a way. Thanks to the rigorous training, she can completely submerge her "other job" even in the face of interrogation.)
-Assistance (1/2 Time)
Armor: Light
Armor: Medium
Weapon Group: Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle
Cash Budget: to be updated
Bluff: 12 (9+3)
Cultures: 4 (2+2), threat range 19-20
Diplomacy: 5 (2+3), +1 to all checks
Disguise: 13 (4+9)
First Aid: 6 (4+2), threat range 19-20
Gather Information: 6 (3+3)
Handle Animal
Innuendo: 4
Intimidate: 7 (4+3), +1 to all checks
Languages: 10 (4+6), threat range 19-20
Move Silently
Open Lock
Perform: 8 (5+3)
Read Lips: 4
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of Hand: 4
Spot: 6
In essence, Jessica Spiner always defined herself over opposing the lifestyle she was born into. With her father being a major shareholder in an international conglomerate and her divorced mother wasting her days on Ibiza, she dropped out of private school as soon as possible and used a few secluded funds to travel incognito to the next big city, where she promptly signed up for the Peace Corps and spent the next two years on the road. However, along the way, a poor choice in romance led to disaster - she was more than a little bit devastated when the man she spent the night with failed to wake up again, and that her reaction to that was topped when she found out that he was an Agency agent trying to get intelligence on her father through her. The event succeeded in making her aware that the thrill of such a job might just be what she was looking for, and subsequently, she managed to convince the team of cleaners to tell her where to sign up.
Jessica signed up for adventure, and got more than she bargained for on her first mission. Braving a crisis of conscience, she is now more determined than ever to find alternative solutions for problems normally left to be solved with brute force.
Her training has focussed mainly on improving her language skills, but she has also taken to learn how to better understand the subtle signs other people give off, and the fine art of applied manual dexterity.
In private matters, not everything has gone well. While her father had always opposed her lifestyle, his scorn found it's end in an unexpected heart-attack that left her as sole relative to take over family matters. For now, she has entrusted the firm to the managers and managed to divert a few funds from one of the accounts for herself. It remains to be seen how this will play out when she has the time to organise matters more thoroughly than her previous efforts in a five-minute phonecall.
Level 5: Crosstraining as Pointman, Jess has considerably enhanced her spectrum of possibilities in advancing skills. The Colt is still in her backpack, but Jess is supposed to get her hands on a more capable weapon in her next equipment exchange. She's also slowly settling into the reality that the "boys" don't particularly fit into her usually slow, but subtle schemes, though she still has every intention to change that.
Level 6: Though disgruntled about the disastrous Vegas Mission, Jess had plenty of opportunity to work on her diplomatic abilities in the "vacation". Now fitted with an artificial voicebox (though not entirely volountarily), Jess stands to be more effective in her classic role as "face" of the team. It remains to be seen whether her formerly sunny disposition will be able to survive her current crisis of faith.
Level 7: Jess is starting to get the hang of it, especially in pretending. Taking a cue from how often she has to impersonate someone, she has both trained in more effective disguise techniques and requisitioned an appropriate kit, just so it actually has the chance to work right next time. She's happy with the rest of her equipment, but the Agency Quartermatsters don't like the way she's eyeing some heavier toys - which, considering the mess she always seems to find herself in, isn't an entirely unreasonable reaction.
(Edited by Dieter at 12:58 pm on Feb. 6, 2004)
Brian “Osprey” Malory
British SAS/Urban Assault
Classes: Soldier 4/Faceman 1/Sniper 3
Nationality: English
Age: 26
Height: 6’
Weight:165 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond (Brown naturally)
Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 64/14 (Max 1st level, rolled thereafter)
Saving Throws:
Fort: +8
Ref: +6
Will: +3
Defense: 19
Damage Reduction: 1/-
Initiative: +10
BAB: +7
Ranged: +11
Melee: +7
NATO 9x19mm Service Pistol +9 (+2 if readied, +2 if aimed, +3 if braced, +1 if within 30 ft.) Range: 30 ft. Error 1, Threat 20 Damage: 1d10. Equipped with silencer, -4 to listen checks tracking by muzzle blast.
Feats and Class Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-
+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+2 department bonus to readied attacks
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Far Shot
Lay Down Fire
Magic Touch
Extreme Range
Increased Precision
Skills: Bonus (Ranks) Department Modifiers Included
Spot 14 (10)
Survival 7 (7)
Balance 8 (4)
Demolitions 4 (3)
Disguise 5 (4)
Hide 16 (10)
Surveillance 11(11)
Search: 7 (5)
Personal budget:
Package C, as usual.
Starlight glasses
extra pack of military ball rounds for pistol
ghillie suit
basic video bug
survival kit
trendy cloths
(Edited by Dieter at 3:31 pm on April 20, 2005)
British SAS/Urban Assault
Classes: Soldier 4/Faceman 1/Sniper 3
Nationality: English
Age: 26
Height: 6’
Weight:165 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond (Brown naturally)
Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 64/14 (Max 1st level, rolled thereafter)
Saving Throws:
Fort: +8
Ref: +6
Will: +3
Defense: 19
Damage Reduction: 1/-
Initiative: +10
BAB: +7
Ranged: +11
Melee: +7
NATO 9x19mm Service Pistol +9 (+2 if readied, +2 if aimed, +3 if braced, +1 if within 30 ft.) Range: 30 ft. Error 1, Threat 20 Damage: 1d10. Equipped with silencer, -4 to listen checks tracking by muzzle blast.
Feats and Class Abilities:
Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Damage Reduction: DR 1/-
+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
+2 department bonus to readied attacks
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Far Shot
Lay Down Fire
Magic Touch
Extreme Range
Increased Precision
Skills: Bonus (Ranks) Department Modifiers Included
Spot 14 (10)
Survival 7 (7)
Balance 8 (4)
Demolitions 4 (3)
Disguise 5 (4)
Hide 16 (10)
Surveillance 11(11)
Search: 7 (5)
Personal budget:
Package C, as usual.
Starlight glasses
extra pack of military ball rounds for pistol
ghillie suit
basic video bug
survival kit
trendy cloths
(Edited by Dieter at 3:31 pm on April 20, 2005)
Carla "Falconet" Manotoc
Player: Threadbare
Soldier 3/ Fixer 2/Martial Artist 3
Age: 22
Height: 5’ 1''
Weight: 125 lbs
Department: Black Ops
Nationality: Phillipines
Str:12 (+1)
Con: 14 (+2)
Dex:16 (+3)
*Wis:14 (+2)
Cha: 12 (+1)
Attack Bonuses:
*Unarmed: +8
*Melee: +8
*Ranged: +10
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +9
Reflex: +10
Will: +4
Other Derived Values:
*Defense: 19
*Wounds:17 (Black Ops: The department that keeps on giving...)
*Vitality: 89 (kinda fun when you have a +3 to whatever's rolled)
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Exotic, Archaic)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Exotic, Martial Arts)
Martial Arts
Damage Reduction 1/- (soldier ability)
Improvised Weapon
Point Blank Shot
Moving Target
Blocking Basics
Blocking Mastery:
--Adrenaline Burst: When spending action die to increase attack roll of melee or unarmed attack, add the same number to your Defense (until your next action)
--Redirection: When unsuccessfully attacked, you may as free action make a Reflex save, DC equal to Defense of any enemy within 5 ft. With success, you shift the enemy into the attack. May only be used when fighting defensively or using total defense. [and I'm going to be fighting defensively almost all the time]
Discipline of Body
Balance: 8, +13
Boating: 2, +5
Climb: 4, +5
Escape Artist 6, +9
Hide 6, +9
Jump 5, +8
Move Silently: 6, +9
Profession (Cook) 3, +5
*Sleight of Hand: 2, +5
Spot 8, +10
****Survival 4, +6
Swim 4, +5
Tumble 9, +14
Personal Budget (57):
Weapons: tiger claws, and a big fuck-off AKA survival knife. Will request firearms on a mission-by-mission basis.
Armor: Assualt Vest, DR 8(9 w/ soldier ability, but it slows and clumsies me down), Military Helmet, Def +2
Other Gear: Laser Sight, stimulant shot, set of poor clothes, holster, cell phone, and a roll of duct tape.
Everyone has a time to die. Fuck with her and that time will be now.
Carla Manotoc: Volatile. Grizzled. Easy on the eyes. The team is basically the only family she has, and she's going to protect them. She doesn't care about being nice, or polite, or modest or any of that girly-girl stuff. She's eaten lead on 3 continents, jumped a train in Siberia, and disarmed a weapon of mass destruction with her own two hands. How hard can tracking down a Hummingbird be?
(Edited by Dieter at 3:29 pm on April 20, 2005)
Player: Threadbare
Soldier 3/ Fixer 2/Martial Artist 3
Age: 22
Height: 5’ 1''
Weight: 125 lbs
Department: Black Ops
Nationality: Phillipines
Str:12 (+1)
Con: 14 (+2)
Dex:16 (+3)
*Wis:14 (+2)
Cha: 12 (+1)
Attack Bonuses:
*Unarmed: +8
*Melee: +8
*Ranged: +10
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +9
Reflex: +10
Will: +4
Other Derived Values:
*Defense: 19
*Wounds:17 (Black Ops: The department that keeps on giving...)
*Vitality: 89 (kinda fun when you have a +3 to whatever's rolled)
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Exotic, Archaic)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Exotic, Martial Arts)
Martial Arts
Damage Reduction 1/- (soldier ability)
Improvised Weapon
Point Blank Shot
Moving Target
Blocking Basics
Blocking Mastery:
--Adrenaline Burst: When spending action die to increase attack roll of melee or unarmed attack, add the same number to your Defense (until your next action)
--Redirection: When unsuccessfully attacked, you may as free action make a Reflex save, DC equal to Defense of any enemy within 5 ft. With success, you shift the enemy into the attack. May only be used when fighting defensively or using total defense. [and I'm going to be fighting defensively almost all the time]
Discipline of Body
Balance: 8, +13
Boating: 2, +5
Climb: 4, +5
Escape Artist 6, +9
Hide 6, +9
Jump 5, +8
Move Silently: 6, +9
Profession (Cook) 3, +5
*Sleight of Hand: 2, +5
Spot 8, +10
****Survival 4, +6
Swim 4, +5
Tumble 9, +14
Personal Budget (57):
Weapons: tiger claws, and a big fuck-off AKA survival knife. Will request firearms on a mission-by-mission basis.
Armor: Assualt Vest, DR 8(9 w/ soldier ability, but it slows and clumsies me down), Military Helmet, Def +2
Other Gear: Laser Sight, stimulant shot, set of poor clothes, holster, cell phone, and a roll of duct tape.
Everyone has a time to die. Fuck with her and that time will be now.
Carla Manotoc: Volatile. Grizzled. Easy on the eyes. The team is basically the only family she has, and she's going to protect them. She doesn't care about being nice, or polite, or modest or any of that girly-girl stuff. She's eaten lead on 3 continents, jumped a train in Siberia, and disarmed a weapon of mass destruction with her own two hands. How hard can tracking down a Hummingbird be?
(Edited by Dieter at 3:29 pm on April 20, 2005)
Ayumi "Ibis" Yokozaki
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 9
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 27
Height: 1.52m
Weight: 45kg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 13 (+1)
Wisdom: 11 (+0)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 80/12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +6
Reflex: +10
Will: +2
Defense: 18 (20 with wakizashi in off hand and Sidestep declared against the world at large)
Damage Reduction: 1/-
Initiative: +11
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +8
Ranged: +13
Dual H&K USP .40's: +13 (or +11/+11 akimbo, +16 within 20', +14/+14 akimbo within 20' +14 within 50', +12/+12 within 50'), 1d12 (1d12+3 within 20'), R 20', error 1, threat 20
Wakizashi: +14 (or +12/+12 dual-wield), 1d6+2, error 1, threat 19-20
Unarmed: +8, 1d3
Feats (-) and Abilities (
=Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
=Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
=Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
=Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
=+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
=+2 department bonus to readied attacks
=Armor Use +2: Starting at 4th level, the soldier's total Defense bonus when wearing armor is increased by +1 and his total armor check penalty is reduced by 1. Every 4 levels thereafter, the Defense bonus increases by +1 and the armor check penalty decreases by 1. This penalty cannot reduce the soldier's armor check penalty below 0.
-Ambidexterity: Reduces off-hand penalties by -4.
-Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduces two-weapon fighting penalties by -2.
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Exotic Weapon Proficiency (martial arts): Proficient in martial arts weapons.
-Weapon Finesse (wakizashi): Adds Dex modifier instead of Str modifier to attacks with this weapon.
=Weapon Specialization: Soldier 6 special ability. +2 damage with handguns.
-Acrobatic: +2 to Balance, Climb, and Tumble. Threat range increases to 19-20.
-Sidestep: +2 Defense against 1 opponent, or +1 Defense against all opponents.
-Guard Weapon Basics: In your off-hand, A Wakizashi gains the Guard quality. When wielding a weapon with the guard quality, you gain an additional +1 to Defense against melee, hurled, and unarmed attacks.
-Club Basics: Can use any appropriately-sized item as a club. Can "wind up" as a half action for a +2 on next attack's damage. Can inflict either lethal or subdual damage without attack penalty.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 5, 12
Climb: 5, 7
Driver: 5, 10 (+12 on motorcycles)
Hide: 2, 9
Intimidate: 8, 9
Jump: 7, 9
Spot: 8, 10
Swim: 5, 5
Tumble: 12, 19
Languages: (*=native language)
BP Bonus: 18
GP Bonus: 4
Personal Gear: 63 points
-H&K USP .40 "Hidari" (laser sight, silencer, extended clip 20 BP)
-H&K USP .40 "Migi" (laser sight, silencer, extended clip 20 BP)
-Wakizashi (from MAG, 7 BP)
-Second Wakizashi (7 BP)
-50 rounds .40 caliber military ball ammunition (1 BP)
-20 rounds .40 caliber hollowpoint ammunition (2 BP)
-Trendy clothes (5 BP)
-Mirrored sunglasses, prescription (1 BP)
Background and description:
Ayumi Yokozaki (or Yokozaki Ayumi, if you're being really Japanese about things) was born in Tokyo in the winter of 1977. Her father, a top car company executive, traveled a lot for the company and brought his family with him, so while Ayumi has lived at various points in her development in Japan, Germany, and America, she spent most of her childhood in Hong Kong. During her junior college years in Japan, Ayumi took some work as a stuntwoman in low-budget action movies, where her outstanding grace and agility drew the Agency's attention. Her parents believe that Ayumi and her brother (Kenji), an agent with D-3, work as middle management for one of the Agency's cover businesses. In reality, of course, she's a gun-toting, sword-swinging, wall-flipping secret agent.
Ayumi is relatively short, though not by Japanese standards. She is of slight build and very trim, but while she doesn't have much muscle for a "muscle" agent, she has plenty of "get up and go." Her eyesight is less than perfect, and she prefers to wear glasses rather than contacts when she can. She tends to dress in darker colors, especially when working, and usually wears some kind of jacket to hide her weapon rig. If she can't adequately hide her wakizashi behind clothing, then she carries it in a backpack or a poster tube.
Ayumi is mostly polite and sweet when she's not "working." She enjoys calligraphy, karaoke, and has a bit of a sweet tooth, though not enough to give the Agency dentists any trouble keeping her smile in top shape. Even when the bullets are flying, she shows professional courtesy to her opponents. So far, she's only been ordered to kill real "bad guys": slave traders, Triads, Yakuza, gun runners, cultists, and the like, so her vocation doesn't hang on her conscience that much. Past missions have taken her all across Japan, Hong Kong, the Koreas, Los Angeles, and Indonesia.
She's heard in-house rumors about the team's exploits, their heroism, and especially about Agent O'Conner's sacrifice. Her brother was in a coma for three months after his team had a run-in with the Deckers. She considers it a privelege to work with the team that brought the hellacious couple down.
With the recent kidnapping and recovery of her brother, Ayumi is newly inspired to dive into her work with a new vigor.
Ayumi is now completely dedicated to finding Jess and ensuring her safety.
Switched that Dex point to Int. Rolled 8 for Vitality.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:30 pm on April 20, 2005)
Department: Urban Assault
Class/Level: Soldier 9
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 27
Height: 1.52m
Weight: 45kg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 13 (+1)
Wisdom: 11 (+0)
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 80/12
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +6
Reflex: +10
Will: +2
Defense: 18 (20 with wakizashi in off hand and Sidestep declared against the world at large)
Damage Reduction: 1/-
Initiative: +11
Attack Bonuses:
Melee: +8
Ranged: +13
Dual H&K USP .40's: +13 (or +11/+11 akimbo, +16 within 20', +14/+14 akimbo within 20' +14 within 50', +12/+12 within 50'), 1d12 (1d12+3 within 20'), R 20', error 1, threat 20
Wakizashi: +14 (or +12/+12 dual-wield), 1d6+2, error 1, threat 19-20
Unarmed: +8, 1d3
Feats (-) and Abilities (

=Armor Proficiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
=Weapon Group Proficiency: (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
=Accurate: Whenever a soldier spends an action die to add to an attack roll, or a Strength- or Constitution-based skill check, two dice are added instead of one. This is the soldier's core ability.
=Damage Reduction: DR 1/-, Soldier 2 special ability. Stacks with armor bonus.
=+2 department bonus to Spot and Hide checks
=+2 department bonus to readied attacks
=Armor Use +2: Starting at 4th level, the soldier's total Defense bonus when wearing armor is increased by +1 and his total armor check penalty is reduced by 1. Every 4 levels thereafter, the Defense bonus increases by +1 and the armor check penalty decreases by 1. This penalty cannot reduce the soldier's armor check penalty below 0.
-Ambidexterity: Reduces off-hand penalties by -4.
-Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduces two-weapon fighting penalties by -2.
-Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within one range increment.
-Quick Draw: You may draw up to two weapons, or draw and holster one weapon, as a free action each round.
-Exotic Weapon Proficiency (martial arts): Proficient in martial arts weapons.
-Weapon Finesse (wakizashi): Adds Dex modifier instead of Str modifier to attacks with this weapon.
=Weapon Specialization: Soldier 6 special ability. +2 damage with handguns.
-Acrobatic: +2 to Balance, Climb, and Tumble. Threat range increases to 19-20.
-Sidestep: +2 Defense against 1 opponent, or +1 Defense against all opponents.
-Guard Weapon Basics: In your off-hand, A Wakizashi gains the Guard quality. When wielding a weapon with the guard quality, you gain an additional +1 to Defense against melee, hurled, and unarmed attacks.
-Club Basics: Can use any appropriately-sized item as a club. Can "wind up" as a half action for a +2 on next attack's damage. Can inflict either lethal or subdual damage without attack penalty.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Balance: 5, 12
Climb: 5, 7
Driver: 5, 10 (+12 on motorcycles)
Hide: 2, 9
Intimidate: 8, 9
Jump: 7, 9
Spot: 8, 10
Swim: 5, 5
Tumble: 12, 19
Languages: (*=native language)
BP Bonus: 18
GP Bonus: 4
Personal Gear: 63 points
-H&K USP .40 "Hidari" (laser sight, silencer, extended clip 20 BP)
-H&K USP .40 "Migi" (laser sight, silencer, extended clip 20 BP)
-Wakizashi (from MAG, 7 BP)
-Second Wakizashi (7 BP)
-50 rounds .40 caliber military ball ammunition (1 BP)
-20 rounds .40 caliber hollowpoint ammunition (2 BP)
-Trendy clothes (5 BP)
-Mirrored sunglasses, prescription (1 BP)
Background and description:
Ayumi Yokozaki (or Yokozaki Ayumi, if you're being really Japanese about things) was born in Tokyo in the winter of 1977. Her father, a top car company executive, traveled a lot for the company and brought his family with him, so while Ayumi has lived at various points in her development in Japan, Germany, and America, she spent most of her childhood in Hong Kong. During her junior college years in Japan, Ayumi took some work as a stuntwoman in low-budget action movies, where her outstanding grace and agility drew the Agency's attention. Her parents believe that Ayumi and her brother (Kenji), an agent with D-3, work as middle management for one of the Agency's cover businesses. In reality, of course, she's a gun-toting, sword-swinging, wall-flipping secret agent.
Ayumi is relatively short, though not by Japanese standards. She is of slight build and very trim, but while she doesn't have much muscle for a "muscle" agent, she has plenty of "get up and go." Her eyesight is less than perfect, and she prefers to wear glasses rather than contacts when she can. She tends to dress in darker colors, especially when working, and usually wears some kind of jacket to hide her weapon rig. If she can't adequately hide her wakizashi behind clothing, then she carries it in a backpack or a poster tube.
Ayumi is mostly polite and sweet when she's not "working." She enjoys calligraphy, karaoke, and has a bit of a sweet tooth, though not enough to give the Agency dentists any trouble keeping her smile in top shape. Even when the bullets are flying, she shows professional courtesy to her opponents. So far, she's only been ordered to kill real "bad guys": slave traders, Triads, Yakuza, gun runners, cultists, and the like, so her vocation doesn't hang on her conscience that much. Past missions have taken her all across Japan, Hong Kong, the Koreas, Los Angeles, and Indonesia.
She's heard in-house rumors about the team's exploits, their heroism, and especially about Agent O'Conner's sacrifice. Her brother was in a coma for three months after his team had a run-in with the Deckers. She considers it a privelege to work with the team that brought the hellacious couple down.
With the recent kidnapping and recovery of her brother, Ayumi is newly inspired to dive into her work with a new vigor.
Ayumi is now completely dedicated to finding Jess and ensuring her safety.
Switched that Dex point to Int. Rolled 8 for Vitality.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:30 pm on April 20, 2005)
Artis "Goose" Gossard
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 14 +2
WIS 10 +0
CHR 10 +0
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer 7/Wheelman 2
Vitality: 68
Wound Points: 12
Character Level: 9
Ranged Attack Bonus: +10
Melee Attack Bonus: +9
Fort Save: +5
Ref Save: +9
Will Save: +2
Def Bonus: +7 (+8 with armor); DR 5 (armor)
Fighting Defensively: -2 to hit; +5 Defense
(+1 from Tumble synergy, +2 from Moving Target)
Init Bonus: +4
BP: 11
GP: 8
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Instant Hotwire
Speed Trigger
Speed Demon
Rapid Shot
Moving Target
Controlled Burst
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 10 /10
Jump - Str 2 /4
Boating - Dex 4 /2/9
Knowledge - Int 2 /3 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 1 /3
Listen - Wis 3 /3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 12 /15
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 10 /13
Driver - Dex 12 /2/17
Pilot - Dex 7 /2/13
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1 /2
Search - Int 2 /3
Escape Artist - Dex 2 /5
Sleight of Hand - Dex 5 /2/10
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4 /4
Hide - Dex 6 /9
Tumble - Dex 10 /13
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1 /1
First Aid - Int 1 /2
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 5 /2/8
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Evasion: The fixer suffers no damage on a successful Reflex save.
Daredevil: The wheelman may use "daredevil-only" maneuvers during chases, etc.
Uncanny Dodge: The Fixer always retains his Dexterity bonus to Defense, even if caught flat-footed, making it much more difficult to ambush him.
Kick Start 1/session: The wheelman can change a failed Mechanics check into a success by giving the offending item a whack out of frustration.
Sneak Attack: +3d6
Personal Budget: 55
Gadget Points: +8
.40 HK USP Compact (13 BP): 1d12, R 15', fail 1, threat 20
Silencer on .40 USP (2 BP)
5.56mm Assault Rifle (31 BP): 2d8+2, R 100', fail 1-2, threat 19-20
Laser Sight on 5.56mm AR (2 BP)
Silencer on 5.56mm AR (2 BP)
Kevlar BDU (35 BP): DB +1, DR 5
5 more BP to play with as situation dictates
Belt, lockpick set (2 GP): +2 Open Locks
Agency Laser Watch + GPS (2 GP)
Starlight Lenses (1 GP)
Tuxedo Liner: (1GP) +1 Defense, DR 2
Armored upgrade: (2GP) +1 additional Defense to Tux Liner
If Kevlar BDU is worn, then save 3GP for vehicle
Feat/Skill/Abilities: Took another level of Fixer, so I could get the coveted +3d6 Sneak Attack. Next level will likely be Wheelman, though. Skill increases (beyond my usual) include a large boost to Pilot. If I'm correct, you get a feat every 3 levels, right? I took Controlled Burst, since combat feats are rare for Goose, I just got Moving Target last level, and a next level of Wheelman should get me a chase feat.
Gear to Note: I took GPS for my laser watch, and can fit Kevlar BDUs into my personal budget or exchange them for my normal fancy pants assault rifle.
Goose's non-vehicular combat style is "sneak up on somebody and put lots of bullets into them in a short period of time, then dodge like a maniac if there are bad guys left."
(Edited by Dieter at 3:31 pm on April 20, 2005)
Nationality: US
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 90 kilograms
STR 15 +2
DEX 16 +3
CON 12 +1
INT 14 +2
WIS 10 +0
CHR 10 +0
Department: Home Office
Class: Fixer 7/Wheelman 2
Vitality: 68
Wound Points: 12
Character Level: 9
Ranged Attack Bonus: +10
Melee Attack Bonus: +9
Fort Save: +5
Ref Save: +9
Will Save: +2
Def Bonus: +7 (+8 with armor); DR 5 (armor)
Fighting Defensively: -2 to hit; +5 Defense
(+1 from Tumble synergy, +2 from Moving Target)
Init Bonus: +4
BP: 11
GP: 8
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical)
Instant Hotwire
Speed Trigger
Speed Demon
Rapid Shot
Moving Target
Controlled Burst
Appraise - Int
Hobby - Wis
Balance - Dex
Innuendo - Wis
Bluff - Cha 10 /10
Jump - Str 2 /4
Boating - Dex 4 /2/9
Knowledge - Int 2 /3 (valuable antiques/archaeological treasures)
Climb - Str 1 /3
Listen - Wis 3 /3
Craft - Int
Move Silently - Dex 12 /15
Demolitions - Int
Open Lock - Dex 10 /13
Driver - Dex 12 /2/17
Pilot - Dex 7 /2/13
Profession - Wis
Electronics - Int 1 /2
Search - Int 2 /3
Escape Artist - Dex 2 /5
Sleight of Hand - Dex 5 /2/10
Forgery - Int
Spot - Wis 4 /4
Hide - Dex 6 /9
Tumble - Dex 10 /13
Bonus Class Skills:
Disguise - Cha 1 /1
First Aid - Int 1 /2
Cross-Class Skills:
Mechanics - Int 5 /2/8
Special Abilities:
Dexterous: Whenever the fixer spends an action die to add
to a Dexterity-based skill check, two dice are added instead of
one (i.e. 1d4 becomes 2d4).
Procure: The fixer may requisition items and gadgets
anywhere in the field at normal cost, just as if he were back at
headquarters. If there is a nearby city and the fixer can
communicate and meet with a representative of the Agency,
then this ability takes 20 minutes per 4 budget points or 1
gadget point spent, otherwise it requires 1 hour per 4 budget
points or 1 gadget point spent, while he scrounges the area to
find the required items. The fixer must either be able to
contact his HQ or a personal contact, or scout his surroundings
to use this ability.
Evasion: The fixer suffers no damage on a successful Reflex save.
Daredevil: The wheelman may use "daredevil-only" maneuvers during chases, etc.
Uncanny Dodge: The Fixer always retains his Dexterity bonus to Defense, even if caught flat-footed, making it much more difficult to ambush him.
Kick Start 1/session: The wheelman can change a failed Mechanics check into a success by giving the offending item a whack out of frustration.
Sneak Attack: +3d6
Personal Budget: 55
Gadget Points: +8
.40 HK USP Compact (13 BP): 1d12, R 15', fail 1, threat 20
Silencer on .40 USP (2 BP)
5.56mm Assault Rifle (31 BP): 2d8+2, R 100', fail 1-2, threat 19-20
Laser Sight on 5.56mm AR (2 BP)
Silencer on 5.56mm AR (2 BP)
Kevlar BDU (35 BP): DB +1, DR 5
5 more BP to play with as situation dictates
Belt, lockpick set (2 GP): +2 Open Locks
Agency Laser Watch + GPS (2 GP)
Starlight Lenses (1 GP)
Tuxedo Liner: (1GP) +1 Defense, DR 2
Armored upgrade: (2GP) +1 additional Defense to Tux Liner
If Kevlar BDU is worn, then save 3GP for vehicle
Feat/Skill/Abilities: Took another level of Fixer, so I could get the coveted +3d6 Sneak Attack. Next level will likely be Wheelman, though. Skill increases (beyond my usual) include a large boost to Pilot. If I'm correct, you get a feat every 3 levels, right? I took Controlled Burst, since combat feats are rare for Goose, I just got Moving Target last level, and a next level of Wheelman should get me a chase feat.
Gear to Note: I took GPS for my laser watch, and can fit Kevlar BDUs into my personal budget or exchange them for my normal fancy pants assault rifle.
Goose's non-vehicular combat style is "sneak up on somebody and put lots of bullets into them in a short period of time, then dodge like a maniac if there are bad guys left."
(Edited by Dieter at 3:31 pm on April 20, 2005)
Das Bumpen!
Name: Dr. Peter "Hai" Krueger
Codename: Pelican
Department: Counter-Intelligence Agency Training: Bundesamt fuer Verfassungsschutz
[+2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution; Gather Information is always class skill; +1 Threat Range of Sense Motive and Surveillance, increases by +1 every fourth level; Knowledge (Politics) is always class skill, +1 bonus at 1st level, increases by +1 every fourth level; +1 department bonus to Intervention favor checks at 1st level, increases by +1 every third level; Bonus Covert or Gear Feat (Extra R&D Support)]
Class/Level: Scientist 6 / Armorer 3
Nationality: German
Age: 35
Height: 1.92 meters
Weight: 76 kilograms
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde, but usually dyed in the color of the week.
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 11 (+0)
Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 15 (+2)
Charisma: 13 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 48 / 11
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +3
Will: +7
Defense: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 Class)
Initiative: +5 (+2 Dex, +3 Class)
Attack Boni:
Melee: +4 (+0 Str, +4 Class)
Ranged: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Class)
Unarmed: +4
Taurus 22H: +6 (+2 within 50', +2 when aimed, +3 when braced, +1 if aimed and fired as full action [all boni cumulative]), Damage 3D4+1, Error 1, Threat 19-20, Ammo Capacity 8, Range Increment 45', Qualities and Mods: Advanced Aim, Rugged, Long Barrel, Magnum Chamber
Feats (-) and Abilities (
=Armor Group Profiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
=Weapon Group Profiency: (Melee, Handgun, Tactical)
=Professor: Spend action die. Grant benefits of one basic skill feat agent possesses to teammate. Use up to number of basic skill feats agent has. Lasts for current scene. Scientist's Core Ability.
=Learned: Gain 1 skill point every class level, must be spent on Knowledge. Also gain Scholarly feat.
=Ph.D. (Craft: Gunsmithing): Skill rank cap for selected Int-based skill increases to agent level + 10.
=Improvise: Gain +3 competence bonus to all skill checks for jury-rigged repairs and inspiration checks made to discover technological solution to a problem
=Research: Gain Basic or Advanced Skill Feat (Ordinary Past)
=Brilliant: Gain +1 Intelligence.
=Clever: Gain +1 bonus to all Int-based skill checks. Armorer's Core Ability.
=Engineer: Gain Advanced Skill Mastery (Grease Monkey).
=Field Test: May declare any one item Armorer has worked on for atleast a day as "Under test". Error range is decreased by 1 (Minimum 0).
-Grease Monkey: +2 bonus to all Electronics and Mechanics skill checks. Threat range for these skills increases by +1.
-Extra R&D Support: Gain 2 Gadget points.
-Scholarly: +2 bonus to all Concentration and Knowledge skill checks. Threat range for these skills increases by +1.
-Revolver Basics: Considered proficient with all revolvers. When using a revolver, gain benefits of Quick Reload and Marksman feats.
-Quick Reload (Revolver): May reload as free action once per round.
-Marksman (Revolver): Bonus from aiming and bracing increases by +1 each.
-Ordinary Past: +2 bonus to all Craft, Hobby and Profession skill checks. Threat range for these skills is increased by +1.
-Over Torque: With an hour of preparation, may enhance vehicle (Speed +50, Handling +4, Defense +2, Wound Points +20 or Hardness +2). Enhancements are stable for (total Mechanics bonus) minutes, after which they are rendered useless. Error range for all skill checks concerning the vehicle and attack rolls with vehicular weaponry is increased by 1. Error range may be returned to normal with one hour of maintenance.
-Advanced Skill Mastery (Grease Monkey): Bonus increase to +3, threat range 18-20. GC must spend additional action die for critical failure.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Appraise 5, 10
Concentration 4, 8, Threat 19-20
Computers 8, 13
Cryptography 10, 15
Cultures 4, 6
Craft (Gunsmithing) 18, 25, Threat 19-20
Craft (Machining) 4, 11, Threat 19-20
Demolitions 8, 13
Diplomacy 8, 9
Electronics 6, 14, Threat 18-20
Forgery 6, 11
Gather Information 4, 5
Hobby (Video Games) 5, 9, Threat 19-20
Knowledge (Game Theory) 5, 12, Threat 19-20
Knowledge (Politics) 5, 15, Threat 19-20
Knowledge (Espionage) 5, 12, Threat 19-20
Mechanics 8, 16, Threat 18-20
Profession (Mercenary) 7, 11, Threat 19-20
Search 6, 11
Sleight of Hand 6, 8
Surveillance 4, 6, Threat 18-20
BP Bonus: 24
GP Bonus: 10
Personal Gear: 69
27 Taurus Model 22H "Raging Hornet" (revolver)
2 laser sight
15 laptop, +3 power rating
4 entertainment suite
3 Materials to add Magnum Chamber to revover
6 Materials to add Long Barrel to revolver
6 60 shots of Hydrashok .22 Hornet
2 Tactical Briefcase
5 5x Speedloaders
Languages: English, German, French, Chinese, Portugese, Russian (all native)
Peter is the grandson of German Major Ernst Krueger who emigrated to Brazil shortly after the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany. Krueger had served in the Wehrmacht as Oberleutnant (Lieutenant 1st class), and although he was judged to be innocent of war crimes, he feared backlash. The Bundeswehr needed experienced - and politically clean - officers after the war, and Ernst was promoted to Major almost overnight. However, even that couldn't keep him; he deserted and quietly left the country with a few "old friends". He went undercover in Brazil and married a local woman. For the rest of his life, Ernst remained basically anonymous, unconvinced that the "good news" from Germany were permanent, or even entirely true - during the war, he had been one of the survivors of the firebombing of Dresden, and thus, his antipathy against the former Allies remained as long as he lived. Together with several other German officers who had come with him, Ernst's legacy was a small enclave of German-speaking Brazilians with no particular home country to call their own. Ernst's grandson, a young boy called Peter, took the most after Krueger. Calling himself "Hai" (Shark), he struck out as mercenary after his 16th birthday. "Hai" quickly made a reputation as being handy with everything more highbrow than a simple cleaning op, and some years later, at the end of the 80s, he was a well-known operator in the underworld, particularly as an explosives expert. By this time, he was approached by a splinter cell of the "Rote Armee Fraktion" (Red Army Faction), a German terrorist group. Peter was faced with a dilemma - although he had no emotional attachment to his grandfather's home country and was a bit of a closet anarchist, he could not ignore the potential of violence. His decision was made for him when he was contacted by the "Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz" (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution), Germany's premier counter-intelligence agency. They offered him a deal: Become a covert agent and rat out the terrorists in exchange for German citizenship, a job with the office and a little "sanitation" of his files. Peter agreed. Two days later, the splinter group had been apprehended in a surprise raid, and the prepared explosives were easily disarmed by "Hai".
For the next ten years, Peter worked for the office, using his considerable talents and knowledge to combat anti-government terrorist in Germany and abroad. Along the way, he picked up a Doctor's Degree in "Technische Informatik" (Practical Computer Science, focussing on hardware and low-level programming). He published several articles on bleeding edge cryptography, which brought him to the Agency's attention. Considering his rather unique skill set, he was brought into the fold at the turn of the Millenium and assigned to R&D, where he quickly established a reputation for "getting his hands dirty". He found that he rather liked the intense physical aspect of actual manual work, especially customizing firearms.
Peter's main character streak is his curiosity. Much of his time is taken up by reviewing data on recent political developments and correlating it with actions taken by the shadow community. Never ask him "What are the odds?" - he knows it. He considers firearms the ultimate mental exercise condensed into physical form, and his quest for the perfect gun continues. Peter's considerations tend to be a bit academic; he customizes his guns for maximum accuracy, but actual stopping power is secondary. He's also a bit of a videogamer, though he claims it's all just "research". He rarely sits around watching TV; he rather solders circuit boards, rushes through a workshop to craft new parts, or tries to get others to discuss this awesome idea of his. Unfortunately, Peter's ideas are the result of what appears to be either genius or a serious miswiring of his neural pathways; few Agency employees can follow his train of thought. Fortunately, the few that can usually work in R&D, so he doesn't have to deal with that particular problem too often. He's charming and attractive enough, but if left alone with a person for a few minutes, will soon begin to hold forth on one of his fields of expertise. On the upside, Peter projects the image of a smart guy, and his considerate discussion methods make him a good negotiator; on the downside, he sometimes gets too caught up in his own brilliance to notice when he's boring the other party to tears. Also, he takes a relatively dim view of the Agency's dress code, and his inner rebel compels him to resist it to the best of his ability. His superiors hope that by assigning him as liason to the Operations department, he will mellow out a bit and - more importantly - finally be out of their hair. (Though his efforts to prove that Solitaire really has a few decks that are unsolvable are appreciated by many of the office workers...)
Various Boni:
Hobby (Video Games): Negates some penalties for drone usage
Knowledge (Espionage): +2 bonus to disposition checks of intelligence/counter-intelligence operatives.
Knowledge (Game Theory): +1 bonus to all opposed skill checks
Knowledge (Politics): +2 bonus to disposition checks of politicians
Profession (Mercenary): +2 bonus to disposition checks of mercenaries and to checks to find and negotiate with arms dealers
(Edited by Dieter at 12:37 pm on May 10, 2005)
Codename: Pelican
Department: Counter-Intelligence Agency Training: Bundesamt fuer Verfassungsschutz
[+2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution; Gather Information is always class skill; +1 Threat Range of Sense Motive and Surveillance, increases by +1 every fourth level; Knowledge (Politics) is always class skill, +1 bonus at 1st level, increases by +1 every fourth level; +1 department bonus to Intervention favor checks at 1st level, increases by +1 every third level; Bonus Covert or Gear Feat (Extra R&D Support)]
Class/Level: Scientist 6 / Armorer 3
Nationality: German
Age: 35
Height: 1.92 meters
Weight: 76 kilograms
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde, but usually dyed in the color of the week.
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 11 (+0)
Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 15 (+2)
Charisma: 13 (+1)
Vitality/Wounds: 48 / 11
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +3
Will: +7
Defense: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 Class)
Initiative: +5 (+2 Dex, +3 Class)
Attack Boni:
Melee: +4 (+0 Str, +4 Class)
Ranged: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Class)
Unarmed: +4
Taurus 22H: +6 (+2 within 50', +2 when aimed, +3 when braced, +1 if aimed and fired as full action [all boni cumulative]), Damage 3D4+1, Error 1, Threat 19-20, Ammo Capacity 8, Range Increment 45', Qualities and Mods: Advanced Aim, Rugged, Long Barrel, Magnum Chamber
Feats (-) and Abilities (

=Armor Group Profiency: (Light, Medium, Heavy)
=Weapon Group Profiency: (Melee, Handgun, Tactical)
=Professor: Spend action die. Grant benefits of one basic skill feat agent possesses to teammate. Use up to number of basic skill feats agent has. Lasts for current scene. Scientist's Core Ability.
=Learned: Gain 1 skill point every class level, must be spent on Knowledge. Also gain Scholarly feat.
=Ph.D. (Craft: Gunsmithing): Skill rank cap for selected Int-based skill increases to agent level + 10.
=Improvise: Gain +3 competence bonus to all skill checks for jury-rigged repairs and inspiration checks made to discover technological solution to a problem
=Research: Gain Basic or Advanced Skill Feat (Ordinary Past)
=Brilliant: Gain +1 Intelligence.
=Clever: Gain +1 bonus to all Int-based skill checks. Armorer's Core Ability.
=Engineer: Gain Advanced Skill Mastery (Grease Monkey).
=Field Test: May declare any one item Armorer has worked on for atleast a day as "Under test". Error range is decreased by 1 (Minimum 0).
-Grease Monkey: +2 bonus to all Electronics and Mechanics skill checks. Threat range for these skills increases by +1.
-Extra R&D Support: Gain 2 Gadget points.
-Scholarly: +2 bonus to all Concentration and Knowledge skill checks. Threat range for these skills increases by +1.
-Revolver Basics: Considered proficient with all revolvers. When using a revolver, gain benefits of Quick Reload and Marksman feats.
-Quick Reload (Revolver): May reload as free action once per round.
-Marksman (Revolver): Bonus from aiming and bracing increases by +1 each.
-Ordinary Past: +2 bonus to all Craft, Hobby and Profession skill checks. Threat range for these skills is increased by +1.
-Over Torque: With an hour of preparation, may enhance vehicle (Speed +50, Handling +4, Defense +2, Wound Points +20 or Hardness +2). Enhancements are stable for (total Mechanics bonus) minutes, after which they are rendered useless. Error range for all skill checks concerning the vehicle and attack rolls with vehicular weaponry is increased by 1. Error range may be returned to normal with one hour of maintenance.
-Advanced Skill Mastery (Grease Monkey): Bonus increase to +3, threat range 18-20. GC must spend additional action die for critical failure.
Skills: (rank, total bonus)
Appraise 5, 10
Concentration 4, 8, Threat 19-20
Computers 8, 13
Cryptography 10, 15
Cultures 4, 6
Craft (Gunsmithing) 18, 25, Threat 19-20
Craft (Machining) 4, 11, Threat 19-20
Demolitions 8, 13
Diplomacy 8, 9
Electronics 6, 14, Threat 18-20
Forgery 6, 11
Gather Information 4, 5
Hobby (Video Games) 5, 9, Threat 19-20
Knowledge (Game Theory) 5, 12, Threat 19-20
Knowledge (Politics) 5, 15, Threat 19-20
Knowledge (Espionage) 5, 12, Threat 19-20
Mechanics 8, 16, Threat 18-20
Profession (Mercenary) 7, 11, Threat 19-20
Search 6, 11
Sleight of Hand 6, 8
Surveillance 4, 6, Threat 18-20
BP Bonus: 24
GP Bonus: 10
Personal Gear: 69
27 Taurus Model 22H "Raging Hornet" (revolver)
2 laser sight
15 laptop, +3 power rating
4 entertainment suite
3 Materials to add Magnum Chamber to revover
6 Materials to add Long Barrel to revolver
6 60 shots of Hydrashok .22 Hornet
2 Tactical Briefcase
5 5x Speedloaders
Languages: English, German, French, Chinese, Portugese, Russian (all native)
Peter is the grandson of German Major Ernst Krueger who emigrated to Brazil shortly after the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany. Krueger had served in the Wehrmacht as Oberleutnant (Lieutenant 1st class), and although he was judged to be innocent of war crimes, he feared backlash. The Bundeswehr needed experienced - and politically clean - officers after the war, and Ernst was promoted to Major almost overnight. However, even that couldn't keep him; he deserted and quietly left the country with a few "old friends". He went undercover in Brazil and married a local woman. For the rest of his life, Ernst remained basically anonymous, unconvinced that the "good news" from Germany were permanent, or even entirely true - during the war, he had been one of the survivors of the firebombing of Dresden, and thus, his antipathy against the former Allies remained as long as he lived. Together with several other German officers who had come with him, Ernst's legacy was a small enclave of German-speaking Brazilians with no particular home country to call their own. Ernst's grandson, a young boy called Peter, took the most after Krueger. Calling himself "Hai" (Shark), he struck out as mercenary after his 16th birthday. "Hai" quickly made a reputation as being handy with everything more highbrow than a simple cleaning op, and some years later, at the end of the 80s, he was a well-known operator in the underworld, particularly as an explosives expert. By this time, he was approached by a splinter cell of the "Rote Armee Fraktion" (Red Army Faction), a German terrorist group. Peter was faced with a dilemma - although he had no emotional attachment to his grandfather's home country and was a bit of a closet anarchist, he could not ignore the potential of violence. His decision was made for him when he was contacted by the "Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz" (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution), Germany's premier counter-intelligence agency. They offered him a deal: Become a covert agent and rat out the terrorists in exchange for German citizenship, a job with the office and a little "sanitation" of his files. Peter agreed. Two days later, the splinter group had been apprehended in a surprise raid, and the prepared explosives were easily disarmed by "Hai".
For the next ten years, Peter worked for the office, using his considerable talents and knowledge to combat anti-government terrorist in Germany and abroad. Along the way, he picked up a Doctor's Degree in "Technische Informatik" (Practical Computer Science, focussing on hardware and low-level programming). He published several articles on bleeding edge cryptography, which brought him to the Agency's attention. Considering his rather unique skill set, he was brought into the fold at the turn of the Millenium and assigned to R&D, where he quickly established a reputation for "getting his hands dirty". He found that he rather liked the intense physical aspect of actual manual work, especially customizing firearms.
Peter's main character streak is his curiosity. Much of his time is taken up by reviewing data on recent political developments and correlating it with actions taken by the shadow community. Never ask him "What are the odds?" - he knows it. He considers firearms the ultimate mental exercise condensed into physical form, and his quest for the perfect gun continues. Peter's considerations tend to be a bit academic; he customizes his guns for maximum accuracy, but actual stopping power is secondary. He's also a bit of a videogamer, though he claims it's all just "research". He rarely sits around watching TV; he rather solders circuit boards, rushes through a workshop to craft new parts, or tries to get others to discuss this awesome idea of his. Unfortunately, Peter's ideas are the result of what appears to be either genius or a serious miswiring of his neural pathways; few Agency employees can follow his train of thought. Fortunately, the few that can usually work in R&D, so he doesn't have to deal with that particular problem too often. He's charming and attractive enough, but if left alone with a person for a few minutes, will soon begin to hold forth on one of his fields of expertise. On the upside, Peter projects the image of a smart guy, and his considerate discussion methods make him a good negotiator; on the downside, he sometimes gets too caught up in his own brilliance to notice when he's boring the other party to tears. Also, he takes a relatively dim view of the Agency's dress code, and his inner rebel compels him to resist it to the best of his ability. His superiors hope that by assigning him as liason to the Operations department, he will mellow out a bit and - more importantly - finally be out of their hair. (Though his efforts to prove that Solitaire really has a few decks that are unsolvable are appreciated by many of the office workers...)
Various Boni:
Hobby (Video Games): Negates some penalties for drone usage
Knowledge (Espionage): +2 bonus to disposition checks of intelligence/counter-intelligence operatives.
Knowledge (Game Theory): +1 bonus to all opposed skill checks
Knowledge (Politics): +2 bonus to disposition checks of politicians
Profession (Mercenary): +2 bonus to disposition checks of mercenaries and to checks to find and negotiate with arms dealers
(Edited by Dieter at 12:37 pm on May 10, 2005)
Robert "Owl" Moten
Department: The Basement
Class/Level: Pointman 5 / Troubleshooter 2
Age: 33
Height: 193cm
Weight: 91.17 kg
Photo: Link
Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 15 (+2)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 17 (+3)
Chr: 10 (+0)
Vitality: 58
Wounds: 12
Fort save: +6
Ref save: +7
Will save: +12
Defense: 15
Init: 5
Melee attack bonus: +5
Ranged attack bonus: +6
BP: 59
GP: 4
Action dice: 4 (d6)
Bureaucracy: 10 (+0)
Computers: 1 (+3)
Concentration: 5 (+3)
Demolitions: 1 (+3)
Gather Information: 10 (+0)
Knowledge (Criminology): 12 (+3)
Knowledge (Psychology): 10 (+3)
Knowledge (Law): 5 (+3)
Cultures: 5 (+3)
Listen: 5 (+3)
Profession (FBI Agent): 7 (+3)
Search: 10 (+3)
Sense Motive: 5 (+3)
Spot: 6 (+3)
Criminology: Deals with the more scientific side of police work, and less with the legal ramifications of the police. Psychology, forensics, and standard police techniques and tactics are the focus.
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Point Blank Shot
Police Training (+2 Bureaucracy, Demolitions, Surveillence, threat range 19-20)
Languages: (English, Arabic (MSA), Serbian, Hebrew, Spanish)
Class Feats:
Versatility: (Demolitions, Open Lock, Innuendo, Pilot, Language, Climb)
Assistance (1/2 time)
Resourceful (As free action, spend Action Die to make any one skill check. You are considered trained in the skill for the purpose of this check. Add bonus to this check equal to TS class level.)
Flexible (1/Serial) (At beginning of serial or during gearing up, choose one Basic Skill feat you meet prerequisites for. Gain that feat until end of serial.)
Sig P229: .40 caliber
17 BP / 1d12 / Error 1 / Threat 20 / Range increment 25 feet / Qualities: Discreet, Takedown / Weight: 2 lb. / Capacity: 12
MP5A3: 9mm
27 BP / -1 Accuracy / 1d10+1 damage / 1-2 error / Threat 20 / Range 30 / Qualities: Dependable, Composite, Single Shot capable, Integral muzzle brake / Capacity: 30 / Weight: 6 lb.
Switchblade: 5 BP (1d4)
Evidence: 2 BP
Laser sight (Sig P229): 2 BP
Silencer (MP5A3, standard): 2 BP
Shoulder holdster: 3 BP
Flashlight (Police issue): 1 BP
Lined Clothing (Dark grey business suit w/ white shirt, matching pants and blue tie): 1 GP
Robert Moten worked for the LAPD for 7 years, and was one of their best detectives, after graduating from University of California Irvine with a Bachelors in Criminology. He was eventually hired by the FBI, and worked for the Bureau for 2 years, where he was trained in intelligence gathering and surveillence. He was assigned to work as part of a task force investigating the Las Vegas incident, and managed to find evidence linking both Jessica Spiner and Artis Gossard to some mysterious paramilitary agency and to several similar incidents worldwide. The Agency, instead of simply killing him or destroying the evidence, hired him. He was, for reasons probably related to his method of entering the Agency, was railroaded into the Basement, where he's investigated and brought down several cults and other extreme elements over the past year. He's just recently managed to get enough pull to try to get into other assignments, and this is the first one.
He's a little odd (as most Basement operatives tend to be), but not totally out there (as some Basement operatives tend to be). The main thing that people find off about him is his strange body language and intense nature. His physical and speech habits are somewhat disconcerting, and keep people off balance. He's also an extremely intelligent person, and is even more intuitive than he is intelligent, which is sometimes more useful than what he knows. He's something of a modern Sherlock Holmes in his approach to investigations, but he's also proficient at reading people and also at dealing with any kind of bureaucratic issues. His main motivation on the job is the fact that he's finally getting to deal with the big fish he couldn't touch at the LAPD or even at the FBI, and getting to take them down.
Department: The Basement
Class/Level: Pointman 5 / Troubleshooter 2
Age: 33
Height: 193cm
Weight: 91.17 kg
Photo: Link
Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 15 (+2)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 17 (+3)
Chr: 10 (+0)
Vitality: 58
Wounds: 12
Fort save: +6
Ref save: +7
Will save: +12
Defense: 15
Init: 5
Melee attack bonus: +5
Ranged attack bonus: +6
BP: 59
GP: 4
Action dice: 4 (d6)
Bureaucracy: 10 (+0)
Computers: 1 (+3)
Concentration: 5 (+3)
Demolitions: 1 (+3)
Gather Information: 10 (+0)
Knowledge (Criminology): 12 (+3)
Knowledge (Psychology): 10 (+3)
Knowledge (Law): 5 (+3)
Cultures: 5 (+3)
Listen: 5 (+3)
Profession (FBI Agent): 7 (+3)
Search: 10 (+3)
Sense Motive: 5 (+3)
Spot: 6 (+3)
Criminology: Deals with the more scientific side of police work, and less with the legal ramifications of the police. Psychology, forensics, and standard police techniques and tactics are the focus.
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
Point Blank Shot
Police Training (+2 Bureaucracy, Demolitions, Surveillence, threat range 19-20)
Languages: (English, Arabic (MSA), Serbian, Hebrew, Spanish)
Class Feats:
Versatility: (Demolitions, Open Lock, Innuendo, Pilot, Language, Climb)
Assistance (1/2 time)
Resourceful (As free action, spend Action Die to make any one skill check. You are considered trained in the skill for the purpose of this check. Add bonus to this check equal to TS class level.)
Flexible (1/Serial) (At beginning of serial or during gearing up, choose one Basic Skill feat you meet prerequisites for. Gain that feat until end of serial.)
Sig P229: .40 caliber
17 BP / 1d12 / Error 1 / Threat 20 / Range increment 25 feet / Qualities: Discreet, Takedown / Weight: 2 lb. / Capacity: 12
MP5A3: 9mm
27 BP / -1 Accuracy / 1d10+1 damage / 1-2 error / Threat 20 / Range 30 / Qualities: Dependable, Composite, Single Shot capable, Integral muzzle brake / Capacity: 30 / Weight: 6 lb.
Switchblade: 5 BP (1d4)
Evidence: 2 BP
Laser sight (Sig P229): 2 BP
Silencer (MP5A3, standard): 2 BP
Shoulder holdster: 3 BP
Flashlight (Police issue): 1 BP
Lined Clothing (Dark grey business suit w/ white shirt, matching pants and blue tie): 1 GP
Robert Moten worked for the LAPD for 7 years, and was one of their best detectives, after graduating from University of California Irvine with a Bachelors in Criminology. He was eventually hired by the FBI, and worked for the Bureau for 2 years, where he was trained in intelligence gathering and surveillence. He was assigned to work as part of a task force investigating the Las Vegas incident, and managed to find evidence linking both Jessica Spiner and Artis Gossard to some mysterious paramilitary agency and to several similar incidents worldwide. The Agency, instead of simply killing him or destroying the evidence, hired him. He was, for reasons probably related to his method of entering the Agency, was railroaded into the Basement, where he's investigated and brought down several cults and other extreme elements over the past year. He's just recently managed to get enough pull to try to get into other assignments, and this is the first one.
He's a little odd (as most Basement operatives tend to be), but not totally out there (as some Basement operatives tend to be). The main thing that people find off about him is his strange body language and intense nature. His physical and speech habits are somewhat disconcerting, and keep people off balance. He's also an extremely intelligent person, and is even more intuitive than he is intelligent, which is sometimes more useful than what he knows. He's something of a modern Sherlock Holmes in his approach to investigations, but he's also proficient at reading people and also at dealing with any kind of bureaucratic issues. His main motivation on the job is the fact that he's finally getting to deal with the big fish he couldn't touch at the LAPD or even at the FBI, and getting to take them down.
Character Sheets are updated as of 4/20/05
Ilyanna "Thrush" Kinski
Age: 28
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 105lb
Hair: Varies
Eyes: Brown
Class: Faceman 7
Department: Academy, FSB
*4 extra VP at 1st level, one additional VP per level
*Free Covert Feat: Concealed Weapon
*+2 CHR
*+1 dept. bonus to initiatives. +1 at 4th level and every 4 after
Initiative: +10
Melee: +5
Ranged: +5
*Sig P229: .40 caliber
1d12 / Error 1 / Threat 20 / Range increment 25
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +3
Willpower: +5
Defense Bonus: +4
*Armor Proficiency (Light/Medium)
*Weapon Group Proficiencies (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle)
*Adaptable- CHR/WIS Checks get x2 dice when using an action point
*Linguist (3 languages), all spoken fluently without accent
*Cold Read- 1/chapter
*Backup- 1/chapter (can call in a friend to help, takes 1d6 hrs to arrive)
*Quick change- 2/chapter
*Fake It- 1/chapter (allows you re-roll a botched bluff/persuasion roll)
*Concealed Weapon- (+10 to sleight of hand checks to conceal a weapon)
*Career Operative- (+1 FORT, REF, WILL saves)
SKILLS: (in ranks)
*Bluff (7)
*Cultures (2)
*Diplomacy (3)
*Disguise (4)
*Driver (4)
*First Aid (2)
*Forgery (4)
*Gather Info (7)
*Innuendo (2)
*Listen (2)
*Open Lock (3)
*Perform (5)
*Search (6)
*Sense Motive (5)
*Sleight of Hand (3)
*Spot (5)
*Swim (1)
(Edited by Dieter at 2:24 pm on May 4, 2005)
Age: 28
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 105lb
Hair: Varies
Eyes: Brown
Class: Faceman 7
Department: Academy, FSB
*4 extra VP at 1st level, one additional VP per level
*Free Covert Feat: Concealed Weapon
*+2 CHR
*+1 dept. bonus to initiatives. +1 at 4th level and every 4 after
Initiative: +10
Melee: +5
Ranged: +5
*Sig P229: .40 caliber
1d12 / Error 1 / Threat 20 / Range increment 25
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +3
Willpower: +5
Defense Bonus: +4
*Armor Proficiency (Light/Medium)
*Weapon Group Proficiencies (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle)
*Adaptable- CHR/WIS Checks get x2 dice when using an action point
*Linguist (3 languages), all spoken fluently without accent
*Cold Read- 1/chapter
*Backup- 1/chapter (can call in a friend to help, takes 1d6 hrs to arrive)
*Quick change- 2/chapter
*Fake It- 1/chapter (allows you re-roll a botched bluff/persuasion roll)
*Concealed Weapon- (+10 to sleight of hand checks to conceal a weapon)
*Career Operative- (+1 FORT, REF, WILL saves)
SKILLS: (in ranks)
*Bluff (7)
*Cultures (2)
*Diplomacy (3)
*Disguise (4)
*Driver (4)
*First Aid (2)
*Forgery (4)
*Gather Info (7)
*Innuendo (2)
*Listen (2)
*Open Lock (3)
*Perform (5)
*Search (6)
*Sense Motive (5)
*Sleight of Hand (3)
*Spot (5)
*Swim (1)
(Edited by Dieter at 2:24 pm on May 4, 2005)