At the restaurant table
Everyone orders their appetizers and as the waiter brings around the ubiquitous basket of warm bread, Andrew's phone rings. He looks at Jess,
(OOC: Ok, Buzzard's interceptor is now in effect. What Harry hears will be in boldface italics)
Harry's dramatic performance of I gotta be me is broken into by the buzz of the vibrate setting on his phone.
"Nighthawk, this is Buzzard. I have a transmission go through on the principal's phone. Tapping you in..."
"Excuse me, my dear. This won't take but a moment."
(A female voice) Sir, I have one possible contact overseeing your dinner. Caucasian male, approximately 6 feet in height. Blond hair/blue eyes. He's in the bar and shouldn't pose too much of a threat for an extraction. Shall I move him to a secure area for questioning?
Andrew does the usual nodding and cursory scan of the dining area interspersed with an "uh huh" every now and then ending the conversation with a slightly unexpected remark.
"Very well. Wait for me. I'll be there shortly."
Understood. I'll wait for your signal...the usual I suppose?
Andrew closes up his phone then turns his full attention to Jess.
"I'm dreadfully sorry, but I have urgent business to look after. Hopefully this won't take too long and I shall be able to meet up with you before the beginning of the concert. I hope you do understand..."
James looks a bit disgusted at Andrew's remarks, but holds back any verbal spite.
-Andrew. I hope it's nothing too serious.
-No, it's just that we've run into a few possible unforseen problems with tomorrow's business transaction.
-Right, get to it then. I'll take care of things here. Call me when you have an update.
Andrew nods to Sedgewick then gently paws Jess' hand.
"Sorry melady. I hope this won't reflect too badly on the rest of the evening. I'm sure James and Samantha will be able to keep the conversation fresh and entertaining....Cheers."
He throws back what's left of his martini and makes with haste for the restaurant exit.
Just then, the female and her cohorts who were approaching Brian make their moves...
Birds of Prey
Jess steals a glance at the action, but as realisation sets in, she literally feels a rupture opening within herself. Everything within her screams to prepare her gun and help Brian out - but forgetting that she has a cover to uphold is the one favor her mind denies her.
Torn between the mission and her danger sense, all she manages is a weak smile towards James.
"Now, where were we ?"
Torn between the mission and her danger sense, all she manages is a weak smile towards James.
"Now, where were we ?"
(Ok, this is going to be pretty freaking trippy)
Artis notices that the two goons behind the female are armed with tazers. He decides to make a complete scene out of this. As the goons are about to shock the bejeesus out of the unexpecting Brian...Artis shouts out,
Artis runs out of the bar area as most of the bar flies react in a similar fashion. The two goons go for the Brian anyway since the mob scene would be an equally good cover for their malevolence...but this time Brian sees it coming.
(That's initiative folks...To be posted in the OOC thread)
Artis notices that the two goons behind the female are armed with tazers. He decides to make a complete scene out of this. As the goons are about to shock the bejeesus out of the unexpecting Brian...Artis shouts out,
Artis runs out of the bar area as most of the bar flies react in a similar fashion. The two goons go for the Brian anyway since the mob scene would be an equally good cover for their malevolence...but this time Brian sees it coming.
(That's initiative folks...To be posted in the OOC thread)
Sizing up the odds of him taking out two guys armed with tazers, Brian decides to go full defense and wade into the wave of people rushing out of the bar.
Artis, being one step ahead of the mad rush, exits the restaurant and begins to shadow Stewart. He appears to be heading for a service door nearby. Stewart swipes a card against a sensor plate near the doorknob and goes in.
The female and her accompanying brute squad momentarily stop at the table and James gives them a nod to head out. He then finishes what's left of his Martini with all the serenity of sipping a cocktail on a Mediterranean beach. James then turns to the Jess and Samantha.
"And you wonder why they think everyone in America is a stupid gun-toting cowboy. In 10 seconds this place is going to be mobbed with security and police. Shall we head out with the rest of the flock? I hear the hotel's buffet is quite nice. I mean, it's not here, but then again...I don't think we'll have anyone pulling out firearms during the appetizers."
James looks at his watch.
"We should have just enough time to eat and still be seated for the opening act."
Artis, being one step ahead of the mad rush, exits the restaurant and begins to shadow Stewart. He appears to be heading for a service door nearby. Stewart swipes a card against a sensor plate near the doorknob and goes in.
The female and her accompanying brute squad momentarily stop at the table and James gives them a nod to head out. He then finishes what's left of his Martini with all the serenity of sipping a cocktail on a Mediterranean beach. James then turns to the Jess and Samantha.
"And you wonder why they think everyone in America is a stupid gun-toting cowboy. In 10 seconds this place is going to be mobbed with security and police. Shall we head out with the rest of the flock? I hear the hotel's buffet is quite nice. I mean, it's not here, but then again...I don't think we'll have anyone pulling out firearms during the appetizers."
James looks at his watch.
"We should have just enough time to eat and still be seated for the opening act."
"Stewart entered a carded service door, I don't think he saw me following him. Should I try to follow him or head back?" I ask into my communicator. "Buzzard, can you find out where this door leads, and where Stewart might come out?"
"And who the hell were those goons?"
"And who the hell were those goons?"
Buzzard chimes in after Artis dispenses with his obscenities.
The building schematics show that the door he entered leads to a long causeway that runs along the entire axis of the hotel. I show at least 50 rooms down there.
The building schematics show that the door he entered leads to a long causeway that runs along the entire axis of the hotel. I show at least 50 rooms down there.
"Good idea."
Jess gets up and weighs her handbag, somewhat relieved when it confirms that she could be among the wolves if things get dirty.
Jess gets up and weighs her handbag, somewhat relieved when it confirms that she could be among the wolves if things get dirty.
As James, Jess, and Samantha file out of the restaurant a slew of law enforcement officials surround the place. Fortunately, they make it through the perimeter before the cops are able to bring things to order.
The trio go up a floor to the buffet-style restaurant. James palms the hostess a few bills and they are immediately escorted through the crowds to a waiting table.
At this point James excuses himself to the restrooms then uses his phone, apparently he is calling Andrew as the interceptor again activates.
J-Where are you?'
A-I'm in the corridor waiting for Alexa and her crew to get here with the principal.
J-I think you'll be waiting for a while because someone apparently saw Alexa go for the principal. Everything went to hell as soon as you left.
A-Damn. Where are you?
J-I'm at the food court upstairs. The ladies are still with thanks to you.
A-Fuck you. This wasn't my idea.
J-No, but things haven't been going right since you met that woman.
A-She's got nothing to do with this. It's just a case of bad coincidences.
J-I don't care. You'll have to lose her once we get through this evening. But first, I want you to investigate this latest "coincidence".
A-Too bad. I was really beginning to like her.
J-You of all people should know not to get too atttached to anything. Go back to the restaurant, tell that braindead friend of ours to show you to the security and look over the video taken during the scuffle. Then do a check on your flavor of the week, I have a good feeling she's not just a piece of ass.
A-I'm telling you, she's not one of us.
J-Just get it done and be quick about it. Then join us at the concert. You better call Tracy and Annie, because if my suspicions are right, we're going to need their services this evening.
James comes back to the table wearing the same smile he had when he left.
"So...ladies. What have we decided on? I hear the crepes are divine."
Meanwhile...back at the House of Blues
The two women get fairly close (about 75ft.) to Gavin. The older woman then gets a phone call.
Andrew-Hey good lookin'. It's me.
Tracy-Who?! Oh, hey. I'm in the middle of something. Can I call you right back?
A-No. JS is probably going to need you and Annie's services tonight.
T-Um..we're actually "on call" right now.
A-Really? What's going on?
T-I'll call you back.
The older puts her phone away as the two women approach Gavin.
Gavin has only a brief second to think up something.
Shit..this is not good.
The trio go up a floor to the buffet-style restaurant. James palms the hostess a few bills and they are immediately escorted through the crowds to a waiting table.
At this point James excuses himself to the restrooms then uses his phone, apparently he is calling Andrew as the interceptor again activates.
J-Where are you?'
A-I'm in the corridor waiting for Alexa and her crew to get here with the principal.
J-I think you'll be waiting for a while because someone apparently saw Alexa go for the principal. Everything went to hell as soon as you left.
A-Damn. Where are you?
J-I'm at the food court upstairs. The ladies are still with thanks to you.
A-Fuck you. This wasn't my idea.
J-No, but things haven't been going right since you met that woman.
A-She's got nothing to do with this. It's just a case of bad coincidences.
J-I don't care. You'll have to lose her once we get through this evening. But first, I want you to investigate this latest "coincidence".
A-Too bad. I was really beginning to like her.
J-You of all people should know not to get too atttached to anything. Go back to the restaurant, tell that braindead friend of ours to show you to the security and look over the video taken during the scuffle. Then do a check on your flavor of the week, I have a good feeling she's not just a piece of ass.
A-I'm telling you, she's not one of us.
J-Just get it done and be quick about it. Then join us at the concert. You better call Tracy and Annie, because if my suspicions are right, we're going to need their services this evening.
James comes back to the table wearing the same smile he had when he left.
"So...ladies. What have we decided on? I hear the crepes are divine."
Meanwhile...back at the House of Blues
The two women get fairly close (about 75ft.) to Gavin. The older woman then gets a phone call.
Andrew-Hey good lookin'. It's me.
Tracy-Who?! Oh, hey. I'm in the middle of something. Can I call you right back?
A-No. JS is probably going to need you and Annie's services tonight.
T-Um..we're actually "on call" right now.
A-Really? What's going on?
T-I'll call you back.
The older puts her phone away as the two women approach Gavin.
Gavin has only a brief second to think up something.
Shit..this is not good.
"Buzzard, did you get that? Stewart's going for the security tapes. Can you fuzz them out, or loop them, or something from where you are? H-bird, I don't think we need to recapture Stewart. James is a few more rungs up the ladder than Andy is. I'm thinking we need to redirect our plan towards tailing him."
Back inside the HoB
Tracy and Annie approach Gavin. He's seen the looks in their eyes. He knows the look in their eyes...and that's not a good thing.
At least Gavin is ready for 'em. He pushes the panic button alert (PBA) on his communicator.
Fuck...this is gonna hurt.
"Hi ladies. What can I...."
He interrupts his smooth talking with some kung-fu action, punching Tracy in the face and spinning around with a heel kick to Annie's head. Both kicks draw blood from the ladies...and (who'd thunk it?) aren't too pleased with Gavin's introduction.
Annie pulls a switchblade on Gavin, slicing him twice across the mid-section as Tracy replies with her own series of punches and kicks. Gavin sees the punch coming but fails to see the follow-up knee to the solarplexus.
He's hurt, but far from out of the game...he just shouldn't keep these dance partners for too long.
As for the rest of the members of the team, their panic-button alerts go off.
Harry appears to completely immersed in his stunning rendition of New York, New York and fails to see the notice of his teammate's call for help.
Brian somehow finds Artis (chalk it up to his craftyness as a professional killer) as their PBA's go off.
Jess, while having seconds on the Maine lobster, notices her PBA light flash on her phone.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:58 pm on Dec. 3, 2002)
Tracy and Annie approach Gavin. He's seen the looks in their eyes. He knows the look in their eyes...and that's not a good thing.
At least Gavin is ready for 'em. He pushes the panic button alert (PBA) on his communicator.
Fuck...this is gonna hurt.
"Hi ladies. What can I...."
He interrupts his smooth talking with some kung-fu action, punching Tracy in the face and spinning around with a heel kick to Annie's head. Both kicks draw blood from the ladies...and (who'd thunk it?) aren't too pleased with Gavin's introduction.
Annie pulls a switchblade on Gavin, slicing him twice across the mid-section as Tracy replies with her own series of punches and kicks. Gavin sees the punch coming but fails to see the follow-up knee to the solarplexus.
He's hurt, but far from out of the game...he just shouldn't keep these dance partners for too long.
As for the rest of the members of the team, their panic-button alerts go off.
Harry appears to completely immersed in his stunning rendition of New York, New York and fails to see the notice of his teammate's call for help.
Brian somehow finds Artis (chalk it up to his craftyness as a professional killer) as their PBA's go off.
Jess, while having seconds on the Maine lobster, notices her PBA light flash on her phone.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:58 pm on Dec. 3, 2002)
Gavin looks at the ladies.
"So, you lasses want to dance, do ya?
Tracy smirks a bit then looks at Annie,
"No, we just want to talk...that's all.", readying her next strike against him.
Gavin cracks a smile,
"This a friggin' funny way of doin' it, dontcha think? Save you breath for coolin' your porridge...."
With that, Gavin lays into them. He hits Tracy in the jaw while elbowing Annie across the temple.
Tracy holds her chin slightly then cracks her head back to relieve some of the pain. It wasn't that hard of hit, but obviously it was enough to infuriate her.
"Annie, put the blade'll leave stains. It seems our friend here's got a bit of boxer in him. Watch out for company while I teach why it's not nice to hit a lady."
Tracy stretches a bit then feigns an attack against Gavin. At the same time, Annie comes from behind with a tazer.
"What the..."
Annie jabs it into his ribs, the jolt being completely unexpected. Gavin collapses to the floor like a marionette with its strings cut.
On the other end of the open channel, Gavin's transmission crackles for an instant then goes silent. A few second later, a female voice comes over the line.
"Hello. Whoever you are, your boy was quite the fighter. Tell your boss that next time we won't leave a warm body to find. Cheers."
The line goes dead again as Harry's rendition of New York, New York -finally- ends. He stops to wait for the usually golf-clap from Gavin, but this time hears nothing. He shouts out into the audience area.
"Hey, a show of a little love up here?? Heron?...Gavin?! Team, this is Nighthawk. Heron's was here looking the place over but now will not respond. I'm gonna try and find him."
"So, you lasses want to dance, do ya?
Tracy smirks a bit then looks at Annie,
"No, we just want to talk...that's all.", readying her next strike against him.
Gavin cracks a smile,
"This a friggin' funny way of doin' it, dontcha think? Save you breath for coolin' your porridge...."
With that, Gavin lays into them. He hits Tracy in the jaw while elbowing Annie across the temple.
Tracy holds her chin slightly then cracks her head back to relieve some of the pain. It wasn't that hard of hit, but obviously it was enough to infuriate her.
"Annie, put the blade'll leave stains. It seems our friend here's got a bit of boxer in him. Watch out for company while I teach why it's not nice to hit a lady."
Tracy stretches a bit then feigns an attack against Gavin. At the same time, Annie comes from behind with a tazer.
"What the..."
Annie jabs it into his ribs, the jolt being completely unexpected. Gavin collapses to the floor like a marionette with its strings cut.
On the other end of the open channel, Gavin's transmission crackles for an instant then goes silent. A few second later, a female voice comes over the line.
"Hello. Whoever you are, your boy was quite the fighter. Tell your boss that next time we won't leave a warm body to find. Cheers."
The line goes dead again as Harry's rendition of New York, New York -finally- ends. He stops to wait for the usually golf-clap from Gavin, but this time hears nothing. He shouts out into the audience area.
"Hey, a show of a little love up here?? Heron?...Gavin?! Team, this is Nighthawk. Heron's was here looking the place over but now will not respond. I'm gonna try and find him."
Brain looks down at the "mayday" signal flashing as he catches up with Artis, straightening his tie, which was halfway around his neck in the ensuing shuffle. Checking to make sure the NATO 9mm was still safely secured to his back, he nodded.
"Thanks for that. So, we're locked out, old man Stewart has goons, and everything's just hit the fan...good news is they aren't on to our ladyfriend yet."
"Thanks for that. So, we're locked out, old man Stewart has goons, and everything's just hit the fan...good news is they aren't on to our ladyfriend yet."
Harry finds Gavin just as the tazer's stun effects begin to wear off. Gavin starts to get up as he sees Harry trudging his way ready to blast anything that remotely looks hostile.
"...h...h...Harry...o...o..over here!"
Gavin looks like he was mauled by a pit bull, the blood from Annie's knife attacks having soaked through his shirt and the bruises from Tracy's blows begin to purple.
"Damn. What the hell happened to you?!"
Harry radios to the rest of the team.
"Guys, I've found Heron. He looks like he got the crap kicked out of him, but appears to be no worse for wear."
The rest of the team (minus Jess) arrives at the HoB shortly thereafter.
At the hotel buffet
Jess, having pensively observed the distress signal on her phone for a good 10 minutes, gets up.
"Excuse me. It looks like I have a message on my phone. I shan't be long."
She goes to a secure location near the kitchen and checks in with the team.
"...h...h...Harry...o...o..over here!"
Gavin looks like he was mauled by a pit bull, the blood from Annie's knife attacks having soaked through his shirt and the bruises from Tracy's blows begin to purple.
"Damn. What the hell happened to you?!"
Harry radios to the rest of the team.
"Guys, I've found Heron. He looks like he got the crap kicked out of him, but appears to be no worse for wear."
The rest of the team (minus Jess) arrives at the HoB shortly thereafter.
At the hotel buffet
Jess, having pensively observed the distress signal on her phone for a good 10 minutes, gets up.
"Excuse me. It looks like I have a message on my phone. I shan't be long."
She goes to a secure location near the kitchen and checks in with the team.
House of Blues, Backstage: 9:44pm PST
It's about 45 minutes before Harry goes on stage and the tension is mounting. The early crowd begins to file into the audience area and the sound/light technicians are finishing up the final touches.
Gavin goes back to the room and changes clothes while the rest of the team tries to prepare for what is to come.
It's about 45 minutes before Harry goes on stage and the tension is mounting. The early crowd begins to file into the audience area and the sound/light technicians are finishing up the final touches.
Gavin goes back to the room and changes clothes while the rest of the team tries to prepare for what is to come.
Gavin pulls out his Agency phone, dials the home office, and cradles it against his shoulder as he buttons up a clean dress shirt. Once he makes contact, he relates physical descriptions of the two women who attacked him and reports the incident.
A few minutes after Gavin places his call, information is uploaded to him.
Anne (Annie) and Tracy Lockhart
Annie and Tracy are the products of a mispent childhood at Fort Bragg, NC. Raised by their paternal uncle, Lt. Gen. Max Lockhart, they both had an education in military training/warfare by the age of 16. After General Lockhart was tragically killed in a live-fire exercise in 1987, the two have had to make do with what they knew. Since then, they have held jobs as mercenaries and guns for hire.
*Currently wanted for questioning by Interpol*
Anne (Annie) and Tracy Lockhart
Annie and Tracy are the products of a mispent childhood at Fort Bragg, NC. Raised by their paternal uncle, Lt. Gen. Max Lockhart, they both had an education in military training/warfare by the age of 16. After General Lockhart was tragically killed in a live-fire exercise in 1987, the two have had to make do with what they knew. Since then, they have held jobs as mercenaries and guns for hire.
*Currently wanted for questioning by Interpol*
House of Blues, 10:28pm PST
Everyone is positioned and seated at their respective places. Jess sits with Samantha and James, Andrew is nowhere in sight.
Artis sits with Gavin at a table behind them. They go over exit plans as the announcer comes over the PA.
Ladies and Gentleman...Bob Watley as Frank Sinatra
The house lights dim as a spotlight is beamed onto the stage. A quiet calm settles over the audience as the music to New York, New York begins playing in the background.
Out walks Harry,
Start spreading the news...
Seconds later, Artis spots Andrew arriving in a hurried fashion. Pushing past some of the security, giving one of them a chop to the throat in the process, he makes his way to Jess' table. He sits down and starts talking to James.
Everyone is positioned and seated at their respective places. Jess sits with Samantha and James, Andrew is nowhere in sight.
Artis sits with Gavin at a table behind them. They go over exit plans as the announcer comes over the PA.
Ladies and Gentleman...Bob Watley as Frank Sinatra
The house lights dim as a spotlight is beamed onto the stage. A quiet calm settles over the audience as the music to New York, New York begins playing in the background.
Out walks Harry,
Start spreading the news...
Seconds later, Artis spots Andrew arriving in a hurried fashion. Pushing past some of the security, giving one of them a chop to the throat in the process, he makes his way to Jess' table. He sits down and starts talking to James.
If I can make it there...I can make it....ANYWHERE!
As Harry belts out a decent rendition of Frank's best, Jess finds it hard to pick up the conversation between James and Andrew. At this point she's glad she took those extra classes in lip reading at the academy.
J-So, what did you find out?
A-Well, it took a while...but the techs were able to filter out all the static in the recording.
A-Yeah, apparently someone conveniently scrambled that segment of the entire recording.
James leans back on his chair slightly showing a noticably contemptable face. He then moves back to Andrew.
J-Tell me you were able to track it back to the source?
A-No problem, Jim. Annie and Tracy and "fixing it" as we speak.
J-(Slightly grinning) Good. So, this leads me back to original question. What did you find out?
A-It turns out that the guy had a buddy working the bar with him. He's the one that yelled.
J-Who are they and why were that at the restaurant at precisely the same time we were?
A-I don't know. I have Jeffrey working on it right now. He's supposed to get back to me soon.
J-Very well. Have a seat and say hello to your woman. She seems to not enjoy my company as much as yours.
With that Andrew takes a chair next to Jess and gives her a peck on the cheek.
"Hello darling. Did you miss me? I'm sorry about all the interruptions as of late. I'll make it up to you."
The song ends as the crowd goes wild over Harry's performance. As everyone is clapping, Jess pans her head from the stage over to Artis. For some reason, he seems to have that "deer in headlights" look. And as Jess swings her head over to Andrew, ready keep her act up with him, she notices Andrew's eyes affixed on Artis and Gavin's table.
As Harry belts out a decent rendition of Frank's best, Jess finds it hard to pick up the conversation between James and Andrew. At this point she's glad she took those extra classes in lip reading at the academy.
J-So, what did you find out?
A-Well, it took a while...but the techs were able to filter out all the static in the recording.
A-Yeah, apparently someone conveniently scrambled that segment of the entire recording.
James leans back on his chair slightly showing a noticably contemptable face. He then moves back to Andrew.
J-Tell me you were able to track it back to the source?
A-No problem, Jim. Annie and Tracy and "fixing it" as we speak.
J-(Slightly grinning) Good. So, this leads me back to original question. What did you find out?
A-It turns out that the guy had a buddy working the bar with him. He's the one that yelled.
J-Who are they and why were that at the restaurant at precisely the same time we were?
A-I don't know. I have Jeffrey working on it right now. He's supposed to get back to me soon.
J-Very well. Have a seat and say hello to your woman. She seems to not enjoy my company as much as yours.
With that Andrew takes a chair next to Jess and gives her a peck on the cheek.
"Hello darling. Did you miss me? I'm sorry about all the interruptions as of late. I'll make it up to you."
The song ends as the crowd goes wild over Harry's performance. As everyone is clapping, Jess pans her head from the stage over to Artis. For some reason, he seems to have that "deer in headlights" look. And as Jess swings her head over to Andrew, ready keep her act up with him, she notices Andrew's eyes affixed on Artis and Gavin's table.
"He's a rather good singer for an amateur, don't you think ?"
Andrew looks obviously distracted,
He scratches the back of his head in what appears to be utter puzzlement of the situation.
"Oh...the singer?! Oh yeah...he's pretty good, I suppose. I saw Sinatra in Vegas years ago on one of his fairwell tours. You can't top the real thing."
As Harry starts up with another song, James leans over to Samantha and whispers something in her ear. She nods and James gets up from the table.
That old black magic has me in its spell...
(Edited by Dieter at 4:02 pm on Dec. 10, 2002)
He scratches the back of his head in what appears to be utter puzzlement of the situation.
"Oh...the singer?! Oh yeah...he's pretty good, I suppose. I saw Sinatra in Vegas years ago on one of his fairwell tours. You can't top the real thing."
As Harry starts up with another song, James leans over to Samantha and whispers something in her ear. She nods and James gets up from the table.
That old black magic has me in its spell...
(Edited by Dieter at 4:02 pm on Dec. 10, 2002)